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Everything posted by Wes

  1. What I'm saying is that this isn't really making Collegehumor any money, so they themselves can't put too much into it. And we have no reason to think CN could do better.
  2. It's done to show how little he really knew despite his research. The audience could clearly put two-and-two together while he had to learn the hard way. Everything happened too quick to amend his comments formally. Again we should have gotten a week of post-apocalyptic action.
  3. Wow. Nice. I'm definitely seeing this. I liked the "What bus driver?!" *BAM!* part.
  4. I always wondered...
  5. I just don't want to have to check all my logic at the door. It's how that baggage gets lost or stolen. Doesn't have to be perfect but a decent attempt. Like anyone seen 28 Weeks Later? I'm not a sniper but I've seen some Marine snipers and when the Rage virus was going all out and they were dropping people that seemed like believable rational strategy. Not necessarily everything else in the move but you see where I'm going?
  6. This was more The Omega Man than The Last Man on Earth. His home looks alot like the Omega one, and wasn't he cruising in a mustang in that one as well? The infected had some kind of pack-mentality though and if they had the ability to say words they didn't unlike the other versions. I enjoyed it, but it seemed too quick for my survior-horror hopes. The timespan of the movie's only about 3 days if you exclude the flashbacks. I personally liked his bacon rant. Like Roy said it was a poster with a Memorial-Day release date but an obscure year. They did show a teaser for the new Batman movie with actual footage which was nice.
  7. Wow someone should show that guy how not to suck and make the same errors repeatedly. Hacking a game isn't nearly as easy as it sounds. About every system has it's own processes of working with whatever hardware it uses. Those people who've worked on emulation of the system knows that best. I doubt there's many people who have bothered with it. Something like the NES is alot easier because it's been around forever and so many people have played it there's far more an interest in hacking and emulation. You can find a ton of edits of those games. Even very popular recent stuff take alot longer. I've heard of SNES games taking a year to hack and translate. I think it's taken at least that long for Mother 3 so far for the Gameboy Advance and there's been alot of demand for that. These projects have multiple people What I'm saying is that you'd better really love this game because a hack will take at least a year, two if you're not experienced. It's not something you can do on weekends for a month or two.
  8. Great let's make a perfectly good thread NSFW.
  9. I had a hard time getting past the David and Goliath pic. This could do more damage to Christianity than the Golden Compass (not meaning to start flamewar, j/k with current drama)
  10. I got them working like Highlander-type immortals - they can reanimate if they got the right stuff. Didn't Claire had her head stabbed, and Peter a piece of glass in his head? Once removed, they're back. Then they're like zombie where you got to destroy the brain significantly or something to stay dead. I'm sure once the oxygen runs out he'll just pass out and not suffer too much. We'll probably see him again. I wish they'd taken him out. He was supposed to be so tough then he didn't even get in one fight, except Hiro in the past.
  11. They've had live action stuff, all of it sucked. I doubt CollegeHumor's making money off of this other than the add space on top. If they redid it for 13 episodes with more stuff it'd be really good, though I don't see it ever happening.
  12. Whatever happened to reflex(or was it reaction?) armor like Focker used in the naval battle in M0? I thought it was understood that a nicer-looking variant was used in the VF-1, or was that just the 'armored' variant as it was? I kinda got the impression that would be important.
  13. I got a ton of Wii games thru the deals going on recently. I've played a little of Super Paper Mario, and I was just playing the Umbrella Chronicles. Pretty fun shooter, and it can be 2-player. I hate trying to shake the controller back-and-forth because it doesn't always work right.
  14. RDF-HQ reject.
  15. Kellog's lobbying efforts have damned the show. They even have Parkman forcing Molly to eat the stuff!
  16. They answered that in the first episode, or implied it anyway. The company fixed him up and shipped him there with the illusion-girl in hopes of using him(again). Then he breaks out and kills people(again). Maybe that's why Mohinder's getting all chummy with those guys, they think at the same speed. At least they put him in the middle of nowhere. Again the company needs to leave the show. They just seem less and less scary. The only reason I'm thinking they kept Noah was not because he's loyal because he was one of two guys they had with the balls to kill someone else, and he killed the other one. That electric-girl was filling that role, but she's now just turning into another emokid that could actually hurt someone other than herself. I thought it was because of the guilt he felt over killing all those people he never let it heal. It was more a personal choice. Hiro could still take his Quickening either way.
  17. Boring show is boring. Had too many times where there just was nothing happening. They got stuck on an island - twice?! Just don't watch it if you're expecting some awesome sub battles. You'll get two I think.
  18. Who knew it'd be this popular? I think Nintendo was the most suprised. Yeah you get into debates with those Ebayers, I'm not even gonna start. Best thing I can say is you're spending time or money. The Ebayers have spent the time, so you spend the money if you want to get one stress-free. There are some tricks to it. Try Sam's Club(on the Costco thing, haven't seen one near me, but I haven't updated my Sam's Club thing in forever. It's hard for a single man to get $40+ worth in savings...) as they were often overlooked, but not much anymore. Then try online retailers, checking once a day around noon. I think that's when Amazon and some others like to update. Or just get a bundle. I got one from CircuitCity, just returned the extra stuff and I got my Wii. If it's the thought that counts, you're not putting alot of 'thought' into it if you're just walking to the store!
  19. How is this a spoiler? It's obvious to anyone who's seen two minutes of this show. They only have ~45 min, they can't show everyone every run. Though I guess people want to see him because he's actually interesting and Mohinder's spanking him in the Lack Of Common Sense Olympics now. And the commercial makes it look like Sylar gets Clair's blood and he's fixed again. I hope not he's pretty lame now. Just have zombie outbreak next season it'll be more amusing and just as scarry. (Weren't they gonna have a zombie series once? Oh well...) I'm hoping Claire dies because I'm tired of her LOL DRAMA stuff, Bob too because "the company" doesn't seem to have too much of a point right now and so little bite that could leave it up to a more interesting group to be created. Overall I did like this season alot. Hopefully the finale doesn't come off short and they have a decent (5 min+) fight at the end. The fights overall have been weak, and I know they have a TV budget but Nissan should be springing for some better action than this. Who gets comic books for the dialog anyway? They'd be books then!
  20. I spent more than I've ever done on Black Friday. I got an awesome deal on a Samsung monitor I didn't think would reach that price for another year, and I had a GC. Thing's brighter than the sun and almost as big as my old TV. And I got the the Super Mario Galaxy for 35$, 2nd to last copy I didn't think I would pull that off. Got TWO UPS's, they were just so darn cheap and I've been waiting on them to come down so cheap for 2 years. I also got some good deals for my family's christmas stuff. It was busier than I thought. Started as Circuit City 30min before opening thinking everyone would be at BestBuy but they were wiser than I thought and the line was behind the building by then. Staples was busier than I thought, but they had good stuff there too. Overall the lines were very civil. Was able to joke with alot of them.
  21. David I disagree. If fansubs are an issue it's proff that they don't bother those interested in subs that much. Aparently the distrubutors think they can get more people to get behind it if it's dubbed, but that's wasting 80% of effort on 20% of the audience, which probably won't buy that much even then. Azrael I think you're off - it isn't instant access, it's low cost. Shoot I'm a big deal hunter. I won't pay retail for a game, I buy my electronics only if they've had at least a 50% drop in price from their introduction and then lower than that if I can haggle it. And although alot don't go to my depth many more are looking for a deal (and taking some of mine before I can grab them the jerks ). It's this mentality I realize that let's there be more "Made in Japan" than "Made in America" out there and we do suffer when we don't take quality into consideration, I try to. But industries have to take into consideration the quality of their products. I mean that's what happened with the music-sharing phenomenon. Most people can tell that CDs are far superior in quality to mp3's, but if you download that album and only like 2 songs on it, you're not going to buy that whole thing. Technology has created far more savy buyers. And I think that's one thing the article is off on - good that they hit on that you shouldn't blame downloaders when your profit projections fall thru, but people are willing to pay for really good stuff at reasonable prices. Neither producers nor consumers should get too greedy.
  22. signed. Doubt the writers would listen. Any wonder why the rest of us don't care about their strike?
  23. I doubt it. Remember the pre-Macross Zero talk? We had people saying they'd get something the day of release out and translated. Then it took months to get a decent sub. But that was released irregularly so it shouldn't be too bad this time. Although I'd hope for some Evil-Genius/Berserk like treatment I wouldn't expect it. its comments like that that reminds me why there's a baseball bat in my car.
  24. Then somone give Hellsing a call and tell'em we got a vampire they need to drop. End it once and for all. Yeah you got my point right, because of the previous OMG SPOILERS stuff I didn't know if it was cool to just be direct, but some of that stuff I think is overused. I wonder if even Moore really knew what he was doing with the 'Final Five' especially when calling them that. Seeing as that should mean they were the last ones made. Last one's revealed is kinda retarded, and they'd be 1-5 if they were the first right? I just really don't know where he's going with it though. If they really are 'aliens' or what not he kept it good and hidden from Osmos or we know he wouldn't be doing this show still. Although they have those comercials with Tigh pointing a gun at him so maybe... It could also be that they were an advanced cyborg-race that the Kobol-humans made then they rebeled and that's why they left for the colonies, then when the tin-can cylons rebeled they showed up and help them.
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