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Everything posted by Focslain

  1. Not any models but still an import Also got a digital copy of Irregular at Magic School: Out of Order since the physical was out of stock. This is also my last purchase for a while since GW is preparing to assault my wallet with new model releases.
  2. Figured Free!! and Yuri on Ice was nothing more then female targeted fan-service series. On that, it would be interesting to get a Macross boy band for once. Not sure how well it would work out, but doing a gender reversed Delta would be neat.
  3. Ah, my old(new) nemesis, the onager. I hate these things on the battlefeild. On a side note, looking good. I keep wanting to post my own work, but keep forgetting to take pictures.
  4. This thing is just under 4ft tall and I thought Forgeworld had the market cornered on insanely large models. If this thing is under three grand I'll eat a hat.
  5. Focslain

    Hi-Metal R

    So we talking Wyrd level of parts or just overall poor design?
  6. Focslain

    Hi-Metal R

    Holy eff, did somebody actually paint and assemble all of those little Robotech pods??? Eh, not that much harder to do than any warhammer army. Awesome display though, you got a pic of the UN Spacy side?
  7. A nice fleet battle or two as well would be nice. However if we are looking at a series and not a movie I'd like to have an least one concert episode.
  8. Was staying away from the which is worse, Delta or Frontier since 7 was far dirtier. As you stated. Also thankfully I wasn't drinking when I read this otherwise I would have sprayed coffee all over my desk. And thanks for the info on the prior series.
  9. So to pull this back on track. Haven't seen any word on the new seris lately. A quick look back showed that they were doing auditions for the new vocal talent a good two years prior, but didn't really release any series info until about six months prior to airing. With that time table we can assume that this would be a continuation on Delta or that we might see return of other singers at least. But we are approaching 2018 and no real word yet. Less I missed something (a likely thing) recently.
  10. Not much of a spoiler, but Dracula gave the town a year to clear out/admit thier mistake. A whole year. Fact that they ignored him just pissed him off further.
  11. It's a bit of a spoiler, but....
  12. Sidonia, yeah season 2 was wierd. If it continued I'm sure the genocidal war the humans were about to undertake would have been interesting. Watched this the day it came out, was disappointed that it was so short, but it's already signed up for another 8 eps. So this might have just been Netflix playing it safe since I don't think they counted on what happened with Voltron to strike twice.
  13. Ah yes, the live action Macross Plus, minus the music.
  14. Kind of wish they did this, then add something like the history lesson in ep20 as a featurette on the blu-ray. Would have been much better for the series.
  15. Spectral wasn't too bad a flick. Not worth a full release but good for a netflix one. It's like a live action FF: Spirits Within prequal.
  16. Can we please keep that man away from my childhood. I can only repress so much.
  17. Not that weird since it was blown clean off. Clean off being the primary reason it didn't cause more damage with a secondary denonation that most likely happened a few seconds later (off camera).
  18. JUNNA just released a solo album called Vai! Ya! Vai! last month. It's not bad, she more tempted than her Walkure album recordings. It's a mix of different styles except for the blues style she did in Giraffe Blues.
  19. No. Haven't had time for it. Between my usual MMO distraction and recent 40K releases I haven't had time honestly. My plan was to just take the pages and my PSvita with me (to work on translating more of Delta Scramble) on a family vacation planned in September. Then I'll have a week of being bored off my arse minus the few projects I bring. I'm also bringing my dad's old economic books for a study if that gives you an idea of how dull this is going to be. The things I do for family.
  20. Other have already stated, it depends on why you liked the original Code Geass. Akito is very much a side story and an action based one at that. It does not have the depth that the original did. For completion sake I would give it a watch as it takes place between season one and two of the original series. You'll understand why about half way through Akito and it's hammered in at the end. As a concept I wouldn't mind seeing more side story series in the Geass world.
  21. Wish I had that kind of money, only macross related signature I have is a copy of the DYRL soundtrack signed by Mari Iijima. Would love to get a shot at one of the concerts.
  22. I noticed that in the Walkure cover of DYRL, you can always hear Junna and Minori, not so much the others. But I found Junna was massively strong in Walkure anyway. Her solo album has her much more tempered.
  23. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Only if you can get it outside the Japan Google play store, which I haven't seen it yet in the US play store. Thank you for your diligance.
  24. Thanks guys, think I'll go for the Powers of Voice and the vocal collection to start then bookmark the rest for laters.
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