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Everything posted by Wes

  1. So do we even have an air date yet? Not just month?
  2. ...we're on a messageboard based off obsessing about tiny details of an anime series that gets updated every five years or so. No internet-coolguys around here. I for one am happy to see "new" things from a series related to Macross due to shotgun-wedding ...your farts generate enough thrust for powered flight?!
  3. This show's still going on?! http://www.surfthechannel.com/
  4. Like stated earlier it could happen if you have DSL or another connection that uses dyanmic IP. I've been having issues getting that for the first time and I'd get my connection knocked off for a second, then I'd have to logon again due to the new IP. Now it's fine
  5. Well it wasn't loved by much anyone. In Japan Macross has had resonable success to keep it going, and Mospeada has had a cult following about half as strong as Earthbound here. Overseas mirrors these in this case, of course that isn't always true.
  6. How can you forget about those rebel scum? Besides it'll be David Prowse suiting up!
  7. Is nano-tech the answer to everything? Even though it's still very much in its infancy? I mainly saw it because it followed the American Gladiator finals. Hasselholf coming back was predicable but funny. So will this be a full series?
  8. I thought that the flowers were spread in the final blast and the four winds of the planet, if you will. Thus the spread allowed there to be plenty for all.
  9. I'm still waiting for that "Spaceballs" sequel Mel Brooks was talking about.
  10. In the first case, all you should need is a canadian proxy. On the second case there are plenty of people that make programs to let you copy (though I don't have a PSP so I haven't messed with it). The general population has no real problem getting this stuff to happen but you need to do some research to learn. If you're like my mom and still have issues getting CD's onto an MP3 player then it's not going to happen.
  11. I wasn't expecting more episodes of Jericho but I was hoping for some confirmation that it survived the strike as well as it's first cancellation. If the seven episodes they just started running get decent ratings it stands a chance. But I wonder if the first 3 of those getting "leaked" will serve to promote the short season or kill it fast. I am sad to hear about Scrubs. You'd think they'd extend a show that has been so successful and give it even more episodes, but then again they'd probably have to write alot of new contracts and whatnot.
  12. That's what the link was for, but there was some stuff in their forum talking about a possible 3rd movie. The guy said he wanted to make it set in Russia or something. Zombie movies aren't supposed to make sense, but they should remember their own "zombie mythos" or whatever. Like I said earlier they didn't.
  13. Thanks for that I found it really amusing.
  14. And I was about to say...there was already a sequel... I hope it isn't going to take a que from the "* of the Dead" series but buck the name-time trend. While I like the series I was mad at the stuff they changed and I don't want them to make it follow the same evolution in story as those and the RE movies. More like the RE games would be great. When are they going to make that Fatal Frame movie?!
  15. I think I'm liking Guile most. They're having they're whole series moment and he's like "All you orientals look alike!" The reason why this one was short is they're going to have to have more time for the final fight (hopefully). The thing that bugged me the most was that they're Street Fighters - why are they fighting in a ring?!
  16. Part 8 is up. 9's going to be the finale.
  17. On the issue of the strike, it seems to be rapping up: ABC News
  18. Gosh are we going to start critiquing jap pop? It's mediocre, which I guess is alot better than most jap pop. Get a Rhapsody account and go crazy on that. Whatever you've liked or were interested in checking out. I know I've found a song I absolutely love every other day like that.
  19. I would charge those who think suicide is stupid and selfish to re-evalutate their views. Most everyone who kills themselves conciously have severe problems connecting with others and the disconnect with the world around them makes it natural for them to leave it.
  20. Ahhhhhhhhh stereotypes are fun.
  21. More of it's 'anime or sci-fi' or not. The mods define it strictly/loosely at times. That and this guy like NEVER updates so there's only so much to discuss.
  22. Yeah it's nice but the guy updates about never. And it's more webcomic stuff so expect a quick lock
  23. Yeah but SD memory is so cheap now it's hardly a factor. And at least there isn't a new version every 6 mo. although it being Ninendo there'll be at least one move version which will no doubt have more flash memory too with it coming down so much in price.
  24. srsly I think it took me 6 months to get across my job to my mom and on occasion she still slipps. I thought she was getting Alzheimer's.
  25. Hehe funny. Or you could click the 3rd thread down and find out. ...although I do make alot of money and typically only work the occasional late night or early morning...
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