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Everything posted by Wes

  1. Wow I did better than the Mr Megaman expert on the board. I feel good about myself. Just got it today and almost finished the first Wily stage, just died on the final boss. Stopped because my roomate hated the music - that guy's just been asking to be killed in his sleep this week! I'd concur in that it is more challenging, but it really rewards you for using the boss weapons compaired to the other Megaman games. Got the Wii version and I could see how you're saying the controls could be off, but i don't think they're off more than average for games. This is definitely one I'd doubledip on, I want Capcom to continue in this style.
  2. You paid for one edition; steal the extras online. Fight the power!
  3. I think I saw the episode totally opposite than you. I didn't like how they tried to add to Sylar being a goodguy; total bs. Same with Linderman, having to be a knocked down a peg to make Arthur look more menacing. Made his wife seem like a ditz too instead of someone with a motive. And making the two firepeople related? Geez does everyone have to be connected? This is going to be the last season I follow this show if this keeps up.
  4. Ok seriously we've seen ^^ several times. Stop.
  5. I just don't even see how they can make Oldboy in our (American) setting, much less how awesome it was. Why can't they just make a new movie? Those aren't that hard! I don't need a rap remake of that...well I'll go with speed metal. You know let Tool do the cover.
  6. Make your list and check it twice - as of today Tweeter and 151 Circuit City stores are being liquidated. No good deals yet, but give it a good month you might make out.
  7. Wow welcome to the Internet, you must be new here...
  8. Gamestop's been running alot of ads like that for other games. I guess they're paying the game companies for extras to try to keep the uneducated "preordering" instead of buying them cheaper online.
  9. I didn't, Japan was doing it for awhile, but it died quickly over here. And like you said the DS killed the SNES's second coming.
  10. I don't want a whole new "line" of games. I'm not too big on my DS in recent history anyways, I don't want to have to have another lever of handheld. I'm still kinda mad it killed GBA over here in the first place.
  11. Amazon's selling a Samsung one and giving 4 discs for that same price right now.
  12. LOL thank you for reminding me of my favorite M7 episode. Mylene - "Is this true?"
  13. Silly otaku, don't they know they're just temporarily stairs?
  14. There is a cartoon out now you know.
  15. If that's true then it's clearly Macross Frontier 2: The Search for More Money
  17. It was like this with 9.5 and I just updated to 9.6 and it still happens. Just thought that someone messed with the link that's all.
  18. fyi, for those of you waiting, the Mother 3 translation was just released today. http://mother3.fobby.net/ Gonna see if I can get it working on the homebrew channel.
  19. What does the kira mean? There's tons of these sparkle-parodies out there. Does Kawamori not realize the evil he's unleased out on the world.
  20. I've seen something like that done with Michael, he's a kid when macronized but turns into a child. This is probably why it would have never worked out between those two...
  21. Well hey maybe if you were more impressionable of a character it would have left more of an effect on Yamato. I'd say it's more the man making the clothes in this case.
  22. I'm using Opera. When I click the nice link on the top of the screen with the UN Spacy symbol and the Macross (you should be able to see it now...) it tells me there's a bug in the DST system and to turn it off. Even when you do it still comes up. The link the top gives you is http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php? whereas if you click right below your name on "Macross World Forums" to go to the overall branch of the forum it links to http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=idx and works fine. So I don't know if it's affecting anyone else but it came up a few days ago so maybe some just changed it or something.
  23. And now I have something new for my sig.
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