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The Matrix Revolutions: Final Part of the Trilogy
Uxi replied to Jolly Rogers's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I'll be busy wednesday but am planning to see it Thursday. Already read some spoilers and hoping it's better executed than from what I read. Caught a bit of the first one on TBS so had to put in the DVD for a better viewing... the thing I realized that I missed in Reloaded from the first movie was some of the unconventional camera shots and such (loading the jump program, weapons racks, etc). Wonder if they're past it, or if it was due to the nature of the cut between Reloaded and Revolutions... -
Oh sweet merciful God. . . how are you still saying that I admitted this after just saying that you now realize I was kidding (as indicated by question marks and smileys). The fact that you are still saying that I admitted to such, boggles the mind and makes me realize there really is no point in continuing to communicate with you. . . [ Your point? Half the time I can't even figure out what you're getting at. . . but here I think you're trying to say: "No no! You're the fanatic! Not me! Not me!" <snip> Sad. Just sad. If you don't think there is any change in tone between his early movies and the latter ones. . . wow. But, then again, you think they've all gotten progressively better. So, well, there you are. I think you're kidding yourself and aren't terribly descriminating. But, well, that's your right. I don't believe you were kidding. Especially given the context "purist" has been used here on MW, before. It's possible you believe you were kidding, but I think that it was actually true. This is a toneless form of communication, but the sarcasm just didn't come across to me. My point is that you have sometimes some across as if you have SERIOUS issues and need help. As far as your debating tactics... you've proven to be extremely defensive wherever I've seen things get marginally heated. This hasn't been good for anything other than the occassional smirk from me, but you sound like you've been getting quite worked up. You might claim to "repeat posts nearly word for word" but your selective use of edits sometimes (especially when it's out of context) has mades me question if you're doing it deliberately... but i've always given you the benefit of the doubt. Again, I haven't intended any acrimony in anything I've said. You, OTOH, I'm not so sure about right now. The amount of stuff you owned as a kid equates to a rational and objective (heh) point of view of merchanidising. I think whoever bought you all that Ewok crap (parents) is to blame for your psychosis. Luke, Darth's, & Boba are far more significant than stormtroopers (or Ewoks) in the marketing strategy. Moreover Boba Fett was before & during RotJ and Darth Maul after. But I guess that went right over your head. Were there plush Jar-Jars? Your "evidence" is anectdotal and highly subjective (heh). You still have all that Ewok stuff or was that all from memory? I'm kidding myself? Maybe you're kidding yourself? Maybe i'm more grounded, mellow and discriminating than you are and just not mental from having my childhood f*cked with by ewok stuff thrust upon me? Possible? You hate everything SW besides the original cuts of the first 2 movies. Your attitude towards Zahn (which has got to be the most mild and is widely held to be the best of the EU novels). That's your right, of course (again, it'd be absurd for me to say anything else) but to pretend there's a dividing line that Lucas crossed over is inane though it has certainly been entertaining. Anytime you wanna debate midichlorians, lemme know.
IS there a DYRL continuity?
Yes it's splitting hairs when the definition wasn't my point. I'm not gonna be bothered by looking it up (it would make me feel so cheesy), so will concede it to you. My POINT was ably articulated by mike. The midichlorian post was on Macross World in this very forum not even a month ago. I'm not even registered on any SW forums. I'm more than willing to intellectually debate someone when they jump to conclusions that aren't justified. YOU are the self proclaimed fanatic and openly admitted you were closed-minded. You're the one who grumbled about the Zahn books when they came out (which by itself says volumes, but that's another thread. )... i didn't even know about them until they were already out for maybe 5 years! Do I really need to quote you or can you re-read the progression of this thread? It wasn't I who ranted for Lucas to stop "f*cking with my childhood" or however you so eloquently put it. That's all you. And you've done far more research than me. You're the one who seems to know the complete marketing production of the Ewoks. Are you obsessive compulsive or making it up? Though THERE would be far more Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Darth Maul & Boba Fett stuff than there was ever for Ewoks. Who was Lucas catering to then in this so-called steady progression towards the kids? Lucas' filmmaking and marketing has NOT changed IMO. Your perceptions of it has. I'm not "F*cking with your childhood" any more than Lucas is, I'm just telling you that Lucas has no rational interest in catering to you or your ilk, because it will gain him nothing he doesn't already have, because you'll NEVER be satisfied. I doubt I'll have any trouble finding anyone to take your place in line for Episode III. And I'm not personally attacking or denegrating you, however much I might question how defensive you are, if not your debating tactics (here and the 1/48 thread in the Toys forum), and I'd appreciate the same, though you've given me cause to question whether you were a pot or a kettle and what your color was. You brought up your hypothetical kids not being able to watch the original cut of the movies. Except for me saying that they have no right or need to, I have no clue what you're talking about.
You're getting an entire valkyrie, not just a head. plus the box too And all of the weapons, accessories, etc. MIMB
First, if you don't see anything wrong with him only caring about he wants (if that is indeed the case), then I can't help you. Why you seem to think it's laudable that he doesn't take the fans wishes into his consideration is beyond me. IMO, he is taking his fans wishes into considerations by making his movies without effect from those "playing the victim," which is precisely what I think you're doing. Me and countless others are more than satisfied, as the bottom line shows. Course, I'm a casual fan and not a fanatic. mikeszekely articulated my point pretty well rather than the precise splitting over hairs over the definition of objective. As far as fanatics, I also had a smiley in there and specificially said I'm having fun with this, at that. You're the one who claimed that label, even if it was in jest (I actually DID miss any hint of sarcasm, so apologize for that), and YOU are the one who showed your mind was closed. At least now you've done some research. Don't you feel better, now? I'm not aware of an inordinate amount of Ewok crap. I've seen Clone troopers in 12" and 3 3/4" action figures and on t-shirts. Try again? You had baby ewoks? I admit I could be wrong about the technology thing. Just a theory of mine, but it seems to fit the facts, and doesn't necessarily contradict Lucas' statement, either. I don't see a developed Wookiee city with flying cars and such fitting into the budget as well as the Ewok gliders and such. Especially when that background is incidental. But in any case, you can't have your cake and eat it, too. Either Lucas' version is right (and I'm wrong) or it's wrong in which case mine is just as valid as yours. I'm much more inclined to believe Lucas' version than yours (that it's purely meant for marketing... baby ewoks... )... and maybe even mine. Why should he lie about the Ewoks? I've never mentioned Lucas' kids. You were the one to mention your hypothetical kids in the context they woudln't be able to watch the original cut of the movies. And I said they have no need or fundamental right to. Remember? None of this is a big deal. Just a movie and I'm just a casual fan. Unlike those to whom it was integral to their childhood and the SE mess with their childhoods. (wink means sarcasm, not personal attack) Personal attacks? Don't be so defensive... or are you "playing the victim" again?
And that's where we disagree. The man has lost his objectivity. He doesn't see them the same way his fans do. . . at least the same way the purist fanatics (me?) do. <snip> My understanding is that they were going to be wookies. Then it was changed to ewoks. Many believe it was done so that kiddies would buy ewok crap? What, again, am I wrong about? You yourself say: <snip> edit:[/b] Memory flash: He said that wookies had been shown to be too modern to serve the story's purpose. . . which I don't buy. You can take a non-modern person (Chewbacca) off an island with a primitive culture and teach them how to fly a jetliner. But that doesn't mean that, when you return to the island, all of the people he left behind are suddenly flying jetliners.end edit) Sorry, but I believe the ewoks were put in because they are cute. Wretchedly, wretchedly cute. . . and can do things children will love like slinging themselves in the face more easily than wookies. Lucas can spin the reasons behind their introduction into the movie as much as he wants. . . but after the "Greedo always fired first" BS and all his other self-aggrandizing distortions, I'm sorry, but I just don't believe him. You don't need objectivity to know if you're being loyal to YOUR property. His only concern about his movie is what he wants. He doesn't care what you or I say about it. You don't get more objective than that. The complete absence of (any meaningful) outside concerns. You know I agree with you on Greedo (and with Spielberg and ET), but it's tying your panties in a wad. Hopefully it will change it back in the "Ueber-Ultimate Edition" but if he doesn't, I'm not gonna shed a bloody tear about it, much less "play the victim." His motivation to lie about his original vision escapes me. Your motivation for wanting it to be a lie is quite clear, OTOH. Especially when you proudly wear the label purist fanatic, you just make me all the more likely to not take you the slightest bit seriously on the issue. "Sell Ewok crap." Not aware of a significant amount of "Ewok crap" out there. The usual action figures, etc but no more than any other figure. That's where I'm saying you're wrong. Your hypothesis (WAG?) could have been the motivation for the Ewok... cartoon? Show? Droids? maybe but not RotJ. The change was for the same reason Planet of the Apes was changed from modern to primitive. It would have been a budget buster. Well I'll bet LFL could have afforded it, but would have cut the margin big time. Especially when the background wasn't as important for the story (as it WAS just background). But by showing your mind is closed before you even bothered to look for any evidence shows me you conclude and then rationalize instead of the other way around. A closed mind coupled with your self-proclaimed fanaticism would make you dangerous if this was a serious subject. I'd question my willingness to continue with this thread if I wasn't having fun.
But that's where you're wrong. They did the remaster BEFORE they did the SE edits. I own an original edition remaster box set. I have that set too. :-) Also the Widescreen VHS of the Special Editions. And bootleg burn of the Chinese Laserdisc SE (probably best 40 bucks i ever spent). And Ep 1 & 2, of course. They also clearly say that it's the LAST TIME they'd ever be available in that cut. I'm glad LFL is sticking to their guns. Seriously, I had read or seen somewhere that the process of making the special editions destroyed the master or something like that. It's possible it's bum scoop. I'd be happy if the Great Plaid One just kept it locked in his fault but I don't see any reason why he'd lie. Not like public opinion has sway over him... wasn't there a comment he made about not being a public company and he could do what he wanted?
NO I think you should sell the scrap to me for cheap. Jk, sounds good enough... or you could just get some FP and leave em on permanently, maybe. (Prefer Super/Strike valks to ELints)... But if you wanna sell, I'm gonna want some things (stickers for one).
Q: Why does a dog lick it's own privates? A: Because it can.
Id say correction since he wares em in the cockpit. Maybe he wants to look cool? They're blue-tinted too, after all...
Reading into it wrong? Touche. Still I see progress in first you all but demanding a version cut to your taste, to wanting it for your kids, to wanting it for posterity. *Good taste? Debatable. Beyond the technical and SFX categories, SW is dubious on the "taste" factor anyway on a critical level. *Loyalty to his films? He sure feels he's doing better to them now than he had before. He's a better judge of this in HIS films than you or me. *Filmmaking community? F@ck 'em. Lucas is a well known renegade from the rest of Hollyweird. He hasn't shown much caring for the establishment and vice versa. Mostly because he gives the middle finger to the traditional production methods. *Film history? Noone is pretending the original cut never existed, though IIRC the original masters were being destroyed by age and thus prompted making the Special Editions. Given the extremely anal attitude towards technical presentation quality Lucas is renown for, they're not going to use anything else. Ever. *Concern for what the audience wants? Most of us are getting it. It's just those "playing the victim" who are whining. Lucas doesn't owe a lick of loyalty to any of that, except possibly the fans and the fans dont' seem to be complaining too badly where it counts (ie the bottom line). You're dead wrong on the Ewoks. The whole wookie/ewok thing has been explored in enough different areas it should be common knowledge. You're not setting up a straw man are you? Besides, which as the novelization has the ewoks, so must have earlier scripts but for whatever reasons didn't pan out (I think more of the kid/PG rating thing myself). As far as playing to kids, you may not see it in the first 2, but I do. It's not be as pronounced as in RotJ or TPM, but it's always been there. ANH - Jawas, Droids. TESB- Tauntauns, Yoda, Droids. RotJ - Ewoks, Droids. TPM - Gungans, Droids. AotC - Kid Jedi, Droids. Doesn't look like Ep 3 will have much, though i'm wagering there will be some Jar-Jar, and... of course... the crazy antics of C3P0 and R2D2.
Wow that looks nice. Better pricing than HLJ certainly. Hikaru VF-1S for $110 USD! Damn i'm gonna go broke...
Crazy. For a moment, thought you said they had the MPCs for $29.99... I was gonna say "shoot, can't beat that." Not a bad price for the armor. I wonder if Toynami knows how many of those things could sell if they were 40 bucks? I wonder if they've even explored the possibility of making a "Consumption Edition" without the fancy box and maybe with a little less detail or quality... Well what about without the box?
Jumping out would be to escape the thing blowing up, not to "dodge" Sentinel tentacles. Those tentacles move FAST (watch the Final Flight of the Osiris). I'm sure armor would be added if resources weren't an issue, but it's just not that high on priority given the way these things are likely to be used (mobile guns), so they haven't bothered... or as someone guessed in another thread maybe some (or even all) did have armor but it was removed for materials for ships/hovercraft and what not.
Oh yeah... if Big West decided to do a retcon on Macross... oh my, like with DYRL? Move in a movie what? Macross II? Alternate dimension say wha? VF-0? WTF?? But I'm sure there would be no problems with that at all. lol seriously, if they released a new version (maybe imported RT? ) and said they would never release the old one again, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I don't think Macross is anymore an imperishible icon than Star Wars is. I like them both, but but begin to look dated when compared to the newest thing out. Unless the franchise keeps evolving.
1/80 Code 3 Collectible Diecast Millenium Falcon
Uxi replied to Yamato Lover's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Wow that is very nice! Definately pricey though. Like the Master Replicas, I don't have any, though would like to. Do you know where your wifey got these from? -
12 bucks? That's insane. Heh, I haven't seen this movie yet, but read the spoiler at enough online forums that I knew it wasn't worth seeing a movie that didn't resolve anything in the title.
I was reading into your schtick about the "future confiscations." It's possible your questions on asking how your kids would watch the original versions of the movies were rhetorical, but you've appeared to have backed off that line of argument. You completely lambast him and his "vision" (such as it is) when doesn't provide you with what you want. Mentioning "vision" in the context of Star Wars just makes me smile. It's a sci-fantasy action serial in homage to Flash Gordon, et al not a cultural epic (or at least it wasn't intended as one!). Again: And I'll say again: Substitute "LFL" or even "Lucas" for "Yamato." If he didn't have some sort of vision he would do exactly what you said, woudln't he? Or maybe there aren't as many of you as you think there are? Lucas might need some more plaid shirts... why does he refuse to allow the production of your preferred cut? Maybe it's NOT in his best interests after all? EDIT: Oh yeah, the young kid / comedy relief thing. You yourself posted above that you liked Ewoks as a kid (I don't remember what I thought of them as a kid...) but cringe at them as an adult (about the same... at least the cutsey portions... as you said, the novelization is more "realistic" but hardly as PG-friendly). Maybe because Lucas explicitly says he's aiming at least some portion of SW TO kids. For all the obbsessive/compulsive fans that hate Jar-Jar, I know I hear more than a few kids giggle at his anctics (even if I did not). Besides the fact that that sort of corny schlock has been part and parcel of Star Wars since C3P0 and R2D2 in even the '77 cut of the movie.
Now THAT is what I'm talking about. Where? And do they have anymore?? PM me, maybe.
Ha there we go. Partnership. Anyone want an older Hikaru VF-1J and I keep the old Fast Packs, the new VF-1J and the GBP?
Um... well I'll split some hairs here as you don't seem to be as much a guru of MII as of Macross in general. Your theory looks decent, though. The arms of the Macross Cannons are not "barrels." Course, neither do the shoulder booms look to be, either. Rather all 4 (and the 2 in the legs of their refitted SDF Macross) seem more like focussing apparatuses, if not some sort of field/beam boundary creator. Plus Lord Emperor WAS the religion as well as the dictator. AT least is as much as a Pharoah was the embodiment of ancient Egyptian religion...
Yeah I know it predates M7. I'm just trying to still make it fit... for hypothetical sake. Studio Nue and Kawamori don't like how other people played with THEIR baby.
There are plans for a new macross TV series?!?!?!?! You didn't see the "IF" there, I take it? I certainly hope Yamato can get to 1/60 Regult and Glaug. The destroids I can live without, though I woudln't be unhappy to see them, either.
i don't see how. I'm not talking about making spare parts specifically but simply using the production line for regular valkyires (1/48 in this case) a few extra parts. Even if they didn't paint them it could suit us well. And they wouldnt need to produce extra of any ancillary parts like landing gear and cockpits. I'm actually not bitter at all about spare parts, though it would be a good customer relations feature, especially for one that has known QC issues. The 1/60 FP upgrades is another story. <_< But mostly because the only reason I bought a 1/60 Roy and Max was because I thought there would be upgrades later on... And HLJ's sale was pretty good.