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Everything posted by Wes

  1. Says the Macross 7 fan. I'm proud of the fact I'm down to 3 games I own I haven't played yet. Seeing as I'm hoping to start the Ninja Gaiden series up again, and that new Fatal Frame game comming too, I'm not in a rush to enter in a new series. I just want the PS3 right now for my home theature setup and for games alittle later. If I can sell or return something I'm not going to use all the better for the bottom line.
  2. Well the thing I and I'm sure the rest of us are saying is the charm was how it was total no-nonsense beat-up for the first one. It's not a Jackie Chan movie where there's a bunch of acrobatics, it's not Batman/Bond where he has cool gadgets or whatnot to help. He just goes in the room, whoops ass and goes forward. That's something I like to see on occasion.
  3. Horay! Hopefully this one won't be all retarded and such. But as long as the straight-up violence is there I'm golden.
  4. I know they were thinking of selling Macross as-is for the most part on cassette(how's that spelled again? ), but I could see how the others would be the same too. I don't think the rights were bought exclusively for Robotech for any of them, but who's to say exactly how they were planing on selling them.
  5. I agree Starbuck's 'trip to Earth' seems to have been more of a vision than actual. So who knows how time will play into everything.
  6. If I got the 80gb bundle coming out, whould anyone be interested in buying off the game from me? I'm wondering how much I could get for it, not really interested in starting into a whole nother series, I wonder if I can get anything close to retail. Doubt I could trade it to Gamestop for a decent rate.
  7. He's actually come up a few times I think. First time he's been aired though.
  8. Work the clearance rack. I got a really good 5.1 set for 1200, and I can get a couple more surrounds for a hundred easy, just no point it takes up a good bit of space and I don't know where I'm going to stay next. But yeah good speakers will last forever and now really great receivers are $500 new, you can do better with effort.
  9. Well if you want some Macross 7
  10. Comon man you're a nerd on this internet long enought to know about proxies AND the less-than-legit streaming sites. Don't take studio control as it wants you to! Now if we want to keep the spoilers for one more day or something to the effect. According to the interrogation it wasn't a supprise, but all the other hillarity that ensued was. I love it how they're liberal with the intro and will change it as appropriate. Dr. Venture - "OK I F#$@D HER ALRIGHT?!"
  11. It's talk like that that makes Uwe Boll think he's a legitimate film director.
  12. Just because she's pregnant doesn't mean Tigh did it. I'm thinking Baltar did it, but without a timeline this thing's harder to follow the flow of time than Lost. Getting too much like a soap opera. And that girl needs to trim that thing.
  13. Checks in your blocks, get to do everything in the game. As I've gotten older and have more money I can either play out a couple of games a year or just beat the one's that are great and go back to the ones I really like. I'm thinking now of going to the 40gb model with Walmart's sale tomorrow, as PS2 emulation it finally comming around.
  14. The only final five cylon on the Basestar was Anders, right? Was Tyrol?
  15. Never thought it was about hate myself, I just thought it was about loneliness. As soon as I saw nobody showed it was a red herring it was Locke.
  16. BECAUSE HE LOVES ROSLIN - AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I liked the 2 nods to the original series. I think it was what you said. Also gave the whole "saving his own ass" nod from the original series.
  17. Joseph and his Amazing Technocolor Nightmare Coat!
  18. One thing bothering me, if the Varja ship's gun fired from the same area Luca, Alto, and Brera were in, how were they not vaped?
  19. Well if anything it explains the flashbacks. But of course it gives the whole "UR SPECAIL1" bs they've been preaching but have no real reasoning as to why one person is any more important than anyone else except amount of lines or drinking habbits.
  20. The next episode is offically - leaked.
  21. Then I guess you don't even want to know about the other movie...
  22. Reminds me of something I read about what a Sealord said around the Revolutionary War time, "Any idiot can follow orders, what we need out of an officer is to know when to and not to follow orders!" He was talking about a guy that was following stardard proceedure and blew the fight because of it. Now in this case I don't know it's hard to say what was lost in translation, and I don't hold Leon's opinion too highly, but if the captain knew the meaning of the order was "defend Galaxy" he might have known that they were boned and needed help, and only folding towards the nearest fleet could get help. The sad thing about entertainment is they make fights look so short and so clear but they really take days and it's hard for everyone to know what's going on. They could have realistically folded at the beginning, gotten to Frontier, mobilized something decent, and then been back with something that could repel the Vajra. I'm thinking more is that they had to get some information back or they saw something the Vajra didn't want out. I mean why take on the two weakest ships with no ability to fight instead of the stronger one that was a threat? Seems like they wanted to clean house and when Quarter showed up fighters weren't enough so they needed to send the big ship. I'm probably wrong but I think there's more to it then they were just bailing out.
  23. When does the signer EVER get the main character in Macross?! Only like in Plus because she was the chooser. Nanase has better odds.
  24. fyi, "Shadowman 9: In the Cradle of Destiny" airs this Sunday.
  25. That's just lighting and holligrams, you know makes it look more open, you know like Sheryl Makes me think the 27 is built under the 21 idea stream. And the guy Leon's talking to sounds way different than Brera has. The only link I can see is that Leon said to watch her and there he is, but he could have been looking for her before that.
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