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Everything posted by Uxi
They're probably on the old forums, which are down right down apparently due to h4x0r$. I glanced at VEX real quick and didnt see anything there... EDIT: Oh yeah, I really want a couple Regults and a Glaug to lead them! 1/60 of course prefferred. Though I'm starting to have hopes that Yamato would do 1/72 to make these things a bit smaller (as well as a revamped 1/48-style VF-1 in 1/72 scale).
WOW. Definately will be joining my collection, if it's for real! The hands are definately different.... but then again given the forearms of the GBP I wouldn't be surprised if the toys pop out hands don't "reach" all the way (if they're not blocked entirely by the design). Who's VF-0S design is that (page 7)?
Hmm sounds kinda like a crap shoot. I wonder what the average assortment is...
Yeah you are. WE didn't have problems with simple punch cards. NOW it's either stupid connect the dots similar thing or a graphics screen (I had the former), even though there weren't any problems with the old ones. B) I like Conan the Barbarian the best. Then Terminator and Total Recall and the Running Man. Who wants to do a Running Man line? I'm laughing too hard at some of the others I've read here. Great thread!
Chunky. Should try it with a 1/60 or 1/48 Yammie. Nice paint job. Does anyone really do a camo scheme like for a real life fighter?
Neato. Anything on the BDI or BCS?
Heh. Sounds like fun. Let me know. B) As far as if MC's were NEEDED or not... well if we go by comments of the Great Plaid One... and his lackey Rick McClallum, supposedly there WAS a point to the midichlorians as well as well as Anakin's dubious origins. McClallum said specifically that Darth Sidious was involved, though he wouldn't specify. Whether that "involvement" has been revived at all... or will be explored in Episode III (or even the EU) remains to be seen. But it could well be possible the Midichlorians are a part of this... or something seperate (maybe with cloning?) is all speculation. So it could be technobabble (which would part of Lucas' homage to 50's serials) or it could have an intent that may or may not be explored. In either case, it's not fatal to the "fantasy" aspect of the Force or a Jedi's wielding of it. SW is so many mixed genres, anyways, from Japanese Samurai to more European fantasy to the Old West and Han Solo's gunslinging. And I won't even get into the Nazi Germany parallels of the Empire.
The Macross was a Supervision Army ship, not a Zentradi ship, hence the different design styles. I was imagining the SA would be comparable to the Zentraedi since they were in origin the same, weren't they? Or did they supposedly develop "the gunship" ASS-1 after Protodevlin domination? Even pre-crash it doesn't look as advanced as anything the Zentraedi have... So presumably the rest of the SA ships would have the same motif, right? I'm trying to imagine their analogue to Britai's command ship and the much used destroyer (I can't remember their Macross names).
Yeah they're pretty cool. Good toys. The "Chunky Monkey" of Yamato's M+ valks. I also have the bootleg Fire and Blazer valkyries. Same toy, and nearly identical design (they're VF-19S is basically a VF-19 Kai with a different paint scheme) though with cheaper plastic... not that bad IMO. Indeed SOME aspects of the design I like better than Yamato's YF-19/VF-19A (I have the latter), notably the way Bandai hid the head in fighter mode. And how the legs can sweep forward in Gerwalk for that "braking thrust" (which isn't possible with the Yamato). Definately nice and sturdy but light on the detail and chunky in the sculpt. The Bandai is the only VF-17 valkyrie you're going to find. Don't pay TOO much, though. HLJ has the official Bandai reissues. You can find the bootlegs on ebay easy... search for "blazer valkyrie."
Do we really know that M7 has an exclusive license? After all, both Yamato and Bandai make the VF-1. And is Yamato alone making M0 toys? Bandai isn't making any of their own? Even if it is exclusive license, Yamato apparently had at least a limited VF-X2 license for the VF-19A. VF-22S they already have the parts sculpted! Though I dream about a Max and Milia set. VF-17D/S as Yamato 1/72 would be just yummy. Much less when we start talking about VF-19S with FP and optional accesorries packs with fold boosters and sound boosters and such. And I'd buy a Battle 7 toy in a heart-beat. Hopefully it'd be in the same scale as an SDF-1.
It was indeed relevant for the very weirndess of it. The importance is simple. In the fact that some little kid on a little dirtball BFE has a higher MC count than the greatest Jedi Master of Qui-Gon's day. MC count seeming to be a sort of "potential meter" than any indication of actual ability with the Force. If average John Doe on the street has a couple hundred to a thousand (remember Qui-Gon said they were required for all LIFE not just Force use), Joe Jedi Knight has 5,000-10,000, Yoda has 10-15,000 but then some little kid on this aforementioned dirtball BFE has "over 20,000" it would be pretty important wouldn't it? He's a freak and it's inexplicable outside of some old and vague prophecy. Just think Akira but without all the flash... The "immaculate conception" bit was mere conjecture on Qui-Gon's part. Yoda didn't seem to buy it at the time and indeed doesn't seem pleased later with the outcome of Anakin being trained (indeed the novelization says the rest of the Jedi Council overruled him). Mace was certainly skeptical, at least in teh beginning... and the Council's initial decision is "no." It wasn't needed in Ep 2. Where was it supposed to be mentioned? Lucas, as corny as he is, does things for reasons. Even if he's not a master like others... he's not trying to be, of course, and is simply flashing us with SFX, trying to get the kids to laugh, and paying homage to 50's serial schlock.
YOU are the one putting emphasis on cause (and by extension, effect) when nothing Qui-Gon said indicates which is which. ALL the very brief mention of Midichlorians did was say there was a correlation. And in the specific case, it was VERY unusual, (though Qui-Gon openly admitted, he didn't know what it meant). For all you know, midichlorians are caused by the strength in the Force, not the other way around. Noone has mentioned genetics at all except you. Certainly not Qui-Gon. Neither has Lucas except through Luke saying that the "Force is strong" in his family. All that leaves to stress you is the fact that it wasn't mentioned before. Off camera, Yoda could have given Luke all sorts of "midichlorian" evidence. It woudln't change anything Luke, Vader, or the Emperor did from Empire through Return. [it would only make difference AFTER Empire when Luke tries to rebuild the Jedi Order, as Yoda instructed. But that's EU and outside of the scope of this discussion (though FTR, there IS a mechanical device Luke uses in his search that detects Force-sensitives, though it doesn't say how it works).] In summary, YOU are the one connecting dots that have no business being connected... and certainly not in the manner you're connecting them. As far as looking for twins. Vader didn't KNOW that Luke had a twin until that climatic moment in Return of the Jedi. You are sentenced to watch the entire "yub yub" song in penance. As far as looking for Luke... the fact that he had the name Skywalker would negate the need for such a test on Luke, woudln't it? There doesn't seem to be any doubt who he is, after Vader has cause to even care (namely Luke destroying the Death Star, much less surviving him on Bespin).
You're welcome to think that, of course (as if I would say anything but). Objectively, it's not anything other than a re-wording of "The Force is strong in my family." It's funny to hear people say that the movies NOW are special effects heavy. Critics said the exact same things about the "classic" trilogy. It's simply that todays critics aren't viewing through the tint of nostalgia. The original plots are NOT that good. And what was good was either adapted from other sources or part of the chemistry of the cast. Hard to "blow up" his franchise when he's raking it in, hand over fist. I tend to think each movie gets a bit better, myself, as I like Jedi. Not just the specific one(s) from the original trilogy. B)
You mean an extra micro-missile pod? You can try the For Sale forum or ebay. IIRC, There was once a set of 1/60 super armor that was for sale. Dont know WHY i didn't bid it instead of waiting and forgetting about it. Ah well.
Exactly. And I think that's the point of Alien 3. I don't despise it like some do, though it's admitedly not as good. What I find ironic is how much luv Aliens gets. Boy Scouts would have better small unit tactics (to say nothing of discipline). It's definately how hollyweird would fight Vietnam (which is Cameron's stated inspiration)...
Heh. Real Life's a biotch like that sometimes, though, isn't it? I'm thinking that Maya will probably survive and be part of the ~10% that doesn't get annihilated like the rest. Part of the reason why it's so primitive IMO. But I won't be terribly disapoited if it's directly targetted by the main weapon of Britai's flagship, either. Not knowing which characters may or not survive (get into the SDF-1 etc... we KNOW *ROY* is going to make it, so why coudln't any of the other main characters?) is what makes it interesting because there's a gigantic threat that WILL be coming. In fact, I'm eagerly anticipating seeing the death from the stars as one of the final scenes of the OVA in something that should be pretty moving. Along with the seed of hope that will remain. Though on the latter, I'm imagining we'll see something stereotypically Japanese ala post-Hiroshima/Nagasaki there, too. As opposed to the mutant fish bit from DYRL. Now if I can that blech taste out of my mouth from the Deus Ex Machina of the mass cloning that will follow...
Interesting. Still looks too "clunky" compared to the Zentraedi designs. I always liked the way RT (eh) went with the SDF-3 better... ok well that color above would be better than red, but still. I wonder what the SA's analogues to the other Zent ships look like... Though I STILL think the Marduk work pretty well for me when I try to imagine the SA. Indeed, I like the Marduk idea better than the SA (as mindless minions/pawns of the Protodevlin).
It wasn't avoided. Where were they supposed to use it? And Lucas is doing anything but backtracking. Except for maintaining that Greedo shoots first, of course. Plus all it was doing is saying that there was a phyisal relationship between biology and the Force. Qui-Gon didn't say which was cause and which was effect. Chicken vs. Egg redux. All of the people who don't like the midichlorians have insecurities about MC's being the cause when I maintain it's the effect.
That's what they said when the 1/60 came out.
Doubtful. Best hope we have is for a VF-X license, which seems doubtful as more and more time passes since that game was released. VF-22S is easy, especially as the parts (face and canopy) have apparently already been sculpted. VF-19S could be based off Yamato's new YF-19FP sculpt maybe... they'd have to trim the canards, though, and IIRC decrease the wingspan. Not so with VF-19A, so we could maybe see another issue of that... As far as the VF-19 Kai... Wonder if Yamato would have the speaker detail inside the shoulders. I love the M7 series. The story is great and the mecha are cool (especially how we see the evolution of the M+ valks).
Ok, I'll play. Dont know if this will survive long, though. Just put it in your sig if it doesn't. Uxi USS Asuka 181 Max (not Jenius!) USS Asuka 182
I bet we see most, if not all. Well I'd be really surprised to see Kakizaki but think TV Max -1A could be possible. Max 1S in low production volume is extraordinarily simple as it's just a minor repaint of the head. Plus it doesn't look like poor ol Max is selling well... I could see Yamato maybe do a buy-back, a head swap, and then repackage. I'm kinda trying to play hard-ball to get a good deal at Frank & Sons (as well as watching ebay). B) But I think the Hikaru 1J is only a precursor to other TV valks, including Max and Milia and the CF, at least.
That's what I 'm talking about. I wish Yamato would do more Low-Viz schemes. At least a 1J. Maybe a different squadron (different emblem instead of the jolly rogers... i'm leaning on an eagle) in both 1A and 1J.
I want a Roy but was scared off by the stuff that happened before. Last night was playing around with my 1/60 Roy (not a Strike sadly and Yamato doesn't look like they're going to do the upgrades ) and was admiring the paint scheme... probably mostly out of nostalgia. heh. Plus the 1/48 head seam still bugs the hell out of me for some reason. It's not critical, but its enough to say "get another Low-Viz instead." Or play hardball on a Max. But yeah, I'm leaning on it. And woudln't get an older one except at a good discount. Another factor AGAINST is that I won't be able to identify the new vs the old, i don't think. I could just get the Hikaru 1S and solve that problem.
1) Import pricing vs actual value. I know I would have more if a 1/48 was ~$90 and a 1/60 even cheaper. 2) Lack of Room (hard to devote a room to all of my distractions, much less specifically for Valkyries (I'd say Macross toys but so far there AREN'T ANY OTHER Macross toys ). And a 1/48 has a bigger foot print, too.