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Everything posted by Uxi

  1. Sure it matters. Enculturation, while being a gigantic part, is still secondary to this matter. Besides, the strength thing was secondary to my main point on mecha diversity (and the corresponding ability to wage a combined-arms fight). But even without conceding strength, u still haven't tackled the death by squeezing issue.
  2. Heh. I made no mention of (human) Men and Women. And anyone able to kill by squeezing with their "holy of holies" gets the trophy.
  3. Aha. And I had READ that post. Go figure.
  4. Where is this? I might get another one or two (each) for customizing purposes if that's the case... I've seen the place in Universal Citywalk that has the real Bandai re-issues (Stealth and Fire) on sale for maybe 50'ish each IIRC.
  5. Interesting. Right now only have Movie Edition on DVD. My VHS of the OVA are ready to give up the ghost, as are my MII VHS. So maybe I'll consider this after all... $90? Sounds expensive though. Even at a high-priced place like Suncoast should be able to get Macross Plus Vol 1 and 2 and Macross II movie seperate for the same money (if not cheaper). I don't see any mention of any new material or anything. Sounds like they've just grabbed their stock of existing DVDs and wrapped them up together in one external package over the standard internal ones. At least Plus is in 5.1ch like the movie edition, but MII is still just 2Ch, apparently.
  6. Heh. Funny. Seems like someone at Studio Nue (Kawamori?) likes collateral damage. Remember the slacker-decapitation in DYRL?
  7. IIRC Studio Nue had nothing at all to do with Macross II, which is why they retcon'ed it into an alternate universe (which makes as much sense as it being fictional sequel to DYRL's movie-in-a-movie). Either you're not paying that much attention... or I'm not (though that's possible). I think the whole movie-in-a-movie thing is ridiculous. Especially since almost all of the contradictory material (origins of the Macross, etc) aren't even mentioned on film. Why would the Macross be a Meltran ship, for example? Pure ridiculous. Some of the stuff was definately better like Minmei being older and Hikaru already being a pilot instead of pulling his circus bit (though that makes his insubordination with Misa less credible, but THAT's another thread). I think almost everyone would agree that the designs are better and more evolved than in SDF. F, G, B levers anyone? On the subject though, no, I don't think the Zentran would boycott it. After witnessing Guld and how easily the Zentran lose it on M7, I think they'd be more likely to storm the studio that produced it and do a massacre. And wasn't that "movie" in Macross 7 (staring Basara as Hikaru) a remake, anyway? Maybe a Zentran apologist version? B)
  8. Zentran. While the Meltran might seem to be more agile, I would imagine the average Zentran is stronger than the average Meltran. Assuming there were no additonal mecha on either side that we haven't seen animated... the greater mix of mecha would favor the Zentran and enable them to counteract the (apparently) highly better performance of the Q-rau over the Nos-Ger. Personally I'm not so convinced that's the case. (I can believe the Q-rau is superior, but not 3 or 4 x as good, though would buy that Milia the ace was that much greater than Joe Schmoe Zentran in a Nos-Ger). Of course a fleet like Bodolzas with a mix of Zentran and Meltran would win over both, but thats not the topic we're discussing.
  9. Uxi


    Is it a bootleg or official R2 release? Interesting... sounds like it would be a bootleg. Course, doest Yamato's stickers say "Galdo" or something like that? I know the other pilot sticker is "Isam" or something like that. Also did u see the OVA or the movie edition? I like Macross Plus too. Greatest Macross animation quality yet, IMO, with a story second only to Macross 7's. The YF-21 and VF-22 is, so far, my favorite Valkyrie design. So... tell us what u think Guld actually did to Myung, if u would. Just curious.
  10. Looks incredible. You need to do something about that pilot though. He doesn't do the valkyrie justice.
  11. Uxi


    Yeah these things are great aren't they? I agee the they are as flawless as possible for a toy and w/o a big QC bugs for a change, which is nice. Now they do expose one of the weak points in the 1/48 design (namely the arm locking mechanism, which is weak in standard fighter mode but worse as a Super Valkyrie). I think they look great on the Low-Viz (especially mine ) and just a slight shade darker than the Low-Viz trim markings. IMO, the Low-Viz is what the cannon fodder should have been rather than brown. As far as the missiles, both micro and RMS, why would anyone use super glue? One, it's permanent, which is just bad, and two it will eat the plastic (which is worse). Third, u can use elmers glue as has been mentioned and it wont damage anything.
  12. Interesting. What scale are they in?
  13. TV or DYRL? I like this squadron. Hope Yamato will release some in 1/60! That or I'll have to gve a thought to buy some on the next HLJ sale to customize.
  14. Negative. As a USMC M1A1 tanker, I can tell u that all US Abrams have depleted uranium. In addition, almost all (if not all) of our tanks these days have the "Heavy Armor" upgrade, which increased the thickness of the mesh. IIRC, the mesh (with depleted uranium) was on the original M1, as well. FTR, the export versions of the Abrams tank don't get the depleted uranium or the chobam layout but get the space filled in with concrete. As far as reactive, we were using that with the M60s... which some Marine units still had in the '91 Gulf War. Meh, I didnt think Roy would be a wussie to need an armor package.
  15. Best I can suggest is to go to the model section of the main site (not the forums) and look at the closeup of this YF-21 and eyeball it. Unless someone would be kind of enough to scan a Hasegawa instruction sheet or something...
  16. 1/60. How much detail do we need on these things? These should be relatively cheap since they don't transform or anything. That said, one or two in 1/48 (especially a Phalanx - though I prefer the MII Phalanx-II - with removable missiles, etc.) would be cool too. The "main" line should remain 1/60. No way we're gonna see a 1/48 Q-rau.
  17. They're at least around for Target practice in Plus (the Monster that the YF-19 takes out in one shot at the least). As far as 7... there were the M7 Police things. lol All they ever do is unfold their arms and then get blown up.
  18. I know, I'm just impatient and want it NOW. B)
  19. Exactly. I prefer the more seriously oriented Macross like Plus but I thoroughly enjoyed 7, too. They are not corny singing valks for the simple sake of being corny singing valks. There is a rationale behind it that conforms to the specific characters involved with the needs of creating and maintaining (and indeed intent to expand into a more "normal" military-type unit ala Jamming Birds). It's internally consistent with the story. That said, I believe it was a middle finger to the too serious minded of Macross fans, too. That dorky stuff has been with us since the beginning (notably in the form of the Zentran spies and the Petite cola vending machine, etc), just not as pronounced.
  20. Thought 1/72 was already confirmed? Because it will be around same size as 1/60 VF-1? I had been hoping for 1/60 (to stay in scale with VF-1 and the Q-rau) with an occassional "perfect grade" 1/48, but thought that 1/72 was pretty much old news. Obviously there will be VF-0S, VF-0D and hopefully an SV-51.
  21. I like half or partial gerwalk myself.
  22. Damn that pic makes me wish I hadn't been a... well kid and destroyed my matchbox. Where's Yamato with theirs (or Bandai with at least a re-issue??)?
  23. Ok, I'll answer myself since I took the time now to browse the Compendium. Though lacking infamous Design Works and Gold Book (and the ability to read Japanese!) leaves me with more questions than answers with apparently contradictions between material. HMMP-02 IS apparently the FAST-pack missile pod. Whereas the Yamato stickers for 1/48 call it NP-BP-01. And the Compendium lists the strike cannon as "Mauler R0-X2A" (and the stickers have it has NP-BP-02). Maybe NP-BP-01 is the missile pods nomenclature while HMMP-02 applies to the micro-missiles? That would fit better with the UMM-7 micro-missiles being "HMM-01"... But would leave me completely stumped at R0-X2A.
  24. Professional pride? Naaaaaah. Seriously, I snicker at the subs sometimes, but a slong as long as they get the point across who cares. The only time I'm a little irritated about it is when they are almost completely opposite to what was actually said... or when I hear something in Engrish but it's not in the sub at all. Then it's like "WTF? What's going on here??"
  25. The Macross origins in Macross have always sounded... weird to me. Overpowered for its size compared to the Zentraedi ships. IOW, if the SA had small ships like that, what were their big ships like?? Of course, the Macross is protected by the plot, but that's not a good in-story reason. I know that the Zentraedi initially were going out of their way to capture instead of destroy but still... EDIT: And on topic, there WAS (or more appropriately was going to be) a continuity other than Studio Nue's, when they weren't doing Macross. It's possible the Alus could have sprang up from there. Me, I always like the idea that MII was an in-story fictional sequel to the retcon'ed in-story fictional movie "DYRL." Maybe something Basara, et al went to see after defeating the Protodevlin.
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