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Everything posted by Focslain

  1. It was an event a while back. The head liners were the VAs for Isamu, Barsara, Freya and Sharon Apple with Fukuyama making a 'surprise' appearance. Speakerpodcast discussed it I think two or three episodes ago. Story was from a fan I believe too.
  2. Barsara and Freya actually.
  3. Got an order recently from CDJapan, at the time EMS was not an option, so went with DHL and got it in a week. Was also cheaper then EMS for once.
  4. So got this over the weekend from @yman1437 , now I have a SDF-1 I like and can display because I'm running out of room.
  5. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Haven't tried since (at least for me) it's not really needed outside of mission goals and that I can just screen cap and run through google translate. Also depends on if your playing via tablet or phone. If your error message contains "Google Play" you'll need an update via where ever you uploaded the game from. Personally I use QooApp it works really good. Any other error message would mean something else and would need a screen cap to translate and fix.
  6. Considering how this season ends, I'm hoping for a season 2. I think it got derailed due to the virus shutdown. Honestly this series is a lighter toned version of Mars, which is also on Netflix and a good watch.
  7. Question is: Are you missing the point: ie not seeing it or denying it's existence. or Are you immune: You know of the point and understand it, you just choose to not to care about. And if your immune then it's best just to be honest and say you don't care about the message, you just want [blank]. Which then I'm sure there are series out there that will cater to your tastes. Let the creators create and pick what you like.
  8. Another good example of difference in taste. These are two of my most hated series. Couldn't get through more then a few episodes of build, one episode of Reconguista and was dragged thru G by an old room-mate. G was sooo stupid. But to each their own.
  9. Not wrong on the missing content part. There is a LOT missing. Including some backstory that explains Tatsuya and Miyuki's relationship and his powers. Though later Miyuki will explain the price for that power and just imagining it made my skin crawl. While the series runs the first seven volumes of the LN, they pretty much skipped all of vol 5.
  10. My Next Life as a Villianess: All routes lead to Doom
  11. I'm a self described gaming otaku furry (see icon). So I do wargaming, mostly 40K, but Relic Knight, Malifaux and dabbed into flames of war and Armada. Tabletop RPGs, D&D, was doing pathfinder until the lockdown and played several others and ran a few in other systems: Played many a board game and card game (MtG, Pokemon, SW, ST, Anime Mayhem) Also into video games by default and spent more time then I'd like in MMOs. Just picked up PSO2 recently and going to try my hardest not to go too deep. Collected comics for a time, DC (Green lantern)/Marvel(Deadpool) and a few indies (Withcblade/Spawn). Currently only supporting Gold Digger(AP) right now. Anime I'm all over the place collecting things from series I like to support them in some method either by getting soundtrack, manga, light novels, models or toys. Pretty much a jack of all trade geek. Oh and I collect WWII films, I'll see about getting a picture over the weekend.
  12. It seems like GW is doing their old scatter shot approach to licencing. It's more pronounced in the video game area, but seems that they are starting that with merchandise as well now. Heck to an extent they are doing that with the TV series they have planned. Angels of Death is CG while Bolter and Hammer is animated, and the Eisenhorn series is supposed to be live action.
  13. Here's the WarCom article, gives a look at the marine version: Lights, Camera, Action figures. They are shipping out an unpainted version too this time.
  14. Thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to look up Foundation and the Zahn books. I enjoyed his Thrawn Trilogy so he has cred. Foundation seems to be something of a Crichton in sci-fi as I've seen it mentioned alot. The others I'll hit in due order.
  15. Suggestions on the no war sci-fi? I have credits to use on Audible.
  16. I wonder if they adapted this to the games? I tend to flip modes quickly in Delta Scramble so haven't noticed a difference. It would be an interesting mechanic if added.
  17. Yeah that's the one. They did a region free version of the series too. I'm hoping they'll do a re-release of at least the Macross movies with sub-titles. I'd buy those in a hot minute.
  18. No, but there is an official region 0 Bluray release with english subtitles. You might find it on sale on amazon if you look. Just remember that base price is JPN standard for blurays, so ~$75 USD. Same for the series, though that was broken up into nine volumes so can get expensive. Delta is the second most expensive series I own and the most per episode.
  19. They did hint at the vehicle voltron at the end of Legendary Defender. So if they continue it, maybe?
  20. Well the Delta bit was most likely a reference to Delta flight (the MC squad) and/or the fact that Delta is also the fourth macross TV series. Take your pick. But yeah, Mirage was not even in the running as Freya had Hayate from day one.
  21. Some like the Ozma and Isamu are most likely marketing ploys. The YF-29 in general is only in the movies, it never shows up in the series. In the TV series Alto does the final fight in a VF-25 w/ Tornado armour, much like he uses through out the series. Remember that that all versions of Macross are valid as they are all movies.tv/books/games in-universe. So none of the media is actual what happened, just based on events that happened.
  22. There is a channel that has ALL of macross on it and subbed in english. Just do a search and you'll find it. Using it right now to make my way thru 7
  23. I remember there being a model of the VF-4 in his quarters in DYRL?
  24. So sat down and watched DYRL? This might have been my first actual viewing. I think that due to just scenes popping all over the net I assembled the movie in my memory prior. I understand why this tends to top charts. The animation does hold up in a classical sense, lovely music and good action. Story was nice til the end and then it kind of sped up a bit. Still amazed me that considering the detail in the mechanics of this that all of it was drawn. No CGI at all. It's the old argument of what is better, a painting or a photograph? Mad skills to the animators. Not my #1 macross (Macross Plus: The Movie), but I'll grant it the #3 spot until I rewatch the frontier movies. Oh and forgot to mention in my post finishing Frontier. Good move on the part of the writers in not showing ANY scenes for the final episode in the preview. Considering what happens it would have been near impossible to not spoil other wise. Also started my watch of Mac7, only taking this 1-2 eps a day to avoid repetitiveness. Only two episodes in and I can see the scene catalog forming. In non-macross related watching. Took a shot on Princess Driver Re:Connect, and this has Konasuba DNA all up in it. Good for a laugh and this cast of waifu bait is looking very nice. Only two episodes in but going to catch up later. Also due to what I've seen I want to take a shot at Gliepnr. It looks.... interesting.
  25. If I EVER got that bad, I'd open up a store. Of which I think that's how a store called Retrograde got started in my area.
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