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Everything posted by Wes

  1. The one that came out on the GBA was a remake of the original Seiken Densetsu, which was called Final Fantasy adventure in the US on GB. That did need an upgrade. But I would like to see it's sequel that was on the SNES remade with all that stuff that was supposively taken out. I'm guessing that that extra level will be the "Singing Montain" thing that had an unused song on the soundtrack.
  2. I think we're more interested in that Ghostbusters game. Sucks that the Wii gets the more cartoony version, as I like that system more.
  3. I'm interested in the Macross staff sans-Kawamori, as opposed to the other way around. But the trailer isn't selling anything. There was hardly any movement. And where are all the missles?!
  5. When's that supposed to happen? That'd be nice. Makes you wonder though when Sony's going back into the game business.
  6. Well it's 5 am here, so I'll need some help, but does this mean Fox has already been able to prevent a March release, and is trying to bump it off the summer season altogether? In the immortal works of the Monarch, "DICK MOVE!!"
  7. Fox should not be allowed in the discussion. It's their hobby to destroy any good show they get.
  8. That Patrick Stewart = Mr Freeze thing was kicked around when the role came up the last time, but they went with Arnold. Kinda hessitant to go anywhere near the material of those turds. But Blane was so underused he might not taint this set.
  9. I would pay to see you three sing it as long a flamethrower rentals are available at the door.
  10. Wow they must be beating them away with a stick if they can push away all the people in their society who've shot their eyes from studying so much.
  11. Dubs. I like to watch not read. The only thing is there's a thin pool of VAs here and some of them are annoying.
  12. Favorite? DD - right between the eyes.
  13. Yeah I figured, but I was hopping Kawamori would have alittle fun with his Cowboy Beebop involvement on the official one.
  14. Sad, but again doesn't compare to Berserk or anything. Reminded me more of Judo's death. Speaking of which are they going to have a sad song like this: or is that just gonna be Diamond Crevasse? Oh and is this the official ending pic or did GG edit it? It's hilarious
  15. Baron's done. He doesn't run Underland anymore (where was that anyways?) and he was just a casualty of Venture's and Monarch's feud(and when are they going into detail about that?)
  16. How can you say that? I mean you can see him trying to take the wheel from HELPER, then walking out and waving before blowing up. He was the only one standing beside the car. Why whould another henchmen jump in the car? I think it was one of the moppets.
  17. I almost wept for 24. Maybe the Monarch could steal a cloner or Dr Venture count ressurect him too. But do you think he's done making back-up clones? From his statement it's making me wonder. And the Colonel now really confuses me. I guess his previous job made him long for the "good ole' days".
  18. I wish they'd count the biggest movie ever by the true way - tickets sold. With movie ticket prices beyond retarded, I don't think they should count anymore. I want to see Bane too, I'd figure with steriod abuse recently it would be pertinent today, and he was handled retarded in the same movie...batman was handled retard
  19. No alot of people have mused that idea here and it would be cool. Get too much Gundam-ripoff calls I'm worried, or maybe Armored Core(for obvious reasons). But I do like Armored Core, need to pic up the 4th.
  20. Because nobody loves them.
  21. You're too busy thinks about the old fans; Grace is thinking about getting more new fans. How are you supposed to do that with yesterday's news crowding the available seats? For all you know she was trying to take out all the ticket scalpers with one swoop.
  22. It's just how many remakes have we had in recent history? I think it's been far more than it has been in the past. And the thing that really pisses me off is they get mad at other sources that the movies aren't bringing in the profit margins they think they should. I'd throw in stuff but it might go out of board rules. Why can't it just be your movies suck, we don't want to see them, and if you want to justify your outragious paychecks you make something good?!
  23. When the #$@* did they let you come back?!
  24. lol I remember that. Now I'm starting to lean to Sheryl and Alto hooking up for the fact that they both enjoy climbing up little girls' windows for some odd reason.
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