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Everything posted by Uxi

  1. Nope, I'm happy with my 1/60 FP.
  2. We could only wish. Constellation is canceled and we go to nothing instead.
  3. Time to get a PS3!
  4. I don't get the guys complaining about new versions... you'd be happier if we were still on 1/60 v1? I suppose in a perfect world, there wouldn't be v1 or v2 just the ultimate perfect version, but the success of the earlier lines is what allowed the improved versions to come out at all. If v1 1/60 had failed, it would have stopped there and we'd never have 1/48 or 1/60 Macross Plus, much less the 7 valks (which are mostly variants of Plus anyway). Course, I've never been an early buyer on hardly anything, though I have bought a bunch. 1/48 I didn't get in until the Low-Viz. Didn't get my YF-19 until the FP bundle, which I I am perfectly happy with. One of the few I bought right away were the 1/60 YF-21 and Gamlin VF-22. Didn't get a 1/60v2 until the TV Roy. I would like a Basara VF-19... I was waiting to see if there's a Sound Booster bundle but now thinking I'd rather have the regular version on sale.
  5. Uxi

    HLJ's Macross sale.

    I want a couple VF-11C.
  6. I wouldn't remove the speaker pods so don't care if they're removable or not.
  7. Is that a strawman or a serious question? Seriously, though, the double-handed meme does stink. Kingdom of Heaven did decent medieval choreography...
  8. For some reason never been fond of the Phalanx. But I <3 the Macross II Phalanx Kai
  9. I've still only burned half of my patched remasters. Gotta get the rest done ASAP.
  10. Indeed. I still really enjoy Trial Frontier, especially for the half off I was able to get the first BD/hybrid for. But I soooo want to play the Mac 7 valks on my big screen in 7.1.
  11. Is there a thread about the Macross concert in PS: Home?
  12. Hmm... Fili & Kili don't look enough alike as brothers. Would have preferred if the "Chibi Aragorn" looked like the other. Most of the rest are ok.
  13. Uxi

    Yamato 1/60 Regult

    Right. $150-200 is what I'm willing to do for an assembled and painted one in the same size. DIY means it's gonna sit on my bench for a long while and my bar is much lower. It could be simplified quite a bit. Scaled up Revoltech, for example with the main cockpit being a couple pieces not counting the guns, thrusters, legs, or eye. Non opening hatch (would probably be easy to make the hatch a separate piece but I really don't care if I can peek inside the thing since I'm never going to have the dismounted pilot).
  14. That's fine. Especially in Gerwalk.
  15. Wow, I'm impressed. That looks really good. I was never a big fan of Alto's, but thinking I might want it. Armored. And Armoed Ozma. I don't particularly care for the Super or Tornado packs, though Armored is awesome.
  16. No shiznit. Didn't remember that at all... 46 huh? Gonna watch now.
  17. Was always Battroid in the cartoon and we never saw it connect to fighter.
  18. Hell yeah, I've loved Wake ever since BF:1942. Even though I had hundreds of hours of great fun with BF2, I still look back with the most fondness of BF:Vietnam. Something about that game. I loved Khe Sanh. I remember hoping DICE would do a "BF:Vietnam Mod" like they did with the WWII mod for BF:Vietnam, but they never did. I tried to go back to it once but just couldn't take the retrograde in graphics and controls. The doppler effect on Vietnam-era music from a jet or helo flying by still makes me laugh, though.
  19. I still would like to see updated designs, but carefully done. A Nolan Batman Begins-style live action could be very very cool.
  20. True. I think a retcon is in order. Rather than having the covers go all way up, the individual panels should just slant open, kinda like the VF1 Master File showed as an intermediary step (and IIRC was part of the VF-0 trans). The slants should be enough... why should the whole thing need to go all the way up?
  21. ah all this reminiscing... found some screenshots.
  22. That stuff didn't work against me in the tank. If I was on a roll they would have divert a good chunk of their team to take me out if I had a good mech with me (and I usually played a mech, too). Artillery wasn't doing anything to me, that's for sure. another great feature on PC... mouseover, was it Q and then right click and select the appropriate option. Easy to call out specified guys even without a mic (though I ended up getting a headset later).
  23. The space argument always seemed a bit... lacking. It might not be as deep as the YF-19, but about the depth of the v2 VF-1 seems like it should be doable.
  24. Uxi

    Yamato 1/60 Regult

    Noone here assemble or paint one yet?
  25. so I WILL one day own an armored VF-25S with reaction missiles and Mikhail's sniper gunpod?
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