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Everything posted by Focslain

  1. Thank you, that explains the grapple arms underneath. The basic hull looks nice from the side, a minor change and that could be fitted with some nasty broadside guns.
  2. Or Blue Gender or Majestic Prince. Pretty much anytime you have nations still existing is where human being dickbags will show up.
  3. If you want, it's the scene if you complete the fighter section of the AXIA song in Uta Macross. Seriously, the scene ends just before the cockpit glass breaks.
  4. So what is the ship on the bottom and do we have a model for it yet?
  5. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Information High is my personal fav from that series. But to do it right it has to be around 6 mins (full length is 8:01). Voices would be a must though. Sharon would be an interesting idol from a costume POV since her form changes with each costume. Honestly I just want Plus because that opens the door for Isamu and the YF-19, pretty much my all time favorite pilot/valk.
  6. It's the nostalgia kicking in. Happens when a new version of a beloved series comes out. Yang looked just fine, Reinhard and Seigfried's hair wasn't big enough though. PLease just tell me that Reinhard gets his long hair in the later part of the series.
  7. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Well we have Plus, Zero and II left for idols/songs I believe. They still have a bit more of 7 and Delta songs to drop before they have to drop others. I'm hoping for Plus next though.
  8. @kajnrig - Project Nimbus has been on my radar fro a while. Just waiting for money and/or a steam sale. But it looks neat.
  9. We'll have to wait for the Alliance defense of Iserlohn or a fight with the Black Lancers to get that. But over all there wasn't much movement in the original series either.
  10. Depends if the movies are recaps or just mini-arcs. As much as I'd like to see a full 100+ episode epic again. It might not be in the cards at this time. At least we are getting something that looks well done visually. Hope the story holds. Also I was squeeling during the space battles, this is going to be gooooood.
  11. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    True, at least they kept him in character. Considering I was rank 40 when the bombers where dropped I'm not sure if my memory lane is muddled or not at this point. Though you would be a good test case for my theory that the idols are on the odd ranks while the songs are on the even. And no, there are no other singers in the game outside the main case shown in the title card for the game. Not yet at least. Also I got to rank 30ish on mostly easy/normal. It's do-able, but does take more then one song a day. Keep at it, you'll get there.
  12. Amazed you don't have a few of the Playmate ones. If you want a hovertank you can try and second hand one of those.
  13. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    So updated and got Barsara and Mylene. Much to my amusement, when you get Barsara it doesn't say new diva, but his name. Ego much? Will run him through other songs later, just did the new ones to collect the new content.
  14. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Not really, the plates aren't stored internally until you get them. That is why there is a dl when new plates are found. Most likely to both conserve space and prevent others from doing what you are suggesting. I think i have a way to get clean screenshot, but want to test it before I write up the SOP and post it. btw, thank you for the video, it got me on the right path for this.
  15. Yoshiya Kanke is my new hero of a toy maker. His wish list of what he wants to do is 100% on my to buy list. Hopefully with the re-release and retelling of LOGH his boss will let him do the ships.
  16. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    It might still be available in the current set. Worst case I suggest keeping up on the 3x daily freebie. I got the Freyja one yesterday, you might be able to get Sheryl's as well. Ok, so how did you get the full screen shots of these and which ones are you looking for. Maybe if we pool collections we can get you the shots you want.
  17. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Woot! Managed to score a plate for Freyja swimsuit off the freebie section. So don't need to get the pack... unless I want to. Also I'm getting the hang of DYRL hard mode. Little more practice and I should be able to full combo it. Until then I'll gladly take my ~25 gems per play.
  18. So I was wondering around Funimation's streaming series this week and noticed that while they did a sumi-cast of the dub for IBO it's not on their streaming service anymore. Anyone know what happened or where it went to. Like to listen/watch this while painting.
  19. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Wow, didn't know it was that popular... well let's see if it can keep it up. Depending on the songs in the September update I might throw a few more bucks their way.
  20. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    *shrugs* To each their own. Personally I haven't had much issue getting the needed orbs for the last few packs, just this one was a shorter time span then the others. I'm sure it's going to slow down on the earnings since I've got a lot of the achievements that grant them. Plus I'm sure most of the limited stuff (the new costumes and valk) will swing around again later. Play these games long enough and you get some recycling for new players that missed the first go around.
  21. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Did you get the plate for Frejya's swimsuit? Only half way to the 500 orbs I need for the pack buy.
  22. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    I'll have to test that theory, cause I'm still having issues on hard.
  23. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Followed, thank you for the find.
  24. missing a few shoulder parts and one of it's legs seems out of phase with reality. Seriously, it disappears for weeks at a time only to pop up in a random room. I'll see if I can locate it, worst case it was dumped in my last move but I remeber seeing it recently. Or it could have just been the leg re-appearing.
  25. For the show songs, sure. Issue is that on a few covers in the Walkure albums she still stands out easily. Only Minori can stand up to her vocally, and only just. Which is why I was glad to hear JUNNA seemed to have tempered her vocals in her solo album. If she song like that with Walkure in the beginning it might have meshed better. Chalk it up to experience I guess. Should watch one of thier live concerts to see if she corrected herself during the tour.
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