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Everything posted by Focslain

  1. Thinking of it. Might as well get one and see how it compares to what I want to the valk to stand in for. Worst case I have a new model to build and add to my collection.
  2. ok, model scale is 1/x = (wanted height/actual height) Simple enough, now to hunt down 1/83 scale valks.
  3. Wish this was on google play, also thank you for reminding me series have twitter accounts these days (followed) If only I had the money to go.
  4. Quick question for you model buffs, what scale would I need to get to have a valk in bioroid mode be ~6 inches tall? Need to know for a project.
  5. Guess I got out of touch on the cost of media, I was used to $80 dvd season collection for US shows. Well time to bite the bullet and re-evaluate my entertainment budget.
  6. I technically already dl'd the entire series months ago. But was hoping to get physical copies like I do with most series I enjoy. Which reminds me I have to look into getting Mac 7 and the frontier movies later.
  7. So anyone know if we'll get a standard blu-ray/dvd release of the series? The spec eds are too pricey for my wallet (least for a 9 disc set). I'd like to support the official release though the Malaysia bootleg is looking tempting....
  8. Not sure if this is the right place to ask but.. Has there been any model kits for the cruiser and frigates from the Macross series? Been flying around them in Delta scramble and liking the design.
  9. The 5K dlc is the rune pika content. I just got my pstv yesterday and need to find the free dlc in the store. Enjoying the game so far, Makina is so OP it's beautiful. Update: Ok I binged last night and did all the first half of the Kaos campaign and all the specials unlocked by them. I should have gotten into import games long ago cause this game is a blast. Favorite fight was so far was against Isamu, other then the music choice (changing it next time to Information High) it was right out of the OVA/Movie. Almost lost due to time, but damn it was fun.
  10. Hopefully my room mate will come through and get the PSTV kit I want. I really want to play this game.
  11. Sure Ranka would be as cute at 24 yrs old? Figured she would have matured a bit. Plus not sure Alto is around depending on which ending you use for Frontier(the TV series or the movie). It depends on how much of a time skip we have, I wouldn't bet on Freya lasting more then a few years. Same goes for prince hienz.
  12. Honestly, they did. In the end it's a matter of personal preference, and for me, Junna(Mikumo) is much better then Sheryl was. Sheryl was around Kanama level. It would be really nice and a good change of pace to have a male singer again. But Barsara might have just been an anomely.
  13. I was watching the series on Kissanime, generally it's a fall back if a series is not on Netflix, Hulu or Crunchyroll. Nice to see that it was licenced, I'll be adding LoGH to my slowly increasing purchasing list.
  14. No need to mod, only issue is you in a PSN Japan account to get the dlc.
  15. Close, it was only in the first window assassination scene. All the others in the 95 film were the skin suit, including the tank fight and the butt-kicking in the water pool they redid for the film. But yeah for SAC, Arise and all the other films and manga the thermoptics was a skin suit or light armour.
  16. I'm going to break from a few that are currently running so I can proper binge on them later. Currently going thru the Legend of Galatic Heroes OVA, I already did the epic 110 ep tv series and loved it. I'm going to track down the Arppiego movies as well as Girl und Panzer this weekend. Side note, group is hitting up the new SAO movie this week as our local theater got it. Hoping it's at least pretty.
  17. My group just finished Erased, was a good series. We might hit up Iron Blood Orphan next. Personally watching Konosuba (season 2) and Miss Kayabushi's Dragon Maid, debating on either hitting the Legend of the Galaltic Heros OVAs or rewatching Macross 7 for late night binging.
  18. Wouldn't be surprised, though considering the ending of Delta left much unresolved that can be a good thing. Hopefully they'll work more on the plot and action since the music is in good hands.
  19. Of which I got recently. Good music and thier cover of DYRL is really good.
  20. Try this in a few single shot matches, worked really good and not bad. Did test out the cannon attack, but didn't have to use it. On a side note, does anyone know of any campaigns I can use the UN Spacy fleet in? Wasn't seeing any campaigns that weren't race locked.
  21. That is my worry as well, however if you've seen the Arise series and the following movie they kind of did the "they're hiding something from you". Even Mokoto's character design was changed to be closer to SJH. It's like in Mavel's Ultimate series where the characters were drawn eeriely close to thier real world counter-parts in the MCU. I'm really hoping this is just a rehash of the '95 movie, the story wasn't that bad if a little over the head of the average movie go'er.
  22. Why isn't this an offical kit, this is a sweet design.
  23. Do we have a list anywhere of the new songs (if any) with the new DLCs? I will soon be playing this as a home repair assassinated my saving.
  24. So I broke down and managed to order the Run Pika Edition, hearing that there was a new paid dlc I'm guessing I need to get a PSN card to have all of the content or am I clear so far?
  25. Been noticing an uptake in PMCs in anime recently. As for getting a look from the NUNS side that would be nice, but I can see a rise in PMCs in Macross due to the seemly more independant mindset that colonies tend to get the farther away from the homeworld they get. It all depends on how much of a hold the Earth central goverment has.
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