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Everything posted by Uxi

  1. Good kill. Damn never got a VF-11C. I wanted two.
  2. Eh, I'm thinking if they had just sacked up and hashed this out
  3. Yack, HLJ is wiped out. Top 4 on my Yamato Bucket List: 1) VF-17D without super pack - sold out or atrocious pricing 2) VF-19P - pretty hard to find only one or two places and/or really expensive. 3) VF-17S - looks pretty easy still in stock a couple places and on evilbay. Relatively low prices make me think it might disappear first, though. 4) VF-19S - same as VF-17S I want to get a couple more of those unpainted kits, too for some hypothetical teams/squadrons.
  4. Ah that would be awesome. The ultimate would be Hasbro buying the whole shebang (international distribution from HG? Importing the shows and merchandising them price in the Transformers range). $60-70 for a VF-1, $100-120 for a VF-19, $120-150 for a VF-17.
  5. Uxi

    1/60 VF-1 version 3?

    Number one desire would be for the intake covers to be integrated in, sort of like the heat shield. I'd also like to see a hinged nose cone (sort of like the Masterpiece Seekers) and movable flaps again. Better folding side panels to emulate the option parts.
  6. Wow, the VF-17D has really shot up in price bad. I wanted this second only to the 19P but both aren't justifiable/affordable for me. I'll cross my fingers for lightly used if the madness ever ends.
  7. Wish I could find a 19P without needing to sell one of my kids.
  8. My favorite is still my 1/48 Low Viz. Really wish they had done the 1/60v2 in low viz in each model. I'd have wanted a whole team (at least 2 x 1A, and a 1J if not a 1S, as well). If someone has those molds from the bankruptcy, I hope they'll crank stuff out from the same factories sooner or later. Especially VF-19 and VF-17, if not VF-4.
  9. I wish I had done that. 19P are over $300 on evilbay
  10. I haven't gotten any of the recent releases and now am scared I won't be able to. Can't seem to find a VF-19P anywhere, for example.
  11. I am hoping VF-17D/S and VF-19F/S/P are all re-branded, as well since I haven't gotten any of them. Domestic distribution and on par with Hasbro Transformers Masterpiece price points would be nice.
  12. Always wanted Regults. Now I'm scared I won't be able to get a VF-17 or VF-19... TV SDF-1 would be hot, too. Even if it was just the TV colors on the existing mold (though Daedalus and Prometheus would be requisite, of course.
  13. Yeah that splinter camo one is nice. What's this about a low-viz VF-22?
  14. yeah, wish Hasbro would buy Hercules and release it for 1/3 to 1/2 the price mass produced on Amazon with coupons and BF deals.
  15. I like a couple of the neutral expression heads and/or the one with the LED eyes but yeah I'd be happy with the "basic" Hercules. If I could get it for under $500 lol.
  16. I haven't gotten any yet but the MP10 stickers look great. Wouldn't use ALL of them but probably most (especially on the trailer).
  17. I just know they're going to stretch out the final confrontation until the very last episode of the season.
  18. My wife brought home the blu-ray for our kids and I enjoyed it. The "romance" was a little... corny and I knew it was was going to end . I want that Hero Duty game! The music and action look pretty cool!
  19. I'd rather a slight retool/redesign of the Toynami Alpha by whoever did the Beta / Tread. That said, I think the same thing about the CM and really want those shoulder missiles. So complete rehash except this time made from scratch to go together.
  20. I'm still amazed at how expensive Masterpiece Grimlocks go for. When they rarely go for less than two bills, time to reissue, Hasbro. Crazy news, though. I don't want every one of the new masterpiece but the red countach has been growing on me. I can get over the plastic tires....
  21. Biggest problem is the dearth of availability in the PC market. I was able to mostly skip the 5th and half of the 6th generations of consoles with PC gaming but there isn't nearly as much material anymore. There's some but there used to be a few aisles at Best Buy and Circuit City. Now it's one aisle.
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