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Everything posted by Wes

  1. 3 Hr premier? Show me some of it now instead you jerks
  2. I liked the ending on this one. The whole "ZOMG SUSPENSE!" thing can take a break. And the TMNT nod was great too. And I'm thinking the creators I'm thinking are lurking here, because after we say something here 1-2 weeks later we see it on the show. So in that spirit 'yeah know it's been a long time since there's been a spacefight, I think we need an all-out brawl lasting 15 min minimum'
  3. Well if you're having problems finding an easter egg, you can usually use windows media player to list out all the chapters and just click them thru until you find it. But I don't think it was listed on the Wikipedia or anything as being an episode but if it exists it's on the internet somewhere.
  4. I have to wonder how many times they can pay for Samuel L. Jackson, but his stuff is hilarious. I actually thought they had more racial stuff in the 2nd season but that's just me. I think Granddad's character was weaker because of it though. And Ruckus how does he just get all over the place like that?!
  5. Why did none of you mention the Showdown at Cremation Creek 2-part finale?! That was too much for me to handle. The Ventures and the Monarch teaming up? Brock leading the henchmen to victory? They can actually fly? David Bowie?! WTF they brought in David Bowie for some reason and it was hilarious. Damn it they need to quit taking 2 yrs to make the next season!! But it's hard to live up to such pure win. Best character? Of course - Brock $#%@in' Sampson
  6. The woman that can fill up those panties had better be 40ft tall.
  7. I lol'd. Hard.
  8. Oh so is THAT who that guy was? Well now I'm alittle worried, as his introduction was when the first Batman movie line went downhill.
  9. I'm not watching, but I am of the reactions I get trying to explain it to anyone I know trying to show them something good. Never watched Smallville, and how it seems they've been milking it for all its worth doesn't appeal to me. I just don't like how the fanservice stuff is so forced sometimes. BSG is somewhat real, people living so close together for so long you're going to see some flesh, but it's just cheap laughs in my opinion for this stuff. That doesn't really help out. Yeah but what I mean is I don't know nearly enough japanese to know what's going on, just some emotion in the tone of voice and whatnot. It feels more like reading spoilers until I can actually watch it for myself understanding the dialog instead of gettting bits and pieces here. I don't like that disconnect but waiting for the sub release means I'm way behind on the discussion. Nothing I can really say other than I don't like it.
  10. We just like to keep a high standard on Macross. We dream of being able to show people one anime and get a "eh, it's ok" instead of weird dirty looks. But such is the fate of us nerds...
  11. This is just rough having to go thru 9 pages of stuff if you want to wait for the subs. But did anyone notice that sly move Michael did. Looks right then swiftly left "OHHEYLET'SGETICECREAMSOMEWHEREFARAWAYNOW" and Klein's there. As a little girl he can handle him but he can't handle that much woman. Least he gave Luca some space. Won't be a Macross without a Zentraedi going 'DECULTURE!' would it?
  12. It just seems to be all setup. Disappointing, but it might be important. Is it just me, or does this remind anyone else about the original BSG episode where Baltar tries to con them into heading to the Cylon homeworld to hit them once and for all? Yeah the preview killed that idea but that's what was running thru my head while watching this.
  13. So now you can only see a 10min "preview" instead of the entire episode streaming...
  14. Well there WAS going to be offically US-licensed VF19 Yamato's, but a HG cease and desist letter stopped it. Drama ensued
  15. I know that Tommy was over on the rdf-hq chat a few times, way prior to the 'incident' but he seemed cordial but never really gave out any details. I had to lol at yellow's comment, but I think it was maybe SkullOne, or did he get the boot before then? He was probably the most fundamentalist of us.
  16. Ranka I guess she appeals to that sweet innocent but hardworking part of your soul that you bury deep inside of you after something drastic happens. You know, like Guts post-Eclipse.
  17. Is there any question why he's eating alone?
  18. So how much longer do you think it'll be until we see the loliKlein vs. Michael loop?
  19. DEPART FROM THE INTERNET, NEVER TO RETURN!!! Sorry it was open I just had too. I thought the whole *boobvision* thing was cute, it wasn't supposed to be stupid-anime it was supposed to show how Ranka saw the situation. Poor Ranka, one's problems always seem bigger than they are... Oh yeah and someone was talking about Macross's popularity in Japan, it's been discussed on occasion earlier. I had a kid in my engineering class who when I asked about it said he heard of it but never really got around to checking it out, which I encouraged him to try. And if statements were previously addressed, screw you I read ~600 post from you guys that had time to watch it earlier.
  20. Well you can start by not going to 'best'buy. DeepDiscount is listing averages of like 27-28, I don't remember what they were before but look online.
  21. I think he's off. Just because I don't remember if it was her Three would have been more apologetic about beating and ripping out Saul's eye. Just giving someone the cold shoulder is hardly anything. Is THAT supposed to be the plot off Capricia?! I thought they established they made Cylons wayyyyy before the war. Now they're giving them 10 years? Maybe if they were Ipods that distribution could happen but you're pushing it. Plus I thought Raptor was showing they were messing with biological Cylons during the war, if they had it right the first time there wasn't much to look into.
  22. I'm not going to draw into a dub/sub argument, but I'm alright with them as long as the quality goes up, but it's been stagnant. They seem to have the same voices with low range and they've had it for so long. Either improve them or drop them and sell the stuff for less. About sub quality, Nitendo and those gamehouses have been doing it for years so there's no reason why they can't have competent hires.
  23. Oh gosh don't bring that up. I think maybe that's why my Eva-loving friend saw it fit to ruin a viewing of DYRL by pointing out all the 'phallic' objects in the movie. The 'Atlantis' like city was the worst.
  24. While that is a concern, I don't think that'll pan out. They're moaning about not paying already US-prices, I don't see many willing to tolerate paying more. I think it's more like you said with DYRL, those rabid fans of the shows can now buy them immediately instead of waiting for a year or forever.
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