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Everything posted by Uxi

  1. I'm really hoping Lucas will have LFL finished the SFX on the extended arena battle/air-ground-combat/droid control ship in AOTC. There is some really good stuff in there. Conehead and Plo Koon start with at least a dozen but are down to half that when they shut down the droids but then the droids turn back on and gun down the rest excepting the two Council members. The "hya!" chic is seen dead on the arena floor with vacant eyes facing the camera. See some more of the named Jedi with figures doing some of their thing, too. And some cool 'interactive' battle animatics (Jedi gets gunned down by a droideka and then another jedi takes out the droideka, etc). Combined with the stuff I remember from the AOTC DVD (flying Geonosians, more clones going down, etc) they could make that battle so much more epic. A couple of the scenes in the Order 66 animatics were great, too and worthy of finishing and being inserted in. The face-tatted apprentice from AOTC surrounded by droids then her own walker guns her down and then steps on her. ouch! And the dreadlock guy from the comics got roasted by the walker in front of him when it turns it's turret around and blasts him point blank. The Spielberg directed animatic of the Obi-wan/Grevious chase on Utapau was crazy. A bit TOO long. They could cut out that fanblade stuff but I was surprised at all the collateral damage. Obi-wan's lizard seemed like it took out a dozen of his own clones throughout the chase. I laughed out loud when Grevious was doing a burnout with that bike and sending pieces of clone at Obi-wan including a complete torso but with only partial arms/legs. Hell yeah. I watched all of Phantom Menace. It's not perfect, but PQ is really really good. The audio is simply unmatched. Best use of surrounds I can recall. Very active all the way around if you have a 6.1 or 7.1 track and I had my Denon thundering at -24db. Friend came over and said he could hear it from the street. I then went through the deleted scenes on the original trilogy bonus disc and near the entire prequel trilogy bonus disc. Lots of good stuff there which I commented some of before. I really like the original concept of the Yoda/Sidious duel in the Senate better especially the different ending but the pan seeing all the destruction at the end was great.
  2. Just got the delivery notification. 49 more minutes of work and hopefully a quick half hour to get home and then time to fire up the system.
  3. I was hoping he would be hip-firing a Ma Deuce. I miss my Ma Deuce. :cry:
  4. Well I guess from my pov they've always been kind of embarrassing... or more accurately nothing to take too seriously.
  5. Certain technical issues are undoubtedly long in the tooth and need replacement/enhancement bad. Strings on TIE fighters are un-sat. I'm indifferent on Lepti Nek vs Jedi Rocks. I usually skip past both. The Sy Snoodles muppet is a horrid failure, though and needed to be replaced with CGI. Her and the creature showing us the tonsils need another pass or two like Jabba in ANH got with the DVD release, though. No beef at all with Lucas going back and fixing up things like that. When he gets into the editing, I just don't care either way. Taking out the wolfman in the cantina and putting in the hippie lizard, I'm ambivalent on. Both look absurd. I kind of like Jabba in ANH. Yeah it's redundant but I just don't have a problem with it. The 2004 release looks waaaay better than the 1997 release, CGI wise. Only way I think Greedo should shoot at all is like Johnny Ringo in Tombstone as some involuntary brain damage induced mechanism. I think it's important to remember that Lucas was always trying to emulate the Flash Gordan serials he loved as a kid. Have you ever tried to watch some of those? Those are really REALLY bad. They make Jedi Rocks look like Gershwin.
  6. Yes trivial. I went to ANH and TESB in drive-in's with my parents on the original releases (though too young to really remember ANH) and remember standing in a long line that wrapped around the theater twice with my dad for ROTJ. The visual difference may not be as big, though I think you're understating the difference (PQ ratings are pretty good from most of the pros out there, though TPM apparently looks the worst for various reasons). At 60" screen from 9 feet away, the differences DO become quantifiable, though. The big difference will be on lossless audio where my Denon and Polk RTI's earn their cheddar. Just about every review universally praises the audio. My neighbors are going to hear the thunder all weekend, though, as I watch them in order I-VI. couple good reviews: http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Star-Wars-Blu-ray/14903/#Review http://www.thedigitalbits.com/reviewshd/bdreviews091611.html
  7. Because the changes are trivial and I want it in the best quality for my 60" HDTV and 7.1 lossless surround, duh. Vader's "moment of truth" decision to save his son is my single most favorite scene from the entire 6 movie series and I don't like the "nooo" any more than Greedo shooting at all but neither bothers me enough to not buy the set and I do like or am indifferent to most of the other changes. A mountain being made out of a mole-hill and the films have never looked or sounded better. I don't have much use for most special features since I will only watch them once or twice but the movies themselves will see dozens of playbacks on my home theater. My amazon order is "out for delivery." I won't be able to start watching until I get home from work anyway, though.
  8. Didn't precisely void it.... Khan is still floating out there, as is the Doomsday Machine and the big amoeba and eventually V'ger and the whale probe should still be on their way to Earth, too.
  9. It all depends on which is cause and which is effect. They tend to go together but in kid Anakin's case, neither make sense since the kid wasn't a match for Obi-wan, much less Qui-gon or Yoda. Obi-wan openly questioned what it meant and Qui-gon admitted he didn't know. Only later did he conjecture that it meant that Anakin was the chosen one, though Yoda never bought it and at least a majority of the Council didn't until after the battle.
  10. Kinda forgot about it. Is Hasbro Rodimus still available at TRU or long gone?
  11. They haven't done Robotech 7 yet with Max and Miriya looking for Rick and the SDF3?
  12. Midis are supposed to in cells and he would still have plenty of those and second, only correlation was established not causation (just as probably being strong in the Force causes the midis to be there as vice versa). Been almost a year since I watched any of these, since before the announcement so I'll be going in relatively fresh and watching I, II, III, IV, V, VI probably one or two a day.
  13. I think I can live without the Sound Booster but REALLY wanting to get a Fire Valk. Wish it was on sale somewhere....
  14. Is that the one where the TOS Klingons were a sort of hybrid Janissary type and the ridged head ones were the "imperial" Klingons? I do like those Klingons better than the "you have no honor schtick" TNG bequeathed (ignoring the TOS precedent that the Romulans were supposed to be the ones concerned with honor and all that, probably more as a variant of the cursus honorium than what we ended up with courtesy of Worf).
  15. How? While he had the potential to take out Darth Sidious if he had lived long enough to really attain mastery, he didn't. The gimped more-machine-than-man quadruple amputee in a walking iron lung would never be able to realize that potential.
  16. I want to see armored Ozma. Individual mini-missiles is too much to ask for, huh? I at least hope they're separate clusters of inserts with red tips and white bodies or something like that.
  17. Great choices. The Gamlin is my favorite. I really want to get a Max and the price is right. We'll see. I never did get a VF-11C and still want at least two, as well. VF-19 variants are already starting and VF-17 should be out by early next year! Top of my wishlist is for Yamato to continue with M7 and I am hoping that the Fz-109A and F models follow.
  18. Looking at these pics has me thinking they got the YF-21 wrong and it should be the shade of the VF-19. I'm guessing they'll make the VF-19 brighter than it should be. I toss back and forth but right now want the VF-19P more than the VF-19F more than the VF-19S. I was just waiting a pre-Whale Blood/Pollen VF-19P but now I could see both.
  19. I think Guld's death is the only part I prefer in the movie. Loses out on some biggies like Isamu in the VF-11B tearing up Zents (literally) as well as combining the two accidents (Guld's mental impulse carried out by the YF-21 and the ammo accident in the live fire/impromptu duel), and more detail on some of the other testing. I'd really like to see the OVA pasted together with the intros taken out and Guld's death inserted in. Is there a fan edit in the house?
  20. The analogy to Top Gun is a good one since it's a similar venue. I do enjoy Plus but like M7 more.
  21. Really need Raphael's sociopath issues from the original graphic novels as well as the quick brutal violence and less cowabungas.
  22. The patrols actually most the sense, sort of. That sort of mission should be a bit boring and tedious, but you shouldn't actually run into anything at some/most points and run into something big you should call in the big guns (IOW some missions should be get close scan and bug out). I remember a couple of cool missions in the old X-Wing and TIE fighter games like that where you had to get really close, scan them and avoid the fire. The game itself is pretty good on the scripted missions but it's so blatantly repetitive and formulaic. I will play more if it's free since I had enough fun with it as just a ship simulator.
  23. I would probably really enjoy Lucas putting in a scene of Fett crawling out of the hole... for the angst on the interwebs, if for nothing else.
  24. I still frown at the Abrams Enterprise, especially the scale enhancement to engineering and the shuttle bay. Just doesn't make any sense but those nacelles just don't fit the movie-esque saucer one bit.
  25. I still like MII more than DYRL. DYRL fits as a "movie in a movie" but departs too much from SDF for me to appreciate it's story. Love the designs, especially the Metal Siren and Phalanx upgrade and the very idea behind the emulators and why the Zentran and Meltran were so easily victimized by the Minmei attack. It just needed a lot more expansion and was too rushed. Give it 20-30 episodes and it could have challenged SDF, Kawamori or not.
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