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Everything posted by Uxi

  1. Gun-hand (sort of like Hot Rods repair tool/saw). IIRC there's an audio port so folks are thinking there's some functionality there. I think Sideswipe looks great. I'll consider a Hasbro version but dollar has been beat down too much to consider importing it. Thanks for the vid. I have been googling it but keep getting basic articles on tfsource, seibertron, twf2005 etc but none with that video or an explanation of how storage was going. If the tapes have the weapons built in that would definitely make me inclined to hunt for a US release version.
  2. The problem has been partially been a 10-20% markup on Yamato's MSRP but that dwafs the devaluation of the dollar which has effectively doubled the price for us importers. The Transformers Masterpiece line shows what we would be playing if the rights shenanigans would be sorted out. MP-10 Optimus is 22,000¥ but TRU sells it for $110 in the US. It's probably a bit inflated even compared to some domestic TF's size/complexity (and those costs are shared if not almost entirely amortized in the Japanese releases anyway) but we should be seeing this VF-4 at $110-125 if HG would play nice or cut the leeches in for a piece of the action. Hell, call it $150 for low volume limited edition, but it's more than double that. :\ That VF-4 fighter is exquisite. Love it. The battroid is a bit of a mess but I want one for the fighter alone.
  3. MP-10 back in stock at TRU (no local pickup but free shipping), so not going to miss out again. Now if only they would get MP-11. Takara are too expensive. Makes m e weep to think we should be able to get the VF-17 for $110-125, too instead of over $300. Hell, VF-4 could be under $100 at proper distribution/volume. I'll go back to hoping Bandai buys HG again. Someone refresh me on the Soundwave... it can store 3 tapes internally right? How does that work? Or is just conjecture at this point? For the tapes, themselves do the guns, etc still need to be stored separately? Seems like it would have to looking at the pics but that was my biggest beef with the tapes. Always lost Ravage or Lazerbeak accessories and they look gay without them.
  4. My 4 yo girl is watching these on Netflix. I can't say I've seen even a minute though. Am I missing anything? I concur.
  5. I like it more and more especially the color. It's just too expensive.
  6. Pie in the sky in my dreams is that they'll do an MP Megatron not as a gun, but as a sort of M198 howitzer (sort of a primitive Galvatron). Ideally to satisfy G1 purity it would convert to a vehicle scale howitzer and also be a plausible Walther P38 in a third mode (IOW, again just like a primitive Galvatron). Which can then itself be goosed up in purple with different kibble, and curves, etc but with the same general transformation and form factor as an MP Galvatron.
  7. Dayum, they had a local pickup available on an MP10 the other day but now they're all gone. Plenty of MP Thundercrackers at the local TRU but never a sign of MP10... Never saw Hot Rod, either... I am happy with my US SkyWarp but never saw the last US Starscream at retail so hope they do a US MP11 Starscream if not another Megatron, and of course # 1 in my wishlist: Galvatron.
  8. Been out of it for a bit. Want an MP10 and MP11 but most of the rest I can live without. Used to think Soundwave was so bad ass in the G1 days but now... his alt is just a bit too dated. Still no Galvatron. :\
  9. Right. That was just idle speculation over the nerdgasm possibilities on a hypothetically picked up "real" series.
  10. Don't really think the big revelation from Jenner was all that big really. Just makes a necessary change to funeral/embalming SOP. Not really THAT big of a change if people know what usually goes on in most modern embalming, anyway, then there's always the cremation side of it anyway.
  11. I really liked the premise and initial execution of the show but sort of like with The Shield, certain elements were too obviously geared for soap opera drama than reasonable or likely behavior. Was hooked until about half way through season 2 and slowly drifting away. This was especially true with the Shane situation but also others. Dude, there's plenty of tail that avoids the brother killing brother drama and you need a bunch of able bodied men before any become expendable (not at least until there's enough for sentries 24/7, if not also a decent react force in addition to any manual labor). Never read the comic but I do like the synopsis I've read. I think the TV show did good to detail Shane more... I just didn't think it was reasonable behavior, especially considering the background of the characters. My biggest beef: Build some layered defenses already. They had ample opportunity to have had the farm decently fortified. Ditches/trenches/berms to herd zombies into killing zones and keep them away from vital areas. Relying on walls to keep them out is a big bag of obvious fail waiting to happen.... unless you also have a moat and an outer stockade, if not a third layer with an inner Keep with killing fields in between.
  12. Give us room to see prototypes and/or mainline Mk III through Mk VI, as well, which could perform different roles (ex: CAS dedicated Mk IV, two-seat Mk V strike, etc).
  13. Fairly easily explained as being same "model" but different "block number" or variant. So it's still a Viper Mk II but probably Block 200 instead of 250 (or vice versa).
  14. It means Lucas' war with the WGA and DGA will be over. He'll have creative control but won't have to Direct or Write anymore, which he's never wanted to do but had that issue with the guilds from the 80's... Could be good. I like the idea of movies every few years kinda like Bond. Hoping for Mark Hamil in an Obi-wan style role training an all new cast without much reference to the other characters. It'd be nice if they threw the oddball reference to the EU without being completely beholden to it (IOW, a "certain point of view" treating certain novels and comics like they were from the SW equivalent of The Onion. Not sure if it can be a Real™ Star Wars movie without the 20th Century Fox intro, though.
  15. Milius is definitely awesome. I dream he'll get to do Crown of Iron one day with the "old and sodded" Governator
  16. Just played the Demo on PS3 and enjoyed. Definitely gonna get this. What version is everyone playing? Any benefit to PC over PS3 or vice versa?
  17. Damn I used to pick up troopers fallen equipment in the original, too. Is there still a geoscape? I always wanted a multi-player mod for the original thinking to have 2-5 players on a LAN as opposing human factions, dividing up the funding nations sort of like Risk and attacking each others stuff to lower their support, if not launching infiltration missions, etc. Maybe having a toggle to have the aliens as a random computer controlled chaos. Any multiplayer options? Any benefit to PC over PS3 other than graphics settings?
  18. I was thinking it would be armor made for Captain America? Each of the Iron Man movies had 3 versions while Avengers had 2 (one original). I'd expect at least 2 suits for Iron Man 3, if not 3 again.
  19. Grew up with the Battle of the Planets and G-force as my favorite cartoon as a kid. Dipped into Gatchaman as an adult. Have high hopes for this!
  20. Mk IX shots seem to look more tan than gold so might be the lighting. Thought I would hate it from the description but looks surprisingly good. I am still kinda hoping it's more like the Mk V and he'll have a "real" more red Mk X for later on.
  21. I never wanted these... nowhere to put them and they're so pricey... but finding it hard to resist the Iron Man Mk VII preorder... Main question is how interchangeable are the previous versions? For example if I wanted one of the opening mask heads. Yikes, they go for a large amount of evilbay....
  22. Looks bad ass. I want me some Invid!
  23. I think my Core i7 is still beefy enough. X58 is a bit dated but good enough for my purposes for at least a couple years especially if I go beyond the mild overclock. I'll probably go to 24GB of DDR3 sooner or later (crazy how cheap RAM is these days)
  24. I was re-reading the Hobbit and it does describe Balin as looking unusually old so that one isn't too far off the mark apparently. I still don't like most of the differentiation decisions they made (and most of the beards are way too short). Fili and Kili are definitely both supposed to be blonde. Looks like they're skipping the whole hood detail, too).
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