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Everything posted by Focslain

  1. This is more due to Japanese culture. Once your out of high school it's a general consensus that you take responsibility and hold down a job or be a productive member of society. It's the high school age bracket that you can be adventurous and 'care free'. Those that are older and still do adventure are looked down upon as bad role models. While they are still in the media, it's rarer.
  2. Ok, so gunpods rely on rate of fire while the missiles are brute force... seems my original choice was right then, good. I see you prefer the bolt to the las. Fine choice sir.
  3. Use whatever metric you need. I read your pre-edited response and it gave me something to think on. If there is a major change I await your analyze, no rush on this project.
  4. @Seto Kaiba - Just for curiousity, compared to the micro missiles, hows the stopping power of most gunpods. Is it based on weight of fire or just stopping power? For a benchmark let's take the armaments of the VF-171. Thanks in advance.
  5. Focslain


    Patience is something I have. Will ear mark this for next year then. That will give my wallet time to breath after GW finishes it's time with it.
  6. Especially towards the end. I'm just expecting a recap movie with a bump in animation quality, less repetation of songs, and no filler. Basically what the Frontier movies gave me.
  7. Let's be honest here though. Regardless of what we them to change for the movie, we all know that they aren't going to fix anything other than the pacing.
  8. Wrong actually. Only way to remove Reina is to remove Makina as well since they need each other (not just to check box the tropes, but in story as well). Don't believe me? Just watch ep 21. Now if they drop Walkure to just three, then sure as you can drop makina and Reina and keep it with just Mikumo, Freyja and Kaname. That is if the group is just for singing. If they actually do missions like in the series then Makina and Reina's skill sets are needed.
  9. Focslain


    Ok, this is amazing. So when you taking orders and are you doing a FAST/SAP pack for this?
  10. Reina doesn't want to be in Wlakure anymore then you want her to. The reason for her inclusion in-universe is explained during the anime. But it basically boils down to two things: 1) She is very fold sensative 2) She can handle the stress of combat (most likely due to the bond built between her and Makina)
  11. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    So anyone know how to get Barsara/Mylene. I didn't see them in the main list so not sure if they are promotional or just hard to get. Only rank 13 right now so working through the main cast right now. Edit: Nvm, seems they are set to be added in Sept.
  12. had the same issue with the series myself, the two movies were a massive improvement
  13. So... Custom or are these kits avaliable for purchase?
  14. Dubbing this series will make it a bit more accessiable as there is a section of anime fans that don't want to read while watching. Personally I'd like a dub because I'd watch this series multiple times while painting minitures. I already do this with long sci-fi series and other animes (currently running thru Gundam Seed with my painting group). As for the new version, I really want to see how they do the space battles and deal with the Terraist group plot arc (no I did not mis-spell that).
  15. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Spent a bit longer then I should have playing this last night. Also have the same problem that I did with the Love Live game. The difficulty curve in some songs isn't so much a curve as a cliff. Also need to learn how (as in best time to do) to use skills.
  16. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    ok, can you PM the link. Was hoping to get this from the store so I could support it.
  17. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Yeah, and I followed the directions for creating a japanese google account and when accessing the page it does a compatability check. Surprise, surprise... it says not avaliable for my device. Suggestions?
  18. He faired better then Minmay... lords that profile shot is bad.
  19. Depends. In recent years TAS as canon is a grey area. In general though several parts are pulled from TAS and made canon. The belts were adopted by Star Trek Online as the base for the personal shields in the game.
  20. That is cheaper then I thought it be. Still expensive, but about average for it's size.
  21. @Seto Kaiba - Ok, I'll correct myself a little here. I'd like to see a male singing lead with a mostly female fighting crew and if possible a M/M/F love triangle, minimum needs to be two males fighting for a female, bonus points having a male/female fighting for a male lead. Also more to a colony/cluster threat than a galaxy spanning one.
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