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Everything posted by Wes

  1. Of course they kept Cottle what are they going to do, grow another doctor?! He's like their only doctor for 40000 people you'd think they'd have a few more decent ones by now.
  2. OK I lol'd. Zarek has a pretty good poker-face, don't you think?
  3. They brought back Starbuck, I wouldn't be suprised if the preview is missleading in this case.
  4. It's too early to say. I'd give it another episode or two for any good idea and even then we might not see Baltar as this next one appears to be a Tirol-Final Five-heavy episode. I'm wondering more if either these 'angels' and Starbuck's exodus are related, manipulation by the 'beings of light' like the original, or are they two different players. I'm almost expecting seeing a 'headZack' here if this is true when they finally listen to Kara and go back.
  5. Animeigo should still be around. They had a 5-year contract and chose not to renew it. ADV's probably still giving the same roalties, but they didn't do the remaster work.
  6. I know, they use him so rarely you never expect to see him and when he shows up that "OH SHI-" reflex kicks in.
  7. So does it only stream that once? Or can I get it to work now. It isn't for me...
  8. This guy's circular logic puts him up there with shoddy politicians of a state, if not national, level. Boll "My movies aren't bad and you'd know that if you seen them" then if people see them and comment on them Boll "My movies made alot in the rental market so they clearly are not as bad as people are saying" WHAT?! I'm just telling him that I'm downloading them all off the internet and critizing them then. Though who knows how he'll spin that.
  9. Uwe Boll is the final Cylon.
  10. So this would be what, the first time the addressee of one of these petitions would care? I think they'll hit it quicker than the Earthbound petition.
  11. That would be far too soap-operay. I hope not but it makes sense From what I saw in the episode, it was a reaction. Anders was like "OH SHI-" and couldn't hit. Instead of Adama's old girlfriend he couldn't shoot as his gun was jammed, so he instinctively gave the signal that he was friendly don't fire. So the Cylons put two and two together and figured they should pull back for now. Athena's been thru alot more stuff. She's been there for what 3 years now? Doing stuff like getting the keys for the engines of every ship to get their collective butts off New Caprica has to pay dividends. The Six unit screwed Baltar out of the codes for the Colonies defences(imagine what'd happen if they knew that?), and only got the baby back. There's still alot of work for here to be allowed free movement and even then she hasn't shown interest in helping the humans, only in protecting Hera. On that note you got to feel bad about Boomer. All she did was get turned on and shoot Adama, now she's the demon stuck on the Basestars. She doesn't even have the option of redemption. I'm thinking the last Cylon's on Earth now and will be revealed when they arrive.
  12. I'm going to totally jump ship. The last Cylon is already on Earth. They're going to affect what kind of reception the two parties are going to receive.
  13. Gosh does that mean we're going to get more "drama"?
  14. Yes the opening was surreal, so much lead flying it was like Macross. I can't wait to see the Cylon side of what was going on, seemed like Macross with the good guys not understanding what the other's thinking. But man Baltar alone justifies this show. The guy is all over the place - now he practically has his own harem! Even after all the stuff he's been thru I'd definitely want to be him of any of the crew by far.
  15. This and Battle Royal has left me wondering if the Japanese lack of war has made them totally forget about how blood pressure works.
  16. Congrats I knew there was a joke in there but didn't know where to take itl.
  17. When were these things funny again? I keep watching them when they come up but I only laugh at a couple and th #1 reason is always lame. And ok Adama has the pornstashe back, but wtf is with Baltar? I hope he doesn't look like that in the episodes. Why do these actors quit shaving after a show and their facial hair go so fugly. QUIT BEING LAZY AND FIND A RAZOR!
  18. It bothers him that we still hold it against him so we do. And these bastards had the balls to go on strike.
  19. This is old. I liked the 'Where the $*%# is Carmen Sandeigo?' more.
  20. I think we talked about this once before. Interesting, but I want the Metroid version.
  21. Locke does, all the time. That seems to be why he gets so mad at him. Even though he doesn't like him he knows exactly how to play him His psychic stuff he seems to use just for profit. Somehow he knows just how much Ben could raise in a short time, which makes it interesting that he has so much capital
  22. Do I really need to hear a space-based doomsay senario every month or so? It's as though I heard a thousand modestly-paid nerds yell out "FUND ME FUND ME!"...when do they shut up?
  23. You fool! Didn't you remember the best way to beat a fanboy is to put a decently-attractive woman in the croud? You're married right you could have brought your wife and they'd be totally paralyzed.
  24. Odd I thought I posted an edit... Yeah I saw the vid I liked the "there are 12 human models, some look like models" part and them noting Roslin's lust for airlock deaths.
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