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I'd like something 2051 and beyond myself. Maybe seeing Isamu... or his child or something and the "next generation" valk. Maybe a more mature UN Spacy with "cannon fodder" VF-19B's and "special ops" VF-22's with a new experimental VF on the scene... Enemy... some strange alien (naturally with transforming mecha) or something. I've never been much interested in "filling in the gaps" in VF development (VF-4, etc), though. I'm kinda doubting this is a macross series, though.
Wow, I was all ready to scoff at the original post... but now Graham's post is making me raise an eyebrow.
Uxi replied to Angel's Fury's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Definately. Midnight showing on an IMAX screen (though not in IMAX format, it must be said). I'm not as miffed about Shelob being absent from the Two Towers movie as I am about Gandalf (and company) returning to Isengard (and the whole lacking of any hint of Saruman's betrayal of Sauron, but that's a larger issue). I'm really not expecting the Paths of the Dead to be on screen at all. The rest of the Dunedain of Arnor... I don't believe there's been a single reference to Arnor in the movies. It's always been "just" Gondor. So I don't expect to see Halbarad at all. RotK is really a much shorter book if you don't count the appendices. Most of the Arwen/Aragorn tale seems to be inspired from there. Replacing Glorfindel with Arwen was atrocious IMO, but unfortunately understandable. Just as bad was the deception of the Ents instead of their conscious decision to enter the conflict... and the replacement of the huorns with the elves. But I won't even get started on the fact that Aragorn STILL has not reforged the sword! -
Definately the second pic for Low-Viz. Nice work.
You can read Graham's rewview of the Hikaru VF-1A and find that the intake cover and a whole missile cluster (disassembled) will fit in one of the "boxes" of the UMM-7. I've independently tested this and can confirm.
I agree on the VF-2SS and VF-2JA but still think the Metal Siren looks cool, too. As far as the looks of the Metal Siren, I rather like them. Very Gundam-ish looking but not without reason. The head-sheild, for example and the other assorted weaponry (particularly the melee weapon thing that goes on the nose in fighter and gerwalk but on the arm in battroid for stabbing and that plasma ball effect thingy that destroid the Marduk cap ship). Seems to me to have everything a future advanced valk would have (well except for a fold booster, internal or no). Though I'd prefer a head laser or 4.
Damn... might have to get another Low-Viz while the getting is still good. Anyone go to Frank & Sons yesterday and still see it there? I was JUST thinking that I wanted a "wingman" for my Low-Viz... I'd be willing to buy another Low-Viz in another head, too.. preferably -1J IMO. As far as non-limited... I would hope it was the same "shade" of "low-viz."
You might as well make a post, since I'm also curious what's wrong w/ the Hasegawa... not that I'm interested in models (non transforming particularly). Me, I'm inclined for a good 1/48 F-14 mode and use a sticker or two of the UN Spacy "kite" emblem that were extra from my low-viz...
Incredible. And my low-viz is wanting them too... though you're right, the color isn't quite right. And the FAST packs are still bluish? I see the pics but am curious on your impression of the color. Seemed like Yamato had changed to more of a "tv" color like on the 1/60 Hikaru Super VF-1J...
The face on battroid is different too. No BCS. IIRC, there might have been more of those trapezoidal missile launcher things, too on the leg panels, I think...
BoB, you're ignoring the fact that until Guld's "flashback" or vision or whatever (I definately got the "flashback" impression), almost all we saw was that Guld was the responsible one. He was by the book. He dotted every "i" and crossed every "t". He was considerate to Myung. He was protective of her. He seemed to truly care for her. Isamu, on the other head, was aggressively unorthodox. Rude. Inconsiderate. In his professional life. In his private life. With Myung. Yes, we know Guld has... issues... with being half Zent, but until the flashback we're left to wonder at what ripped apart the friendship the 3 of them had... and signs seem to point to Isamu being the culprit, especially given his "current' (at the time) behavior. Given this, Guld appears the better match for Myung... until we learn that it was GULD all along who was the problem and had a mean skeleton in the closet.
You know, I have a pretty good setup (progressive scan 16:9 HDTV with progressive scan DVD player connected via component and full 5.1 ch DD surround sound) and can't say I was disapointed by the Movie Edition's DVD quality. Might be that it's "just" animation, but I'm a stickler for high quality home theatre with live-action. Maybe I'm just getting used to bootlegs...
Oh yeah, that discussion debate with my friend basically didn't solve anything. I'm still kinda thinking Guld MIGHT HAVE (I'm about 60/40 for saying Guld did) raped her and my friend still doesn't think Guld did (I'd guess my friend is about 90% sure against, but I'll have to ask to make sure). Off topic but I think Turin's story is more tragic (or rather had so much more potential that was utterly wasted) than even Hurin's though the latters utter defeat in the end makes it close. And the Noldor's whole "adventure" was ultimately a waste... and they dragged the Edain down with them too.
Oh yeah something that I'd really like, but don't think can be done because of the transformation thing... link the wings together with a gear like is done for some of models. So that when one is moved the other moves in the same fashion (ie in or out). Also join up the weapon hardpoints to it, to, so that the missile cluster or box rotates in the appropriate direction. THAT would be pretty cool. Would also like heat shield to be able to deploy in fighter (or gerwalk) mode, like we saw Hikaru do when descending from orbit after the fight with Bodolza. But that would probably involve a significant redesign of heat shield, canopy, and chest plate... For that matter, maybe removable arms? Nah...
Like it says, anyone have ideas for further design improvements/evolutions of our favorite valkyrie toy? I love the thing, but the improvements in the 1/60 were almost obvious as time went on. We've already seen some nice changes in the Max and Low-Viz from the Hikaru and Roy, but what would we like to see after the Hikaru -1S and -1J (probably too late)... Me? I'm thinking having seperate flaperons and ailerons (spelling error in one or both, i'm sure) would be nice... certainly more realistic. Maybe a rudder too. Hands could definately improvement. I'd like articulation in every finger and not have ring/middle joined up. It'd also be nice if the cockpit control surfaces either painted or have the stickers pre-applied (after a nice close cutting). A new head mold (front/back halves instead of left/right) would be desirable for the -1S IMO, but I doubt we'll see that anytime soon, if at all. Articulated pilot (even rudimentary like the Micro Machine Action Fleet with shoulder and hip only) but 1/48s are a bit bigger so head rotation and waist would be cool, too... Thats off the top of my head. Anyone else? Repost?
If they're making a TV version (Hikaru 1J) , I expect them to maximize the use of those molds, too. Max and Milia TV -1Js are obvious and logical steps, especially considering the 1/60 and their relative scarcity compared to certain others. Maybe finally see a Kakizaki? Not on my list, but it would be pleasant surprise. A Hi-Viz would be nice. Or low-viz and/or hi-viz sundowners-style or another squadron or something. VF-1D might not be too. Something truly unique, like a real experimental variation or something (similar in concept to F-15 Active or something) with a custom head (YF-1R anyone? heh), special feet/thruster nozzles, extra hardpoints and/or air brakes, maybe multiple gunpods, special variant FAST packs (maybe some sort of aerodynamic version or something?). Probably way too much of a variant instead of a simple custom paint scheme, but it'd be nice. GBP would always be nice, of course.
I like it. A good precursor model to the VF-2. Maybe could be MII's version of the "VF-0"? I still think the Metal Siren is better than both, though.
Wow. Was planning on skipping both of these, but might have to get the Super 0... i'm surprised! I think I can live w/o the Elintseeker, though...
I was pleasantly surprised to find I liked it. Nothing in there was done for the sake of doing it but has an internally self-consistent reason in the story. Even the stuff I don't particularly like. Basara is a vain and stubborn primadonna, some of the valks and details are rather silly... but the story is great, the mecha are great, and it builds on previous Macross series. In fact, I'm hoping there's another series or at least OVA after M0 that takes up where M7 left off. Maybe we can see what Isamu and Myung (or their kid or something) is up to. But overall M7 is completely a net positive and a significant one at that.
Heh, had that same debate with a friend, whether Guld raped Myung or he just stopped at the ripping of her clothes. Went much the same as this one here. Guld wasn't an actual villain, per se, though he was the main antagonist to Isamu's protagonist. In fact, the melodramatic flashbacks with the music playing as Myung's song is sang in the closing credits of the Movie Edition shows that it is tragic, after a sort... or would be to Isamu and Myung, because it was only through Guld's sacrifice that Isamu was able to rescue her. Me, I kinda thought Isamu and Guld should have been able to effectively double team the Ghost, myself. A better alternate ending IMO, would have had Guld sacrifice the YF-21 (and the project) but eject or something and all 3 survive... Isamu still gets Myung. Actual tragedy is... well... tragic. Hurin... now THAT name brings tragedy to mind (and the whole major plot of the Quenta Silmarillion)... but that's for another forum.
Your ideas are pretty good. I'm most interested in good articulation... wheels on the feet of those destroids that have them (if any... the ones that come to mind are all Macross-II), good leg (ankle, knee, hip) and arm (wrist, elbow, shoulder) articulation in particular is more desirable to me than hip and waist. Removable pilots for all would be nice, as well as removable missiles for those destroids that have them. Good paint jobs would round it out. I'd rather these things be relatively inexpensive and/or sold in multi-packs ("army builders") than have gimmicks they don't need.
Roy and Max 1/60 VF-1A from one of HLJ's sales. Followed shortly after by a Hikaru VF-1J. At first was scared about their fragility from reading on MW, but when I got them, was quite pleasantly surprised at how sturdy they are. Don't even have problems holding them together in gerwalk, either! Minor QC on the Roy (paint chipping off one of the legs) but incredible on the whole IMO. And that one nit was supposed to be remedied by the 1/60 FAST pack kits... though I've all but given up hope on ever seeing these now. I've followed up with YF-21 FP and 1/48 Low-Viz and times are good. Wish I had grabbed a 1/72 VF-19A when they were still affordable on Ebay, though. Ah well. Now come out with the YF-19FP already!
I dont really think the 1/48 is too bad in this area, unlike the 1/60. I never checked hte online guide or even the instructions except once or twice just to be safe (but wasn't headed into danger territory anyway). Course, I had been following the threads and previews here on MW, too... The 1/60, OTOH, I could have easily broken if I hadn't d/l the vids and searched some threads.
On the whole, I think they're fine for their purpose: decorating a toy. For those here using them as "posable models" they are admittedly insufficient. There are a few exceptions where they're subpar for the toy, though. Example from the low-viz: interior control stickers. Border trim for the controls stickers are waaaaay too thick for them to fit on the provided surfaces. Personally, I think this could have been one thing the Chinese labor could have done, sticker wise. Another minor nitpcik I have is that the USS Asuka (and asorted others) are too dim to be seen on the low-viz (they should be a brighter shade). The stickers that go on the nose sensor / hip thingies are useless given the design of the 1/48, too.
All of the above. It really enhances battroid mode. IMO the Strike/Super armor looks best in fighter with gerwalk a close second. In battroid most of it is kinda lost. I would definately want a set for 1/60 and 1/48. Removable missiles, etc for the latter... yummy. It shoudln't be very complicated at all. And that custom one is bad ass!