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Everything posted by Uxi

  1. Not that expensive. If I see it at Frank & Sons or something for less than a bill, I'll probably get it.
  2. It could be decently entertaining but it's almost deliberately misleading with the title. Just pick another number: 33 Ronin or 52 Ronin or 72 Ronin.... whatever.
  3. Missed it entirely. Don't recall any obvious dubbing. Want to catch it again this weekend, if possible.
  4. I think that goes to my single biggest nit with the movie's plot. I wish it hadn't been the major ultimate go through the rift business. Just a day in the life of Jaegars fighting Kaiju before/without the wall silliness or the major category 4/5 Kaiju. The cat 3 vs Mark I/II seems like it would have been exciting enough for an intro.
  5. The sword didn't bother me nearly as much. I took it as being a new addition that Raleigh didn't know about. Mako was too new and overwhelmed by everything to remember right away. Obviously contrived but plausible enough. Basic logic would be to put those plasma casters and missiles on every Jaegar and use stand off / ranged tactics unless surprised. I definitely want to catch it at least once more in the theater, both for support and to catch some detail maybe in an IMAX showing. Hope it lasts another couple weeks.
  6. Finally got to go see this. Definitely enjoyed it. Dialogue was a bit corny but not as bad as I was fearing from the discussion. The names were cornier than the dialogue, though. Disagree about the Russians or Chinese being stereotyped. There just wasn't enough of them to be stereotyped. Either would have liked for them to have survived the first fight (at least some of them). Or better yet had 2 or 3 Russia and Chinese Jaegars each to be redshirts for the action. Maybe a budget buster, though. They established enough that conventional weaponry took 3 cities before they finally got rid of it. Imagine they were all Bay area (San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose)? Would probably enjoy prequels more than anything else. The wall is just plain idiocy. I could see them going to a defensive bent with static defenses with Jaegars supplementing it. Was a bit disappointed that the Jaegars rely on close combat and only use their ranged weaponry as special attacks. Would have made more sense for them to use tank/armor tactics using ranged weaponry, moving in wedge and/or echelon formations and then closing to close combat. I'll definitely go see a sequel and hope it's successful enough for there to be one.
  7. I really want another release of Grimlock more than the later releases anyway.
  8. US distribution to avoid bloated import pricing.
  9. There could definitely be some interesting storylines. But given the genre and way the first panned out, extremely unlikely to go that way. I always remember being annoyed at MacGuyver playing the same guy. I actually like Richard Dean Anderson's character, but about the only thing it has in common with Kurt Russell's was the name. Why not just make him Major Smith or something instead of being the same guy from the movie? Same with the geek scientist guy. Just make it a separate team.
  10. Hasbro or Takara-Tomy or Bandai should be doing these toys. Big company more than the origin matters since it's all going to be made in China anyway. All they need is basic articulation and some gimmicks for kid versiona, though ideally a premium version with enhanced articulation, better paint apps, removable panels, etc could exist too.
  11. My v1 Max 1A is stll in decent shape, as is my non-TRU CF. It's permanently in Gerwalk or fighter, since I don't know where the heat shield went. :\
  12. Still happy with my YF-19FP but I would consider a Ravens VF-19A
  13. I always liked the Lester cut of Superman 2. Yeah, it's cheesy and the effects don't hold up that well anymore, but I like that cut much more than the Donner cut, which is horrid and lacked all the nostalgic high notes I was used to. Really doubt I'll want to own it on Blu-ray, so probably not going to bother with this one until I can stream it. The only credit I gave to Superman Returns was that they didn't bother with the damned origin story again. I increasingly hate the cliches of origin stories. Just start the movie and get on with the plot for established characters and franchises. Do a flashback here and there, if they must... Don't want to watch ANOTHER Bruce Wayne crying about his mom and dad, or ANOTHER Peter Parker getting bit by the damned spider, etc etc
  14. Uxi


    Really hope Arcadia re-releases this one. In unpainted kit form would be great. I'd love to get 2 or 3.
  15. Disturbing LACK of Smaug in that teaser... My fear would be they'll drag it out so Bilbo falling down the treasure isn't until the very end. Battle of Five Armies probably won't be 2 hours long, unfortunately and still dreading the appearance of Dain with a big mohawk and William Wallace blue face paint.
  16. Definitely leaning PS4 but not enough to preorder or stand in line. When I can conveniently buy one, I probably will.
  17. I would ordinarily be very interested but for the complete mangling of history in 300: It wouldn't have been too much to show that Sparta had TWO Kings, the real nature of the Ephors if not Spartan society in general (some downtrodden Helots laboring in the background so that Homoioi could afford the luxury of military devotion, etc), and that Leondias and the Spartans CHOSE to honor the Carneia amd the Olympic Truce instead of the typical hollyweird treatment of religion which had me rolling my eyes. Much less actually holding in a phalanx.
  18. Yeah just read the summary on wikipedia. Definite pass.
  19. Does the Baroness have a Cobra emblem placed in a... strategic... location?
  20. I thought I was the only one rolling my eyes at the accents. Always thought the premise looked horrible. Never new it was M Night, though... I think they've already stopped using him as if he'd be a draw after the last half dozen clunkers. Just thought the fear line was cheesy, not anything with Scientology. Someone want to spoiler the twist, since I'll probably never bother seeing it?
  21. The merging thing is interesting, though will probably be as moviecliche as the clear bubble faceplates but I think I can enjoy the giant robot action and hopefully ignore all that.
  22. I wish there was a premium 1/18 scale with good accessories, etc. 1/6 is too big and 1/18 figs are generally too cheap.
  23. I'm not going to do both next generation like I did this one. Hearing Sony take away BC had me thinking I was going to go X720 over PS4. Hearing the 720, put them back level. Hearing about the 24 hour/registration business just about took the X1 off the list. If PS4 pulls the same crap, I'll probably do nothing but stay with PS3 and get an X360S to hold me over (got rid of my 360 Xenon for some Wii U stuff at Gamestop: game, controller, etc) until at least the first price drop.
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