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Everything posted by Wes

  1. An example I guess of 'tsundere' if you can handle it.
  2. I don't know about a Klan Klein fan club, but can we start a Leon-Lynch mob? I don't care if the whole freakin' fleet is in trouble the nerve of him to make such a sweet girl said.
  3. He just can't handle strong women. Or maybe batshit crazy ones.
  4. Depends on the show. Some they'll actually put it out otherwise it's upscaling, usually something funky. Mine seem to give out DD sound as well.
  5. Namecalling? Not my intention, just saying I like the stuff but when you have different groups working on stuff the quality can vary especially when if they're not in the same room/s and talking to one another alot. Like that scene I said, when Alto's in GERWALK mode and 2D it looks flawless, but then when it turns the corner in Battroid it's not bad but clearly not as good. That seems odd because isn't it typical for the same people to be working on one scene? Makes me wonder how the project is structured.
  6. Heard, just never bothered to sit down and watch it. I think it's popular so my mind for some reason doesn't allow me to watch it. If it gets cancelled for some stupid reason or has ended for 5-10 years it'll look like gold to me.
  7. I think the 2D stuff does vary more, and that's going to happen when you outsource anything, especially, to other places. It has been brilliant though. I wonder if they're different people doing the characters than mech. When Alto's figher goes into the mothership was a good example.
  8. I don't know if this is allowed but is there any good mods/cracks for PS2 region-coding on PS3? I don't see why they even left them I mean who's going to lose money or numbers importing games from a previous generation? I'm wanting to replace my slowing-decaying PS2 totally.
  9. Well I can still diss that guy can't I?
  10. I always wanted a simple "Voices" one myself...
  11. And you better beieve he picked up that earring, or else no sex for him this entire series!
  12. What's with all this drama over Ranka's stomach? So the poor girl has some pudge and she slips from holding it in FOR ONE SECOND and you all give such critisim over her. Just because some of us have tendancy to have fat accumulate over there... Although I admit it'd be funny if she had Dr Venture's "problem" lol The thing that kinda turned me off to the red ship being NUNS-based is if you're going on a super-secret mission why'd you have markers associating you to a group that could be easily picked up?
  13. The guy knows nothing of japan. He probably was there for DB or Naruto which he thought was cool looking on the internet.
  14. Pardon me one political rant, but the Red Dawn thing is so going to be a Iraq=BAD reference one after another. Honestly I'm sick of Hollywood, an industry built on a towering pile of feces like remake after remake of decent old movies, stealing of ideas from overseas, and just bland representation all priced for 10 a movie ticket which doesn't even always buy you the whole film, you have to wait until it's out on DVD. And correct me if I'm wrong but one of the big points of going to the movies is to escape the problems of life for alittle while. Maybe if they could pull something off like Jericho it wouldn't be too bad, but it's still a production built on the corpse of another. Highlander remake? Yeah those guys have been digging that hole for buried treasure for decades, with varying levels of success. That is probably one of those I'd allow the first "Director's Cut" thing to slip by, because according to them on the comentary there were a few dick-moves in there thrown their way. But you'd think they'd figure it out by the second time but then you have one of the most birraze patchworks done in probably recent movie history on the second film. That's not to say there weren't any decent projects but otherwise amusing side-stories nothing that could/should continue the line. Like said eariler the one brilliant thing that they did I don't know who else has done it though is have, if you're throwing in some modern music, haveone band do the songs, have them write songs for it, and most importantly be a good band. Wish others whould follow suit. Not like I'd pay for the remake, but I'd be more ticked off if Michael Kamen's stuff wasn't on there. I mean the Highlander theme, the one played during Connor's training is one of my alltime favorite songs.
  15. You think that's pain, try AT&T with a DSL-only account
  16. For the love of all that's entertaining why does it always have to be brought into...LIVE ACTION?! Quit raping my...adulthood?
  17. Three words - Super Mario Bros.
  18. Preview he said. It's online not to hard to find.
  19. I dunno the Ventures raise a whole lot of questions that will probably never be answered until the creators figure it out/decide to show it on air. I thought the Dr. Venture's childhood thing might have been a Mozart-like life ("Your dad?! He peaked at 16!") But the fact that he doesn't really seem to "know" how that cloner came about and that he seems to forget alot of stuff could be drugs burned them away or too many copies like his kids. And I wonder if they'll ever say Hank and Dean's real origins. It maybe with that one "crazy woman", but I've always wondered why Dr. Venture's always taken more to Dean and Brock to Hank, and they have the same hair color...
  20. They're playing that show online again, which makes me want to ask that question. Don't you think Dr. Venture might have been another "case" of that?
  21. Heh I end up doing it in reverse. But that's becuase the stuff ages better in the reverse as well.
  22. Well I'm saying TMNT because it was my favorite show and I enjoy it. Seven and twelve are considered sacred numbers in JudeoChristian faith, which is what the Cylons are emulating. That's why people are saying the last veiled Cylon holds that spot.
  23. Moore was emulating Baxter Stockman from the original cartoon TV series during the ending.
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