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Everything posted by Uxi

  1. You mean Toynami, right? AFAIK, Harmony Gold doesn't make toys themselves. We're talking Yamato, not Big West, here right? What IS the point of the parts # list in the transformation manuals if they're not even going to support it for Japan? They shoudl save the ink and paper and not print that page. Still the best designed valkyries yet though I don't see that the China factory or the logistics system they must have would be remotely stressed by producing extra parts and not assembling them.
  2. Setting... I think the TotJ or KotoR settings would have been much better for SWG. Or maybe the NJO. That could be interesting! Definately having some sort of larger overall story arc, something that elite players could actually influence maybe, would be cool. Let each server spin off away from official EU and canon in whatever ways are logical. Then that opens some sort of sliders possibility, perhaps. Linking each server through a limited means of transport/transfer. I actually was disapointed in the cloning/spawning business. I would like a game to actually have characters be D-I-E and force people to make new characters if they enter combat rashly. Force people to be either conservative and cautious, or brave and short-lived. :-) But that's neither here nor there.
  3. Uxi

    Low Viz+ Fast pack?

    I dont think they need to be painted, really. They're just a tiny bit darker than the trim/markings shade of the Low-Viz itself. Looks great IMO. The RMS-1 missiles clash being a bright white instead of grayish-white, but that isn't inappropriate given the nature of the plane and the RMS-1 missile.
  4. I bought it but never got around to registering. Ostensibily, I was waiting for the starships add-on. But now I'll wait to see if it survives to the starships. Plus now that I've beat both KotoR and Jedi Academy, I'm really detesting the rpg based stuff. The class-like selection stuff Siege for the latter really makes me wish Galaxies (KotoR especially) would use that instead, but I know that's not gonna happen. Ah well.
  5. The second one.
  6. Keep the 1/60 and only get the "important" 1/48 toys. They're too big and too expensive (at import prices anyways) to grab all of 'em while money is an issue (as u say it is). 1/60 line is complete and still pretty damned cool!
  7. I think they're both great. Don't have the VF-11B FP yet, but intend to get one or two pretty soon. The YF-21FP is incredible. Before I got my Low-Viz it was my favorite valk. Definately recommended! There's a reason the YF-19 is being resculpted. While the old looked good in battroid, it isn't a very good sculpt in fighter. Hopefully they get a good fighter mode and keep the good attributes of their battroid (I've never much cared for Gerwalk in the Macross Plus valks, though it's my favorite for the VF-1).
  8. Sounds good. Except I don't want a 2-3 ep release. Just release the whole OVA in one pack and we can call it a day.
  9. Uxi

    HLJ Crazy Sales

    I love my 1/60 Max. Got 2 or 3 "fire sales" ago. I just wish Yamato WOULD COMPLETE THE FAST PACK UPGRADE KITS ALREADY!!! Ok, got that out of my system. B)
  10. Genesis easy! EA Sports games first got big there. RPGs were some hit, some miss. I missed the new Zelda and Metroid games, but liked everything about the Genesis better from the controllers on up to the selection. Sega CD just insured the deal... WE won't talk about the 32X.
  11. Uxi

    1/48 VF1J

    Is it actually going to be a seperate box? Or just 2 packages (valk and FP) bundled together?
  12. They specifically mentioned that in the episode, though the reasons require speculation. Exedore said it would be difficult without Minmei. Recordings wouldn't be enough, apparently. Based on Milia's surprise and Max's resignation [on a side note, Max sure takes bad orders well - both the attack Varauta mission "abandoned fleet" business AND the order to destroy the Meltraedi], it wasn't a usual order. But then Chlore's fleet was unusually large, however, and that might have in the UN Spacy's reasoning. Going with that, could it be that such a large fleet would be beyond their ability to defend themselves while attempting to "persuade" them? Or another thought is that with such a large fleet out there, it was better to have it one piece than to fragment (some persuaded, others not) and rampage wherever they went, attacking colonies and other New Macross fleets, etc. Then there's the fact that the Meltran were unpredictible in their response to the singing (they go into provocative intimidation and outright attack when Mylene tried by herself, but then are completely the opposite with Basara. Minmei for example seems to be in the middle or slightly towards the Basara end of that spectrum). Possibly due to the power level of "anima spiritia" in the respective singers? Or maybe Meltran react differently than the primary Zentran of Bodolzas fleet and the UN Spacy have seen it before. What's interesting to me is that noone on Macross 7 seemed to think they COULDNT destroy Chlore's huge Meltran fleet, which should be some indiciation of the relative strength of the Meltran, no?
  13. Ok the Clone comment is just ridiculous. Star Wars has SOME issues (mostly retcons ala Greedo shooting first) but the Clones aren't one of them. Stormtroopers were always vague and there was some official material (77-80'ish) that outright mentioned it. But even the EU isn't bad with "real events." Characterization has a nasty change with different author et all, but I'm willing to debate (Im PM or in the "Other" Forum since it's not on topic here) any major continuity issues u might have. Funny how the retcons are the worst of continuity. Be it Macross or Star Wars. B)
  14. I got ya. They either had a limited and/or specific permission on the VF-X 2 "license" (JUST for the VF-19A... and/or Bandai voiced concerns over it) . OR Yamato just hasn't been bothered with sculpting and tooling for a VF-17D. I can't think of any reason why Yamato can't do a VF-X 2 VF-22S unless it is precisely licensing (aka Bandai) difficulties other than that they just don't want to. The bigger concern NOW is that VF-X 2 is getting to be a pretty old game (as games go) and there isn't going to be as much interest as for an OVA or new game, for example.
  15. Heh I was thinking Gamlin and by the expression on his face he looks like he did right after Gavil possessed him. But then I read the post. B)
  16. It's a logical fallacy to prove a negative IIRC. IOW the lack of evidence is not evidence itself for any argument. Either way. Is there any doubt that the current timeline didnt kick out an older one? I seem to remember Big West definately heading a different direction while Studio Nue wasn't in the picture, as posted on these very forums (well the old ones... who was it... Edo?)?
  17. Uxi

    VFX-2 VFs

    Um, doesn' Gamlin use that laser-gunpod thing to (repeatedly) destroy Gavil's mecha towards the latter half of M7? It shoots out of somewhere (the other leg I think) and he puts it on and/or over the front end of the gunpod. And it looks like he had the exact same weapon in his relatively ordinary looking VF-22S' gunpod in Dynamite 7 (and his forearms had the gunpod sound effect IIRC). Continuity or was the VF-22S opposite from the YF-21 (projectile gunpod and laser forearms)?
  18. Something else. Repainted YF-21 FP with the VF-22 parts as a VF-X 2 VF-22S. Simple and should be easily doable. And if they ever got an M7 license, they could so easily re-use the sculpt for a Max and Milia marriage set that I would be all over. I'd probably even want the M7 Dynamite Gamlin version (or would customize one myself!). And 1/48 would be nice, too.
  19. Well I woudln't call a repaint of the YF-19 (with some improvements yeah but still basically just a repaint) the beginnings of a line. I do think it might have a probe on a VF-X market (as well as further improvements of the YF-19 sculpt). But look how long the FP YF-21 was in the making (it's mentioned in Graham's '99 - IIRC - review of the VF-X 2 VF-19A). Still, I do absolutely lust over a Yamato VF-17D and VF-22S. All the latter requires is a paint job as it looks like the parts are already molded! The bitch has GOT TO be licensing issues and maybe fear of big bad Bandai getting offended. Unless for some mysterious reason Big West just don't want to do it. Though it wouldn't surprise if it's on the (far far future) horizon after the VF-1 and VF-0 lines are done (if that's ever gonna happen).
  20. Uxi

    VF-19A Lose Chest

    Yeah I was disapointed in this too as even the Bandais had a little nub with detent for it on theirs. Still, unlike the 1/60 and 1/48 it looks like the YF-19 was designed around battroid mode. A bigger concern (to me) was that the head wasn't as well hidden as the Bandais, though they had to fudge the sculpt a bit to do it. I still like it better than the Bandais.
  21. You're right, I'm hoping for some difference as I want a 1/48 Roy, but don't want to get stuck with one of the old ones. AFAIK, the only times Yamato put "2nd ed" stickers or anything like that was due to rather cataclysmic problems with previous versions. Still I don't know if Yamato HAS done re-issues before, though I'm assuming they have. The 1/48 improvements, while making for an even better toy aren't fixing problems that result in broken toys (though I'm thinking a 2nd ed. sticker for the 1/48 would/should be based around a redesigned backpack hinge!). Are they going to mark the reissues of the the various 1/60s as 2nd Ed? The leg and gunpod improvements are comprable to 1/48 nosecone and flaps IMO.
  22. Yeah I was disapointed with the sculpt in fighter mode (though Battroid is cool sans the torso locking mechanism - or rather the lack thereof) of the VF-19A. QC was worst of any Yamato I own (7 Valks). I still like the design better than my Bandai VF-19 Kai (and the bootleg blazer and fire valks). And with the YF-21, makes me wish Yamato had done a full VF-X2 complete with VF-17 D/S and VF-22 (would be sooo soo easy for the latter). Ah well. That said, I have high hopes for the YF-19FP.
  23. Ok, I'll keep that in mind. I remember searching the toy district for anime shops and places that might have Yamatos and came up blank (found something in East LA on Atlantic finally). Gonna have to go back to the Toy District I see....
  24. Doubtful IMO. This is hardly broken "tab B" or VF-11 hips here. Though I guess it's possible. Can anyone say if there was there a big outcry (EDIT: IN JAPAN!) about the crooked skulls and droopy canopy (amongst other things) with the Hikaru and Roy 1/48? That's the only way I see Yamato advertising it (otherwise they doom sales of any remaining stock they have of the previous release).
  25. To bring it on topic, I'd like the non-articulated hands similar to the 1/60 ones. I'd say two sets, just like 1/60, one closed fist and able to be stowed in the arms and one posed in an "anime way." I'd prefer they designed some beefier individually ball-jointed fingers but that's not gonna happen anytime soon, I don't think. To stay off-topic... after seeing those pics (the photochop and the anime) I really prefer the white of the TV opening credits to an anime friend mistake. In fact, I wonder why they did the DYRL GBP that way. Eww. As far as the arms. I don't have a beef with proportions or anything like that. I just wish they had a better connection/locking method. That's the only weak point of the 1/48 design, IMO, ESPECIALLY with the FAST-packs.
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