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Everything posted by Uxi

  1. Roy wouldn't beat up Hikaru in a dream. Hell, IMO Roy would have nailed both of them.
  2. I dont think the Low-Viz was that hard to find for people like us on this site. It was just a time limit thing. If you snoozed, you loozed. If every toy was like the CF, there woudn't be any more valks!
  3. It's not whether Yamato can make multiple versions of the VF-4. They can. All of the ones already listed and make up others... Hell, you can take anything and make n versions of it. But how many of these are gonna sell? People want Hikaru and Roy VF-1s. Increasingly less of Max, Milia, CF. Kakizaki is not likely to see a 1/48 if he didn't even get a 1/60 IMO. Same with tv versions of Max 1A and Kakizaki. And that's the reason there hasn't been a VF-4 toy yet, as cool as it might be. Same with a VF-2SS and Metal Siren, incidently, which got far more screen time. Problem with the VF-1D, Super-O, and ELintseeker is that it needs different parts and such from the ordinary 1/48. If we knew the 1/60 vesions were doign good, then it might be possible, but given all of the complaints and lack of positive (as well as pretty low comparative prices on ebay and such), I don't think they're doing well and it doesn't bode well. GBP should sell well. Everyone wants it. But it's a one off... means either Yamato WILL do it, but it will be pricey (probably more than the FAST-packs if seperate... or ~200 flat if included with a valk)... or they won't do it at all. I believe 1/60 sales WILL influence this, but I could be wrong (and won't be disapointed by it). I am surprised Yamato hasn't milked the YF-21FP mold a bit more. I'm certainly ready to buy a VF-X2 VF-22S repaint with the parts they already molded (as seen in Graham's review).
  4. Heh it's possible. Supox? I love SC2. Ur-Quan Masters is great. With the 3D0 sound effects and dialogue and all that... have you tried it? I missed playing this game... wish someone would get around to porting SC1 (maybe the Genesis version... i should probalby look for an emulator!)
  5. Wow only 4980 yen for a 1/55 Super Valkyrie. THAT would be nice.
  6. When did this happen? I just finally registered 2 days ago. Haven't had a chance to play today, though. Damned Real Life . <_
  7. Heh, I was in those shoes (coming from previously only Robotech and into Macross II, and seeing the explanation about the way things really were in the MII RPG, and wanting more info... I remember telling my friend who was going to Japan to bring me back a Metal Siren, VF-2SS, and Phalanx II toys! Then found out when he came back that there weren't any. ) Your point is well taken. Some explanation could have been given (and probably should have), but it wasn't really necessary to what was being told, though it couldn't have hurt. The Marduk could have been a majority or minority faction in either the Protoculture or Supervision Army given what little on screen exposition or dialogue is given to either one in SDF Macross or DYRL. There was simply insufficient information at the time to draw a conclusion. Keith's earlier hypothesis could have been a equally likely scenario, but it was hardly conclusive. Any off camera info, while potentially useful, might not have been available at the time and/or the people doing MII might have been doing (or trying to do) to Studio Nue what Studio Nue did to them and MII. IOW, Retcon things from the way they were originally meant to be to the way whoever was running the show wanted them to be. All that said, I do agree MII has its faults. Just NONE of the particulars Keith mentioned. Particularly, it does rehash DYRL a bit too closely, though the ending is entirely different in concept (no Sylvie blasting Ingus in the face here, though that would have been cool! ) and instead has humanity ultimately beaten. It's the Marduk themselves who turn on Ingus and defeat him, with the humans as the inspiration and catalyst for it, leading to Ishtar's own conversion from Ingus to the Alus (all of which is self-contained to the Marduk and not relevent to the Zentran or Meltran). The Zentran of Bodolza were obviously not under the direct yoke of the Marduk as those in MII were, though that tight control is probably precisely because of Bodolza's fate. Bodolza's Fleet would have been one of those descended from Protoculture, not the SA (or any Marduk analogue of either), and as such, they woudln't have much (if any) knowledge of the Marduk as of any other Miclone, but just of their giant-sized rivals. Indeed, they would probably well be prohibited from it except to fight and kill them. Now didn't Bodolza know things about the Protoculture that even Exedore didn't? Even if not, isn't it possible (and even likely) that he might know about the Marduk and Exedore didnt? And even if both knew, that doesn't mean the other Zentran, much less their offspring would, except for rumor and legend.
  8. Uxi

    man down!!!

    Just took a close look at my low-viz and I think I see white stress marks on both of the rings. Doubt I'm gonna transform it again! It looks best in fighter mode, anyways, IMO, but not gonna risk it. Nor am I gonna put the FAST Packs on it again, either. <_
  9. The commentary for Chapter 4 says we'll see what Durge looks like under his armor later on. Guess he's humanoid but not quite human. I just checked the official and apparently its a species. Apparently they don't have centralized organs like a heart, but that the circulatory (and maybe nervous) systems are decentralized. And it says that a Gen'Dai can suffer multiple lacerations and possibly even be completely dismembered and still survive. They live a long time (up to thousands of years) but have a really low birth rate and are normally a nomadic and kind of bland wanderers. Durge is an enormous exception, it looks like.
  10. Yeah. I'd like to see 1/60 scale Macross Plus toys and think Yamato should do a full VF-X series starting in 1/72 with the VF-22S and VF-19A (easily accomplished by essentially repaints and minor part differences from their M+ molds). Then a 1/72 VF-17D would be awesome. After that I imagine they would larger scale, but if they should do a VF-4, I'd probably get one. Not my favorite design (and ugly battroid) but a pretty cool fighter.
  11. What's a Gen'Dai? Might have to go back to the Official Site! Thanks Legato!
  12. That's cuz they're both Mandalorians. Durge isn't. The back of his figures' card says something to the effect that apparently he was captured by Mandalorians and tortured. To recuperate he went into a 2,000 year hibernation or something like that. His reason for joining the Seperatists is because he wants revenge and the Republic's clones are Mandalorian in that they're based off Jango and all of the Mandalorians are apparently now dead. Why he's wearing their symbol...
  13. I hear u. The thing, as good as the Yamato is in this regards, it looks like they have clearances to have done better, particularly in the leg covers, but didn't (probably for ease of construction?). Another nitpick I might have (maybe not appopriate to this thread but better than starting another just for this) is folding landing gear SHOULD have went on the armor itself. In Graham's review, he says there's not room, but it looks like theres more room on the FAST-pack panels than on the regular leg covers! Ah well maybe in 1/60 or 1/48 we'll get the YF-21 we all want! Hopefully this time with the VF-22S parts!
  14. Yeah has all the improvements the Super valkyries got starting with the Hikaru and evolving to the golding gunpod. Had been holding off on the 1/60 Strike waiting for the "upgrade kits" but since those ain't gonna happen, will probably just get the Strike. <_
  15. I am not sure I understand what you are saying... I meant for consistency, all who get the 1S would get a black heatshield. Oh ok. I had read: and interpreted it wrong (ALL as meaning all valkryies not just all 1S). Sorry!
  16. Nice. Think a bit more detail would make it look even better, like panel lines and such. Maybe a few caution stickers here and there. Seems too smooth and kinda plain, if u know what i mean. But you definately have skills and some ideas to feed them. Show us more!
  17. Uxi

    man down!!!

    I'm thinking some sort of slip on brace, if it's possible. Similar in concept to the neck piece. Whatever the case, this needs to be addressed by Yamato. Wonder how long they're going to ignore it.
  18. Well, a brick COULD maneuver if it had vernier thrusters and thrust vectoring. A Super Valkyrie wouldn't be able to have very high maneuverability, no question... whether it's thrust could make it capable of doing so (and ripping wings and various pieces off) is a matter for the aeronautical engineers. But enough to take off, with slow and deliberate manevers, and reach space shoudln't be much in question, should it? Just hope the 1/1 Valkryie's "backpack hinge" is stronger than the Yamato 1/48. I actually think the Space-Shuttle/747 analogy was pretty good.
  19. Fact is they aren't relevant to the story. If the story takes place around earth there's no need to mention a colony fleet. The Macross Compendium's Official timeline doesn't say when the VF-0 was created. Does that meen it doesn't exist? Ofcourse not. Just that they haven't told us. If that's what he really thinks, then there's no reasoning with him. Maybe I was giving him too much credit. He got the fanfic speculation right. For himself. Though i think the VF-0 stuff belongs in another topic.
  20. Heh, well Chapter 4 was pretty cool, too. Nice gigantic space battle still going on... and Durge and his droid things made mince-meat out of them clone troopers. Are you in Canada, too, Jeleinen? Oh and BSU Legato, I mentioned EXCEPT for the Canadians about the website. It didnt' leave a file in my temp internet files, just a shockwave thing... it's already floating around Bitorrent supposedly... have you tried looking for it yet?
  21. Don't think anyone (except maybe Agent One) is talking about the 1A's... but about the Hikaru (and by extension Max) -1S.
  22. Wow, I like Chapter 3 the best so far, I think. Taking losses but also kicking some ass. What was it in particular that you didn't like? The droids need a gold painted one out there, though cause they're (lack of) tactics sucks. Hopefully Clone Wars can show they're at least in the ball park.
  23. Yeah probably more trouble than it's worth. One or two pics per valkyrie would be nice, much less some of the technical stuff from the Design Works and what not. Cutaways and all that. But it's more than understandable why it's not. Most of the valkyrie entries don't have anything, though.
  24. Good point. It still has the flaps, and maybe a Super Valkyrie could act as a high powered rocket but without the tails (or an atmospheric addition to the FP), it probably wouldn't be pretty. Course, a Valk would probably be ok as long as it just ditched the boosters. The leg and arm parts shoudln't affect aerodynamics much though would probably alter the in-flight characteristics due to all the mass. But you'd have to study the thrust output of them fusion engines and do some physics equations (and windtunnel testing) to be sure...
  25. Yup. You're the only one. Jk. Aesthetically and functionally, I prefer black. But as Max said, Roy's the exception because he's Roy.
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