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Everything posted by Wes

  1. No no of COURSE they shouldn't make anymore. Who wants anyone of that macross crap anyways?!
  2. More like if you're jailbait you're getting a shower scene.
  3. The only one that I bought mainly because of look was the NES-style GBA-SP. The original was good but had those lighting deals, plus no chargable batteries. The style was beautiful. I don't play enough games to justify it, except I've been hitting Gunbound so hard right now for some reason I close my eyes and start seeing those power-angle-wind corrections.
  4. I don't even have my own space at work. I just show up, do my thing, then go.
  5. Yeah I don't see much in this. It's got me looking more towards Lost now. Lost.
  6. Jeez and they did the same thing on the new Justice League cartoon, and on an episode of ATHF. Again I have little sympathy for the writers striking, but this guy is releasing his stuff for free so that's cool I just want to go to where I can actually get a Valk. And make it with hot alien chicks. Because isn't that what man has dreamed of since looking up at the stars!? ... Kiff I'm talking to you!
  7. KazaaLite MegaCodec pack is your friend.
  8. Pineapple salad is HIGHLY overated.
  9. Of course they were - the appropriate Festivus gift! Why do you think the episode was released when it was?
  10. Yeah man it's takining like 2 min for me to get to threads it's like I'm on dialup here *Wes looks right on mother's comp to see phone line in computer* OH YEAH...
  11. No you moron it isn't a harem-type show. Anything anime-related gets a bad rep for that mess. Plus if it's more than just 1 guy X girls in the mix it just gets too freaky. I mean we were all kinda worried about how Yukikaze was going to end up there. It's bad enough how much jail-bait they always seem to turn the female lead into in Macross, it doesn't need to be worse.
  12. Green haired chicks...annoying?! SIR YOU EDGE ON BLASPHEME! Quiet plebian! Yoko Kanno's brilliance is wasted on you. ...uhhhh, isn't that the definition of selfishness, not caring about others? I think the problem with Destroids is two-fold, like stated, of size and deployment. They're usually to big to move through city streets and usually tear them up. When the whole point of streets is to get stuff moving. And they're alot larger than roads, so bridges would be an issue. Tanks are big and heavy but are alot smaller than destroids. They move too slow too so it takes forever to get them where they need to be. If they did like the Konig Monster off the game and had a transformation mainly for speedy deployment that'd work out nice. The City 7 stuff might have been made totally in-house and have not gotten out to the fleets yet. I'm probably sure that we'll see them, but if you remember those old men and the Monster in Macross 7 you'll understand why they probably will use them sparringly.
  13. ...comon, you don't have to be in it all for the porn. If push comes to shove just hope it becomes popular enough and she might show up in Playboy, like it worked out for BSG.
  14. Got nothing good. Only Kawamori loves me aparently... But I'm an adult, so I got myself a 24" Samsung monitor from the Black Friday sales and a few Wii games.
  15. Typically fighters all have 3-letter identifiers. The first number typically tells what the planes mission is, like 1 is strike and 9 is special ops or something. Then the last two tell it's place in the squad or flight group. So that ship was probably a strike fighter and the 17th ship in that squad. It's been awhile since I've looked at that so I don't know for sure.
  16. So now, what, is it going to be revealed that the reason the Megaroad-1 went 'missing' was because of corporate greed targeted the primary shareholder of the francehise, Minmay, for elimination, paving the way of their chinese-food monopoly throughout the galaxy? ONLY the job wasn't finished and now Minmay's summoned long-dead Protoculture technology to get her revenge? Which is why that red ship stopped attacking military-strategic targets and went after Ranka, the already-thought-of successor to her line? That's crazy talk and you all are crazy for thinking such crazy things.
  17. Geez do I really need to read every comic book to follow these threads?! I never got money for that as a kid...
  18. Just saw it. I'm thankful that there's a subbed Youtube version even as bad as it is out there, as my parents are still in the dial-up age and I can't get a better version until I go home. I don't get the harsh critisium of Sheryl though. Just one episode we can only tell so much. I know even as much as I fly I'm still amazed at what I can see. I particually like seeing every star in the sky at night. And it wasn't like she could do much for the people either, and it seemed like there were issues that would probably be revealed later as to why her security shouldn't be compromised. So what's up with Ranka ? That SMS squad leader seems to be a relation of hers, but again bad subs so I can't tell. If she's supposed to be a singer soon too I want dueling banjo/singing-stuff between her and Sheryl. I think the best part of the show I don't think people touched on was the lighting. It was constantly flawless in my opinion compaired to what you usually see in anime today. Usually they are colored the same in all lights which looks lazy. Whereas people were complaining about changing hair colors I think it was all intentional due to lighting.(hey mine's blond in bright like brown in dark). I noticed the episode was in a twilight-light setting, don't know if that's supposed to be foretelling or it just worked that way but it really stood out for me. I don't know if the President "expecting" the fighters is really that special. I think they were just thinking that such was to be expected eventually or if someone else ran into them. SMS was called obviously because the regular army wasn't that great. Though yeah they could be in on it too.
  19. If the world has ended all you got is time.
  21. Yes I remember this and I've been kinda looking into how you mod a Xbox to play Jap region games (but not really I'm busy). This and Ninja Gaiden were the only reasons I wanted that thing.
  22. From what I get from you jenius you're saying it doesn't matter who get's stinking rich off of the stuff because the creator can't. What I'm getting from Hurin is that he was pretty much cheated out of a very valuable commodity, because he got so little money where so much was made. I got to say I agree with Hurin on that.
  23. It's out, impressions? Not bad visuals, but they need a new voice actor.
  24. I played the first Duke game as it was freeware. It was pretty lame, then they gave him the tough-guy deal
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