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Everything posted by Uxi

  1. Uxi

    DX Chogokin Super VF-27

    I dropped and broke the head laser on my original VF-27 so have been really considering this one...
  2. I wouldn't put it like that, but I'm curious what makes anyone think Hasbro would spend more on production just because they were spending more on a lower production run. I dig the shirt. For $100 or so I really wish I could have gotten this release without the shirt. Maybe even $150 for the combo. I'd pass on the apron though or leave it in the box if it was included.
  3. That's economies of scale, though and the cost of third parties reflects their smaller sizes and relatively much much smaller runs. Hasbro would lose sales and put even more items on clearance (or more likely mean they simply wouldn't get produced) if the price points were much higher.
  4. I want to fire back up my PS3 one of these days and go through another trophy sweep on the Uncharteds and Yakuza series especially
  5. I don't think they are "marketing" them. Advertising is next to nil. Packaging has got to be the cheapest part. The molds are already done. I simply wouldn't have (m)any if they were $200 each. Don't get me wrong, TRU has distribution issues... and I'm sure they want anything but to clearance these as many have (most notably Thundercracker). I wish they could get these on shelves so more kids COULD have a chance at them which would make them more likely to produce larger runs, etc. To cater to collectors, is a great idea for a more exclusive line. To weed out scalpers, they should be going direct with mechanisms to limit purchase to one card, address, user, IP address, etc etc. They could also then go with fancy packaging, etc like you say so we wouldn't have to stake out TRU and usually come up empty. On that note, shouldn't Wal-Mart be due another? They haven't had one since Skywarp, no?
  6. Pretty good review... but you should have had the Grimlocks in dinosaur/alt mode to show the differences more. And I think you're absolutely crazy to say Hasbro should be charging more, of course.
  7. Buzz Saw must have heard me talking smack cause I just broke off the tail fin. Apparently they only do 45 degrees instead of 90 degrees like Lazer Beak?
  8. Looks great. Really wish Hasbro do a domestic reissue, maybe at Wal-mart instead of TRU this time... Got my TRU Soundwave today. I thought I saw the box at Frank & Sons but was surprised at how huge the box was. Very impressed especially with Lazer Beak and Ravage. Not as impressed with Rumble/Frenzy (mostly due to the guns being separate and the pile drivers seem awfully loose) but the figures themselves are fine. Would have rather had Rat Bat than Buzzsaw but am ok with it. Can't seem to the camera out of Lazer Beak's head though Buzz Saw's came out easy enough. Damned great value which makes me want another Hasbro release of Grimlock since I'm not willing to get raped for it. Soundwave himself... I had about half the transformation figured out without video or instructions but the legs were kicking my ass and didn't want to break anything so whipped out the instructions for it. Very nice. The multiple tape thing seems a bit.. erratic especially on ejection but certainly nice enough for storage. Glad I made the impulse buy when I saw it available.
  9. You weren't able to get in on TRU.com that I posted above? $130. Slow shipping should have it by Friday.
  10. Yeah this is the one I want. Just 2-3 x the price I'm willing to pay ($100'ish). Don't think I've seen a Hasbro in box go for less than $300 on evilbay.
  11. He was funny in Ace Ventura. And Dumb and Dumber. Mostly sucked at everything else, especially when he tries to be serious.
  12. I just meant the plot looks pretty predicable. Evangelical message movies... ugh. A shame, cause the production looks pretty good.
  13. Looks super cliche with at least a few decent visuals. Definitely a wait for Netflix type.
  14. I really wish they would milk the MP molds more. MP1 saw a bunch of course, as did the Greenscream, of course... all the rest have been pretty sparse. At least Hot Rod is usually pretty cheap but Grimlock is insanely expensive on secondary market. Clearly there's demand for another Hasbro release... See shipping from Warehouse for Soundwave on the TRU link above...
  15. Even in story that's easy enough to explain with the dialogue in story (it was greatly upgraded and not equipped as it was Raleigh and Yancy were on it. She's an inexperienced rookie who has a lot going on to explain all the bells and whistles. Sure, I imagine they had a briefing and what not and some technical manuals, etc, but it's a lot on their list and more than plausible since their deployment wasn't even planned. Don't get me wrong, it had some inconsistencies... that's just not one of them. Story wise, I think Raleigh seemed way layed back and should have had emotional/PTSD issues more than a match for Mako's and offset by his own trauma (flashbacks of Yancy getting gobbled up, etc) since he said they were drifting and felt Yancy's fear and pain until getting killed. I still think it's a better movie with the same impact if it's only one or two of the chinamen who are killed in their cockpit (ideally one, and the other two keep on trucking in Crimson Typhoon until getting disabled by the EMP with Striker.
  16. Finally watched it again last night with my wife who enjoyed it. She asked why they didn't just nuke the kaiju as they left. I said then they wouldn't have needed to build giant robots.
  17. Yeah doubt it would survive even being swung... could have been made slightly less silly by having the jaegar hold it on with both arms in a present arms sort of position and then break up on the first hit to the kaiju. Maybe use a shard of it to stab it with a follow up then proceed normally.
  18. I've always wanted a longer cut or at least the material that was deleted (a piece of one scene in particular is shown in the trailer, where Lancelot is taking out some bandit on horseback, said to be attacking Guenevere or something like that (presumably on the way to the wedding?) and I think there's reference to a few more in a couple other places. I have the DVD and the Blu-ray is as probably as good as it gets but will buy anything with more content, including that docu.
  19. No, I meant the cut of 2. I know he did it in the first one but WRT MoS, the Donner Cut undid the entire movie and everything that happened in it. lol the movie reboots itself.
  20. I wish they'd do another Hasbro US Starscream on the revised mold... I am tossing back and forth on Soundwave. If I see it, I probably won't resist. I think I'll just stay away from TRU.
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