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Everything posted by Uxi

  1. Except for the first few days after the games release, it was but has been fine for me since. Long since taught Chop all the tricks. Only have to go in and clean up his crap and make sure he's fed these days. 73% down. Complete fail at getting on GTA Online today. I'll probably be busy tomorrow so will wait until Thursday. Is there an MW Crew?
  2. GTAV rocks! Best since San Andreas. So much to do, it might well be displacing Vice City on my all time list. I do miss working out from San Andreas though the eating was sort of annoying.
  3. Nah this stuff isn't that expensive. It's a value proposition. Hasbro releases have really been what they're worth and have been pretty good. The limited nature has made some of these cost more than they should, which shows room for at least another domestic release (aka Grimlock going for 4-5x retail on the secondary market only a few years after release) while overestimating the 3rd/4th reissue in less popular colors of others (Skywarp, Thundercracker). Importing brings costs of it's own, most notably the horrible exchange rate and relative value of the USD.
  4. Yeah, I'm willing to pay no more than $50 or so for a Transformer of Sideswipe/Lambor size. As I most likely won't buy it for any more than that, Tak/Has isn't really losing anything than if I got a legit for that price used a few years down the road.
  5. I think that video just sold me on the KO. That's so close makes me suspicious its gotta be inside job and/or semi sanctioned seconds, etc. No way would a KO redo their fonts, etc. If/when they redo MP10, I hope they do the metallic eyes from MP1. The Hasbro is better than the Takara in that regard, but not by much. Really took a step backward in the legs in truck mode.
  6. Faith Leader seemed a pretty blatant KO, though at least it was deliberately scaled differently. The Seekers have knockoffs, too, though IIRC the intent was to remove the Kawamori additions (which Hasbro later did themselves anyway) with MP-11. Most third party stuff tends to cover areas not being covered by Takara/Hasbro like the Constructicons. Hopefully they get around to doing the rest of the Dinobots sooner or later since there probably won't be official ones. I wish SOMEONE would tackle Galvatron though I understand the hesitation since it seems obvious there should eventually be an official Masterpiece...
  7. Unfortunately I mostly drifted away between Wallyworld Skywarp (which I bought) and MP10 and really regret not hunting for both Rodimus and Grimlock at TRU (hell, I wish I had bought a dozen Grimlocks at retail and sold all but 2 to pay for everything else )
  8. Yet both were less popular repaints of the Seekers. Did US Starscream shelfwarm? What about Rodimus and Grimlock?
  9. I kinda wish someone would do a replacement lens for Soundwave since I don't want to paint it...
  10. I've been getting the Moebius BSG releases at my local hobby shop. A bit more expensive than online but they're helpful and local and I like to support them.
  11. Oh snap, Ratbat. Hope it's available separate somewhere.
  12. Grimlock seems like he's still in scale with MP10 optimus. He'd have been way too small compared to MP1.
  13. Hot Rod was pretty stupid. By all means intervene. Use your wrist lasers and shoot the gun Megatron was reaching for instead of going to in to grapple. WTF was he thinking? Course, Optimus himself was way too casual after his judo throw. Instead of going for your gun, stay on Megatron like white on rice and deliver your Captain Kirk Double Hammer Fist as a finishing move... but that would have been less dramatic.
  14. I loved Hot Rod from the movie. It was angst-filled Rodimus Prime who sucked. From Season 3
  15. I also passed more than a few Thundercrackers all through last Fall. If I had seen Grimlock, I'd definitely have bought one but just wasn't looking for him or going to TRU or I'd have bought one. Hell 5 or 6 if I knew how much he'd go for a few years later! Definitely hope for another release. Only needs a little bit of tweaking in a refresh. Thanks for the pics! Seeing those pics makes me think I'd not be missing much going with Hasbro. The difference in teeth and claws isn't that stark. Like the extra paint on legs, etc. I don't even want the crown... or sword... I gotta start watching the open box buys on evilbay more closely though it kills to pay double retail for an open US release...
  16. Nice. Is that Grimlock Takara or the new Asian exclusive one? Definitely not US Hasbro from the paint apps. argh, I gotta get one. Grimlock does need better at least partially articulated hands (and get rid of the light gimmick for it). I'd like the wings to fold backwards to at least partially cover the dino head (probably linking to the sides) yet still coming out a bit as 'wings' , I'm thinking. Could probably hide the little T-rex arms in there too. Maybe with a bit of vertical articulation to the tail to allow a modern T-rex/balancing stance as well as the anachronistic upright stance.
  17. Hey Gakken , if / when you take more pictures, I'd love to see a comparison of MP10 Optimus with MP08 Grimlock as well as your Hasbro/Takara dino comparisons. Thanks!
  18. Better yet, bring back JCVD and have him be his twin brother as a tongue in cheek reference to Double Impact (also had Bolo Yeung in it). Maybe that will be Expendables 4.
  19. Still a stinkin' furrener. I really didn't have a problem with Brandon Routh, though, just the vapid script, and wished they had kept him. But not because of his nationality. New guy looks a bit too... gaunt, I think.
  20. I think you're right. If you ever want to get rid of one without going to scalper rates, I claim dibs, though.
  21. Is Bolo Yueng still alive? He'd be pretty cool. Definitely Carl Weathers. As a bad guy doing his biggest Apollo Creed as a prick like in the beginning of Rocky II more than Dylan or Rocky III/IV Apollo. They overdid the Chuck Norris. I thought his first appearance was great but definitely shouldn't have done the last one and the second one should have been toned down. Loved the snake joke, though.
  22. Loving the Grimlock Gakken. Give it to me. or at least put up the Takara and/or some hires comparisons.
  23. I actually liked most of the 2nd better than the first, even though I waited for it on Netflix. I'll probably stream the third.
  24. I was kind of out of it for Rodimus and Grimlock. And sorely regretting it. For a new Grimlock, I hope they could make robot a bit more... smooth (hide/mask/camo the Trex head into the back) sort of like the FoC version except into the back, if not allow a more modern stance while not prohibiting the older stance, either. I think the light up sword gimmick could go away. Definitely keep the red/blue eye thing. And then do the rest of the Dinobots, of course.
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