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Everything posted by Uxi

  1. Looks awesome. Definitely hope a game comes out one of these days. Don't expect localization would be possible, but would be oh so nice if they would do enough of it in English that I can understand what's going on. I had bigger hopes for DLC but they usually only support DLC for a year with about two expansions. I had hopes things would be like the music games continually coming out with tracks, except vehicles and texture packs, and that sort of thing.
  2. Well I think they do that deliberately to generate buzz so it's not entirely altruistic.
  3. I like that darker scheme better! And wish the wing/root design had stayed more similar to the 1/72 to make the high speed pseudo-possible by fudging the transformation instead of being impossible like it is on the 1/60.
  4. Isn't the 1S (FF2001D) engine the one with the "slots" (like TV Roy VF-1S) while the others (particularly 1A) had visible turbine detail in the feet (FF2001)? Or was that a block evolution? The Master File shows both on page 79 but not exactly sure what it's saying there.
  5. Well Superman has been an orphan franchise and will need to be rebooted. Expect a Batman reboot after Nolan is done and then a JLA movie sometime around 2018?
  6. I'll get the MP10 if it's really $100. Course, I never did find Hasbro MP Hot Rod...
  7. I prefer no shakey cam OR lens flare. I still hate the bridge in AbramsTrek.
  8. I liked the Expendables. Rambo was ok but outside of the action, I was disappoint. Looking forward to this one.
  9. I still want a Low-Viz VF-22. And v2 1/60 VF-1A/J in Low Viz.
  10. I am fairly fond of the design. Gamlin VF-22 is still my #1 favorite valkyrie, in fact, so doubt I would rebuy. I don't particularly use the limb removal function, so wouldn't miss it. If I was going to consider it I would want some better ducts for the intakes ((if it can be done on the 1/72 Hobbymaster F-22, it should be doable on a 1/60 YF-21/VF-22) with built in closing and opening covers, maybe with turbine detail visible with a flashlight or something, but except for the one scene in Dynamite 7, I never recall seeing the turbines in anime, anyway.
  11. Buddy sat on my 1/72 YF-21FP and broke off the head laser. I was dumb to put it on a chair. Not even sure why I did it
  12. I've posted that, too. I have the TV Roy and want a Hikaru for it. I also have the VF-11B Isamu in the YF-19FP, so would like another one of those, as well. Pilot pack would be great, as well as some standing figures (Myung, Minmay, Roy with his pompadour flared out, etc). We've had some garage kit/customs for the latter and if you get the assembly kits, they have TV pilots in there, but I would prefer to buy all painted up and Yamato is already making the pilots anyway so should be relatively easy to make a few more?
  13. Definitely won't see this in the movies or buy the BD.
  14. I'd still like to see a decent adaptation of the original graphic novel that wasn't aimed at kids. Think R-rating, psychopathic Raphael, etc.
  15. Wife was all over the books so wanted to see this. I tried to read the book but it just felt like the cheesy young adult fiction it is so didn't get too deep into it and made sure not to read the spoilers or plot summary until after the movie. Ending was pretty predictable (without knowing the story I figured it would come down to the love interests being the last two but having a happy ending). I thought the violence itself was portrayed ok though some of the behavior was a bit dumb (anyone on the team with the blonde dude shouldn't have trusted him much less been able to sleep with that camp). Ok movie, but not great or horrible.
  16. I still need to get a Max VF-22...
  17. Resuls are interesting. I want an Ozma but not much interested in the other two. For web limited voted: "Don't like them for higher price, but will buy what I really wanted."
  18. Uxi


    I was hoping there would be more so I could get into the line. Just not interested in yet another VF-1 to start, though was close to getting the Blazer (more than the Fire). That they're oddballs now mean I won't unless I see them heavily discounted somewhere.
  19. The VF-2SS wasn't supposed to be revolutionary. It was precisely the point that it was too much of a "me too'ism" not realizing that the game had changed. Metal Siren was the revolutionary new design. I think it did go a bit too Gundam'ish but I still wish I could get a good toy of it in 1/60.
  20. I like the idea of reusing the voice tracks and doing new animation. Replace the brown CF with a low viz style, but not substantially deviating from the line art. They could expand from the "main characters" with side stories, perhaps but keeping the rest "in universe" with the original voice acting.
  21. I can live with the D-head. Packs look great, too. Can someone summarize for me? D is only with FP or are there going to be single and bundle releases?
  22. This one isn't blowing up my skirt.
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