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Everything posted by Uxi

  1. Then you're gonna have to cough up some duckets for a Hasegawa if you really want it done right then, huh? Look a little closer and you'll see UN Spacy written out. Some symbols. The cockpit triangles, etc. No Step's on the wings pretty obvious. Beware of Blast should be pretty obvious (at least for 2-4 of em)... that is if the YF-21 has these... don't have my sticker sheet handy and I didn't bother with most of em (course I didn't on the VF-1, either but I did do MOST!). Plus, there are MORE YF-21/VF-22S models in the models section, too. Hint, hint.
  2. No pods to have mock battles with But I have had flight demonstrations for an unseen UN Spacy official.
  3. I'm referring to John Connor's LOOKS not the performance. I understand character development, but the druggie kid/guy (Edward Furlong or something like that?) showed signs of leadership and such in T2 so should have at least a marginal amount as an adult before he turns into the ass-kicking general guy. But back to looks, I thought the future scene of Connor waving the flag in T3's "future flashback" looked retarded. And the guy they used in T2 looked pretty damned mean (though that was mostly the scars). So somewhere between the two is my idea. I imagine the guy they used in T2 is too old now, of course, but shoudln't be too hard to find someone who looked like they could be a younger him.
  4. <_< Thanks for sharing! Glad *I* could help, Angels.
  5. The lack of evidence is not evidence by itself. That's a fundamental logical fallacy. If you can't realize that, then you need to. I think you're smarter than that and are just being obtuse.
  6. Anyone know if the movie was successful (financially)? I thought it was pretty good... not as good as the first two, but I was expecting it (afraid, more accurately) it was gonna be VERY bad. They shoudl have picked someone else to be John Connor... someone like the guy who did it in the future scenes of T2... this guy just didn't fit, especially in T3's future scene IMO.
  7. Do a search of this forum. This came up not too long ago. Your best bet is to buy a Hasegawa model and go off it's decal sheet or look at the pictures here in the Main MW site in the Models section outside of the forums (yes, there is one!)
  8. Uxi

    man down!!!

    Ouch and a Low-Viz at that! That is a weakness of the 1/48 design. I wonder if there's anything better future 1/48's could do... maybe make them out of metal or have the hinge be a seperate piece of the mold (and include an extra)... or both... The FAST Packs just exaggerate the problem... just like with the arm locking mechanism... maybe include a reinforcement brace with the FP? Alot of you guys who do molds and stuff, maybe someone could work something out. I know I'd buy one or two...
  9. Isn't 14 the age of consent in Japan? I remember reading something crazy like that on another forum, where they linked a site that had ages of consent and all that. In one US state, I think it might 15 or 16... in the South IIRC. Oh well. Even so, nothing M7 did was over the top, certainly nothing in the "hentai" realm. MD7 had that weird bit with the older woman drugging Mylene up and all that... but it was all suggestive and we didn't see anything... As far as the rest of M7, even Planet Dance never got that annoying to me... and it was cool when Kinryu and Gigil sang it... and the M7 fleet and valkyrie development was cool. I remember grinning at seeing Docker with the new VF-19S and when Max showed up on Varauta with his VF-22S... sweetness.
  10. Standard VF-1? Gerwalk. Best of fighter and battroid though fighter mode is a close second for it's realism. Super Valkyrie (VF-1)? Fighter mode. Just looks too cool, with Gerwalk a close second. With the VF-1, Battroid gets little love from me. VF-19: Fighter mode. Battroid 2nd. Gerwalk a distant 3rd VF-22 (favorite valk so far): Battroid. Love that Q-rau look with Valkyie transformability. Fighter a close second. Gerwalk gets little love from me. I voted while thinking of the VF-1.
  11. Ok, I broke down and finally registered my game. Learning curve isn't too steep and it hasn't gotten old hat, though I only played for an hour or so... the problem is that either I'm picking a mission that's too hard (didn't think it would be) or that there wasn't anyone to help me, but I got incapacitated as soon as I left town. Course, not being a combat type (Entertainer) didn't help, I guess... But got up and then wondered around a bit. If the game is pseudo-realistic, they'll have the Empire capture these wannabe Jedi and find out where they're training and get the trainer. It shoudl require some rp'ing to get it, but not sure... and if they're smart, this trainer/training thing will move around and/or not advertise while it has whatever amount of students (1 or 2 maybe) it can handle... I doubt it's totally random though... just a matter of finding out who the trainer and possibly not having a bad reputation as an Imperial or something...
  12. Well it can't be too public or Bounty Hunters and Imperial faction types will be stalking the Jedi training areas. The mystery surrounding it is precisely how it's supposed to be, given how the Jedi are an illegal group in the Empire. They can't exactly post "sign up here for your lightsaber." Unless you can think of a way to inform prospects without inviting bounty hunters and/or the Empire to sign up, too. The only "real" Jedi are Yoda and Obi-Wan in this time frame. The rest are quasi-trained posers who may or may not have the right stuff. And if they show the right stuff and can escape the Bounty Hunters, I should hope Darth Vader is gonna come for 'em and smack 'em down.
  13. Reminder to the non-Canadians that cartoon network has them on their site the night after they air (which is every weeknight, I guess) at 8. I haven't caught any on tv yet, but watched both on the site. You can pick between QuickTime and Real and choose whether you want commentary or not. At broadband speeds doens't take that long to load, either! They've gotta be available on other less legitimate web pages by now, too, I imagine... But Act 2 was pretty cool. Think they overdid the Obi-Wan/Anakin thing a bit, but it fits I suppose. Who thinks that ARC-Trooper lieutenant (or whatever he's got blue trim) is gonna get wacked at the start of Act 3 tonight?
  14. Well I don't have any problems with my hip joints or transformation, and it poses just fine... but I do empathize. Infamous Yamato QC at work, I suspect...
  15. Interesting. On getting back from overseas, I bought the game, installed it, but never registered. I was waiting for the space expansion and bugs to be worked out. I'm glad being a "Jedi" (of the only quasi-trained sort available during the original movie era) is difficult. Still wish they'd make the thing more lethal and get rid of the cloning/respawning business. Still, one of my friends who plays the game tells me that if you unlock the Force Sensitive thing and get killed you DON'T respawn, which I liked (just thought they should do that for everyone). This might merit registration one of these days...
  16. Saruman's end was an important part of his character arc, though it did mess with the pacing of the book. His failure to find redemption (and Frodo giving him the chance and foiling his revenge) was necessary. His end, complete with the ghost/spirit rising over his body and looking towards the West before being blown away was a sign that as Frodo said, he was of a greater order than they were and was once good. The natural ending point of the movie is with the Fields of Cormallen (sp?), Aragorn's crowning and marriage to Arwen. I'm expecting we'll see the ringbearers depart, not in a couple years after like in the books, but literally leaving Gondor to the ships. Again, typical weird Tolkien pacing versus something more appropriate to the movie venue.
  17. Both of those "competitive" franchises are done according to their creators. The W bro's left room for more movies, but I'm dubious if we'll see it anytime soon (certainly not before Episode 3). And Peter Jackson has outright said he's done with Tolkien, though I don't think he himself is that integral towards doing The Hobbit, for example. Just get Gandalf, Bilbo, and the CG Gollum and everyone else is new. Why not a new director, too. But that's another thread... The "management" at LFL is Lucas himself IIRC. He always said before he wasn't gonna do the DVDs until he could personally oversee it, though this is most likely just limited to the special features for a 2004 release. After Ep 3 is done, though, we can probably expect the "ueber edition" or something like re-done special editions and maybe even special edition prequels...
  18. Heh funny. Bandais are way too chunky for me. I didn't think the MPC's looked "that bad" in person though I wasn't willing to pay what they're going for. If they were 40-50 bucks, they'd be making a killing IMO. I won't be able to a personal account of 'em until the Alpha ever comes out, though... Hopefully it will be cheaper if it's gonna be so small... But anyways, welcome to MW!
  19. The YF-21FP *IS* an improvement over the earlier YF-21, even if it's only in the leg folding area and in the addition of the FP, of course!. The color thing isn't quite appropriate to the YF-21 but IS as much as the VF-X2 scheme or Low-Viz scheme is. I wish they had they just reserved it for a VF-22S. But the YF/VF-19 sculpt has some major issues with its proportions and accuracy... it's worse than the YF-21 in that regard by far and the YF-21FP did improve over the previous one in fighter mode. I like my VF-19A, but have higher expectations of the YF-19FP.
  20. That's what I'm talking about!
  21. I meant this thread to be restricted to those valkyries that have not been featured in a Macross animation production. the VF-22 or VF-19 were featured already in M7. Did you read the rest of my post? Either the "new next gen valkyrie" or hypothetical mentioned below. VF-19 would be like VF-11 in M7... and VF-22 would be like VF-17 in M7. IOW, old news but still there. The focus would be on one of the two (next gen or hypothetical).
  22. Uxi

    Ack! Help me!!

    Definately do a search of this forum. We had a nice little discussion helpin someone else transform theirs. It couldn't have been more than a month ago. Maybe two...
  23. Maybe not perfectly accurate, but I'm sure they could do better today than they did back in the day! And I wouldn't mind if it was a funky scale gun mode so that it could match up in size w/ the Optimus Prime (and hopefully avoid the wacko anti-toy gun people).
  24. Uxi

    Whoo boy...

    Not bad price at all. You could have done much worse, but think that Toy-Wave (?) site had the best prices I've seen so far...
  25. Um... VF-22. VF-19 "cannon fodders" with older VF-22 Spec Ops and the new next gen valkyrie that will replace the VF-22. Though I'm liking to hypothesize about UN Spacy getting in a budget crunch and deciding to make a single engine less flashy version of VF-22 ala JSF vs F-22 and using THAT to replace the VF-19... all due to budget concerns.
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