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Everything posted by Uxi

  1. Just use elmers glue for 1, 2, 5. It's not permanent and will more than do the job. That's an "old school" 1/48 FAST-pack trick.
  2. Oh yeah forgot to critique the movie in my contemplation of a Silmarillion Trilogy. Pro: Awesome battles. Great use of the olliphant/mumakil. Nice camera/computer work with Minas Tirith and the dead army especially. Good adaptation. Not perfect, but just about as much as possible. Nice use of flashbacks for those who haven't read the books and/or watched the previous movies recently. Con: The scene I was most anticipating didn't make it on screen. That was Gandalf and the Witch King meeting at the Gate of Gondor. Instead of just that, all kinds of stuff broke in. Most disapointing... I wanted to see Theoden take down the Chieftain of the Haradrim and THEN have the Witch King come upon him (though the pterodactyl/fell-beast thing tossing Theoden & horse was a nice touch). Wasn't that big of a deal to me, though, since the way it was done was done well. WTF was up with Arwen supposedly dying to mortal? Unnecessary alteration to the plot. The knuckle heads who want to clap and cheer through the whole movie... especially bad at the beginning credits. What is this, Star Wars? I didn't clap or cheer during any SW movie (even when the LFL or SW banners or opening), though I understand why some people were for that (mostly due to the enormous span of time between Original Trilogy and Prequels). Nits: Denethor didn't have any redeeming qualities in the movies. In the books he's a good leader, and doesn't lose it until Faramir comes back incapacitated. In the movie, he's a selfish arrogant prick from the get go. Could woudln't they have expanded the coronation scene into the wedding with Arwen? Why pretend Aragorn couldn't know she was coming? They could have better added drama to the Aragorn/Arwen thing by taking a page right from the appendices of Return of the King. That is Elrond's ultimatum to Aragorn that he would only yield his daughter to the King. Along with the silver rod of the King of Arnor (though there apparently is NO Arnor in the movie adaptation). Would have been far better than the Arwen mortal/dying thing.
  3. That's what I'm talking about. Make it a trilogy. First one is about Feanor and the Silmarils (Iluvatar, Melkor and Valar and the Song and all that can be a summarized intro). Leave the Valar as something grandiose and rarely seen. I have nice visions of what the visuals for Manwe on this throne could be. Melkor killing Feanor and stealing the Simlarils and the Exile of the Noldor. End with the Noldor returning to to Middle Earth and set up the Siege of Angband. 2nd movie about the War against Morgoth. Mostly focusing on the battles of the Noldor against Morgoth. Maybe have the Edain appear towards the end, but in the background. Have the Dagor Bragollach and Morgoth crushing Fingolfin towards the middle. End with the story of Beren and Luthien. 3rd movie have the Edain and Noldor crushed up to the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. Crush everything built up by the heroes in the first. The end of Doriath. Story of Tuor and Idril in the beginning. End (naturally) with Earendil and Elwing and the Great Battle.
  4. Uxi

    MPC SDF-1?

    Of course. Never meant to imply YOU were gonna do the "bash fest" just wanted to pre-empt certain others from turning this thread into that. Sorry if it came out that way. Hopefully such a Yamato would copy the Yellow Submarine (?) versions but be transformable... as well as having the Prometheus and Daedalus (as I mentioned above), in addition to the 2 ARMDs.
  5. Yeah that's been a concern of mine in getting a Roy these days. I don't wanna get stuck with an original issue... but the headrest thing should give it away. I'm much more likely to get a Hikaru-1S anyways. Still vainly wish they'd resculpt the head in front/back halves but that ain't gonna happen.
  6. Heh, History Channel just had a thing on the F-14 last night. Pretty impressive. Wish they had decided on an upgrade program. I like the F-18 and understand how the F-14 is more maintenance intensive, but it'll be a shame to see them go.
  7. What tactics? Did you miss the part about Aliens being bugs with a Hive mentality? Oops. I meant boy scouts having better tactics than the Colonial Marines, not the Aliens. The Aliens tactics were ok... kinda like Chinese human waves mixed in with a little concealment and crawling on the ceilings. Definately different but nothing sophisticated. Those things (at least as seen during Aliens) look pretty easy to lure into an ambush.
  8. Uxi

    MPC SDF-1?

    Not quite the way it went Hurin. A person who claimed contacts with Big West/Yamato claimed that an SDF-1 Macross had a tentative release date IIRC (amongst all the others that have been proven... inacurrate). I don't want to turn this into a bashfest, as I rather liked the input of that person, but wanted to state the way I recall things. I should hope it will be DYRL-scheme SDF-1 with optional updated Prometheus & Daedalus. Around the size of the Matchbox would be nice, but I'm imagining slightly smaller.
  9. Bah Aliens is way overrated. Boy scouts had better grasp of tactics than those aliens. Current US Marines would do better than those undisciplined Colonial jokers. Go AvP. Just change everything I've heard bout it so far. Still should hopefully be some eye candy of Predators killing Aliens and a minimum on that blasted dialogue. A cameo by "Dutch" da'Governator would be nice, too.
  10. That Yamato Q-rau is gonna get jumped big time when I get my hands on it. Hopefully not too pricey so I can get a couple "CF" versions and a Milia.
  11. Heh, what is the difference in DYRL and SDF versions of the Q-rau gonna be explained by the continuity people? They claim the VF-1 differences are that between block numbers or the VF-1X model represented in the "movie in a movie" (ignoring the whole retcon that is...)... But maybe the "other [Zentran/Meltran] fleets" have done upgrades, too? Woo hoo. Info on the Yammie Q-rau... Wonder if this "pilot" is gonna be posable or not. What do you *think*, Graham? Don't have to reveal the skinny, but how would you *think* it would go? Though if you have skinny and are free to reveal it, then please by all means do so.
  12. Uxi

    Custom 1/48 CF

    Wow that looks incredible. No way Yamato would give us a paint job and weathering like THAT. Nice!
  13. I'd still like a Low-Viz 1J... but seeing that bare unpainted Yamato in another thread makes me really want one of THEM. Give us a choice of heads (if not all 3) and leave it unpainted, leaving it ripe for customization. Package in a plain cardboard box and price it around 10,000 Yen MSRP and I'd buy a couple! Along with some sets of Takatoys stickers. I'd much rather see that than a self-warming Max -1S, Kakizaki -1A, etc. And it would be something to show that Yamato is interesting in pleasing the customizers, too. It'd be great fan support with little risk for them (they dont' have to tool for special releases or make distinctive packaging)... just a matter of having the Chinese slav- ahem... labor pump out a few more parts.
  14. Nothing concrete, but I always imagined any sequel trilogy would be about Luke trying to keep his own son from treading the Dark Side. Kinda like dealing with it from Obi-Wan's end with Anakin...
  15. Now explain why people like the GBP-1S so much. Never appeared on screen. Just some Takatoku mistake that is really rare nowadays. Probably for a reason. The ultimate of chunkiness.
  16. SW was always that way. SAAB was cheeseball. Everwhere from the pseudo-military "discipline" to using pilots for grunt-work.
  17. Uxi

    M+ FP question.

    Need to do a search of this forum, as it came up a couple times in the last couple months. There aren't real sticker instruction sheets. Your best bet is to buy a Hasegawa or browse the model section of MW and go off some of the pictures.
  18. Yeah, but you are talking about the DYRL Max 1A. What we are alluding to are TV colors Max and Millia 1J's. I am sure we will see them before long. No that was in reply to the Max VF-1S (DYRL of course). Max TV 1J is obviously gonna happen, as is Milia. But I'm saying while Max DYRL -1A is warming shelves there won't be a DYRL -1S or a TV -1A.
  19. Kinda makes u wish that Yamato would release a plain unpainted valkyrie for customizing purposes. Maybe even direct from their factory or through some Japanese intermediary. Woudln't even have to box/package it. Just put it in a plastic tray and plain cardboard box.
  20. Seriously?! Lucas is a major fool. He should have said yes. Yeah, he's crying all the way to the bank.
  21. Doubtful while Max -1As are still warming etailer shelves (HLJ never went out of stock and other places have him for $89). Though I'm finding the thought of a trio/squad of all 1S Valkryies attractive (Roy, Hikaru, Max) for some reason.
  22. It'd be hard to believe it could be anything but Max and Milia, especially giving Yamatos' pattern with the 1/60. Also hard to believe but we're almost in the dark now regarding what's coming out next.
  23. I like RotJ the best for the culmination of the trilogy. The confrontation with the much rumored Emperor, the best space battle on screen to that time, and the Jedi duel. ANH looks horribly dated and is cornier than the rest. It's climatic scene, the dogfight over the Death Star looks bad (at least before the Special Edition improves it). Without the nostalgia it easily falls behind some other sci fi if it wasn't setting up the stage for 5 other movies. Of course, bigger space battles have been seen since (B5, if not others, put more ships on screen IIRC) but its arguable whether they're better. I like Jedi, I like space battles. The rest... eh. FTR, Ep 3 is supposed to start with the "biggest space battle ever seen in a SW movie." And it should see plenty of lightsaber, so it sounds promising to knock RotJ off the top for me personally.
  24. Empire made the least money of any SW movie. And TPM the most. Before adjustment of inflation, but IIRC TPM put the most "butts in seats" (sold the most tickets)... at least if you don't count the Special Edition re-release. In any case, Lucas is obviously motivated by other things than money. And if it's not money... and not pleasing the fanboys, what does that leave? All of the SW movies are hokey homage to 50's serial schlock. Go to watch lightsabers, space battles, and LFL special effects not the acting.
  25. Both whenever possible. And Yamato 1/60 are still miles ahead of the other alternatives.
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