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Everything posted by Focslain

  1. And they confirmed Cell at Work: Dark for next year. That should be interesting. So finished Macross Zero. It was enjoyable. Nice to see the proto-valks as well as how outclassed the conventional fighters were to the new tech. Props to Shin for dodging a missile storm in a F14, mad skills. Story was nice and tight, though the ending was a bit wtf? (Shin's final flight) The triangle was nicely done, like SDFM and Frontier, there was a good connection on all sides. Mao was seriously macking on Shin though. Also this added a bit more depth to the movie arc from Frontier. The parallel was definitely there. The fights were.... dear gods lovely. Only issue was the first VF-0 transformation, that was some odd camera work. Outside of that nice multi-mode usage and some sweet maneuvering by Shin and Folker. Really the only really bad thing about this entry is the lack of music and the really gritty CGI. It might have been a product of the time though. It was better in Frontier and Delta. Next hitting movies this weekend if I can not get too distracted by Subnatica.
  2. I'll have to find a supplier for the tape. As for the paints I'm staying with citadel because of being massively lazy and not wanting to have to support two different paint lines. If I can get the taping bit to work that can help in getting some nice patterns on my other mecha models and 40k vehicles.
  3. Haven't touched the VFGs yet. I have a custom build I need 3? of them for. Right now I'm slowly working on the VF-31S Mikumo while most of my attention is on the Imperial Knight lance I'm building up. For the hasegawa 31s, yeah the cockpit and nose section have insane levels of tiny parts. the rest is fine.
  4. I enjoyed this battle animation. I'm seeing the Zero influence as I started my watch of that OVA (3/5 eps in) Something I did start noticing in Frontier and Zero is the heavy use of Cheyennes, which in Zero seems odd since I don't remember them at all in SDFM or 7. I'm going to sit down and watch DYRL? this weekend and double check. Did the Cheyenne appear somewhere pre-Zero and just have enough popularity that it was used as the default destroid since?
  5. So while doing a little cleaning i figured why not see what I have and deculture.... I have all five of the walkure planes, just working on the 31S.
  6. @MechTech My limit on painting supplies (except brushes) is citadel paints from GW. I don't air brush, par say, due to not having the equipment. I've done 'air brushing' to terrain, but that was just working the spray can lightly. As for masking, I was debating on trying that again. Just last time I did it the tape took the paint with it. And the tape was the same type I use to hold small bitz for priming and it doesn't remove that. Might need to look into getting painters tape... If I sound frustrated to be honest that is a good thing anytime I start learning new skills. It's when I don't that something is massively wrong. I might retry the taping for this. Worst case it peels off a layer. I'm not too worried on time, I have that in spades.
  7. Was holding off posting this. So I'm mediocre at best in painting. I try. This hasagawa kits need some freehanding and I suuuck at freehand. I did some blocking but this is going to take time as I realize I have to do five of these things. Just kind of knocked the wind out of my sails.
  8. So a little crossover, to celebrate the reopening of theirs and other stores, Games Workshop dropped this mini on the us. This is going to independent retailers only, so stores that sell more then just GW products.
  9. Yeah... was waiting for Irregular to continue. Gives me more time to go through the books. We are getting the movie streamed here by Funi starting May 1st. Plus they got the series as well if you don't have netflix. (Will check to see if it moved or just added to another service)
  10. I was wondering why that fleet was shown in the final episode of Frontier. Figured it was just to show the fleets being attacked. Didn't know it actually had a backstory.
  11. Well I found a youtube channel that has all of Macross on it. So going to use that resource while it's up. This is mostly for completion sake as I have a feeling I'm starting to go either full depression and/or hipster mode. Another viewing when I'm in a better mode would be best, but not sure how long this source will be up.
  12. Finished Frontier, I can see why it's considered the better Macross. Personally still like the mecha and music of Delta more, but yeah, better story and better characters. Now I that tracked down Zero and the later half of 7 I'll continue this journey to completion.
  13. So continued on my Frontier run, at episode 21. Seems the body count has started. So either I'm getting used to the character designs or the animation is just getting better. Either way the story is pretty good. Just wish the concerts were better, but that is what the movies are for. Also frak Galaxy. Seriously evil there. On a lighter note, Took a look at Princess Connect: Redive. Liking the humor and considering the staff, this should be a fun ride.
  14. So sorry for the lousy picture. I use my phone and the lighting at my work spot isn't the greatest. So after a looong time doing 40K models, I needed a break and started on the Hasagawa models I got. This is the first of five. Plan is to recreate the launch scene from 3rd Live.
  15. I know the YF-30 is a playable fighter in Delta Scramble, I can get you picts of the underside if that will help.
  16. That series is frakking hilarious start to finish. Enjoy. So I found a full playlist of Frontier subbed on youtube (not linking, you can find it yourself). Started going thru the series proper a few eps at a time. First impressions: Is it me, the video, or were the character animations always this cheap? Outside of the concerts and the cgi for the mecha/varja it seems really off. Especially in the nicely done backgrounds. Writing of the triangle is better, even early it looks like there can be a relationship between either pairing. Unlike Delta where Mirage had zero chance since Freya won at first sight. Also I'm guessing all the Macross MC use the Hikaru method of meeting women? ie saving them via a first time flying a valkyrie? 3 of 4 main series start this way. Will seriously lol if the next one does this too.
  17. Ok, so my personal kit bash is on hold until this drops. Then I'm converting Klan to a catgirl.
  18. True, at least they had the brains to keep RC Bray as both Bishop and Skippy. Also awaiting the next book in either the main line (damn Valkyrie ended darkly) or more Mavericks. And if you looking for more like Craig Alanson, check out John Ringo. Especially his Looking Glass and Troy Rising series.
  19. So binged Beastars yesterday, that was trip. Very much a coming of age piece as well as a morality tale. Did connect with Legoshi, I feel for the poor boy, but he is a good boy and hopefully things work out somewhat for him. The sequence of him and Haru at the hotel had me rolling though as I've dealt with one too many RPs that went in that exact direction. Also got to see the two Gundam Thunderbolt movies. Character design seemed off to me, but deculture the mech battles were awesome! The Pycho system had me chuckling since I have a similar system for one of my Imperial Knight pilots.
  20. So I started Beastars and I can see why others like it. Legoshi reminds me of myself during my late teens. Also started a re-watch of Dragon Pilot since I'm grabbing the Masotan nendroid at the end of the month. Still a fun watch. Since I'm going to be working from home for the next two weeks (thanks corona/s) I'm going to add Carole and Tuesday to the pile. Depending on how much I get thru might add In/Spectre if the dub has enough episodes done.
  21. Good or bad, RT had an impact on western anime. It was responsible either directly or indirectly for a lot of people getting into anime. If anything it was a cautionary tale of how not to export anime into the west. Just look at Gundam and Dragon Ball. Honestly if ADV or some-one else had gotten the publishing rights to Macross Plus/II my path thru anime wouldn't have been any different.
  22. You can get a little of that as Kate plays the AI Nagatha in the Expeditionary Force: Homefront audio drama. Course after listening to it you might want to snap off Zachary Quinto's thumbs. I know I did.
  23. Focslain

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Only have the 31C and the Silpheed armour. Now for models that is a different story...
  24. Here you go: https://www.hlj.com/1-72-scale-vf-11d-thunderbolts-test-pilot-school-hsg65866 It's listed under Hasegawa limited series and not macross
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