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Everything posted by Focslain

  1. They were mentioned a few times in the novels, heck Luke even had a device that detected force users in a novel done back just after the OT. I want to say it was in Splinter of a Minds Eye, but it doesn't sound right. Will wiki later.
  2. Just look outside. I've seen more reasons not to like the prior generations then like, at least from the POV of the new generation. Most of it stems from just seeing WHAT was done and not WHY it was done. Course the older generation in some fields are getting resentful and it's showing.
  3. Kantai was based on the designs from the game, besides the interesting parts of the Kantai girls aren't in their physical designs, but in personalities quirks. As for the anime story it has an interesting twist in the later half for the historians. But yes Arpeggio has way better ship girls, especially since they make sense on all levels instead of just one.
  4. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Which does suck, but understandable. I'd be more annoyed if I didn't already own all the music >.>
  5. Same, honestly I think my friends are seeing it this weekend for the same reason. Course there was an a-hole that pre-ordered an entire theater showing worth of tickets for opening day.
  6. Everything is focused on the new movie. The earliest we'll get an update won't be until the movie releases in Feb. If smart they'll have a teaser ready within a month of the movie release.
  7. Depends on if they bring in Spider-Gwen, I'm sure there was another female Spider but don't remember off the top of head.
  8. Mind you this is a guess, but.... While she is connected to Myung she could have generated through her. Or depending on what her final AI chip was made of could have given her some fold wave generation ability. If she had any fold wave ability that could go a long way to weaponize fold energy more then they already have.
  9. Actually Makina comes from a family of mechanics, granted the most she does in the series is being seen grease monkeying in the opening and building Hayate's custom EX gear, but she's mostly a fan-service checkbox for sure.
  10. BoJack takes some time to rev up. I had to start half way thru season 1 before it was watchable. Just make sure your in a decent mood while watching cause the series goes dark quite a few times. Otherwise its' a good series.
  11. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    As nanoplasm stated normal is a decent place to farm the tickets, but if your looking at overall increase in yellow gem drop rate, then yes it does increase in the higher difficulties. Having a high luck pool also help but your looking at needing 25+ it increase the drop rate by +1. Just keep getting all three of the free plate drops per day and make sure that if your doing the orb one then only do the 10 drop to guarantee at least one 4 star. Also if your farming green gems then those are not affected by luck. Break down I've seen has been the following: Diffuculty: Normal/Super Diva Easy: ?/8 Normal: 8/17 Hard: 14/28 Very Hard: 24/44 I haven't survived an extreme yet to get those numbers, but hope this helps in farming the mats for your valks/costumes.
  12. My group binged this series while painting. I had already seen the Wisecrack summary which since I couldn't get past ep 3 on my first viewing gave me the know-how to survive the series. To quote my friend: "Man that episode was dark."
  13. Focslain

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Was waiting for the super C. So double checked on HLJ and I'm not seeing the reaction missiles. Or is the DX a different set entirely?
  14. Oh they already bent to Disney's will. Remember that it was shortly after they got a call from Disney that EA suspended the in-game purchases for Battlefront.
  15. Considering the cost of AAA games are close to that of most blockbuster movies... $60 is getting it cheap. Plus you have the cost of running the servers for the multi-player and then topping it with additional costs for continued content. Plus in the case of Battlefront since it's using a licensed property so there is a cut that goes to the IP owner (ie Disney) Honestly I blame GTA:O for most of this. They showed the industry that you can make mad money off of micro-transactions. F2P can work with them, but that is their life-blood. GTA did it as an AAA and made Rockstar a lot of dough.
  16. Closest I've seen are in team shooters, so Overwatch, TF2, and CS:GO. Basically as long as the loot crate is not tied to progression it's not a bad system. The instant progression material is added to the boxes then p2w creeps in, this includes if the boxes can be earned for free but still purchased as well. Only other games I've seen loot boxes not been hated for p2w is DCUO (cosmetic with some progression mats) and STO (progression, cosmetic and gear). But their loot boxes contain alternate progressions, you can still get top tier without opening a single one.
  17. Oh they find ways. Generally if any content is locked behind a pay-wall, with the exception of cosmetics, I here the cries of p2w. Nothing against Wargaming or your spending habit, just seen some of the darker (stupider) side of the community in recent years. I should play a bit more of warship, I enjoyed playing the carriers.
  18. To get a new Valk in the movie? Yeah long shot, however in the next series that is a more likely place. Would be neat to have it listed as a VF-35 (or YF-35) as a node to the series age and just keep it up for future runs.
  19. Nearing that point myself, been painting 40K heavily since the Konor campaign in the summer. Still on my to-do list before the end of the year is: 1 Tactical squad a full Eldar getting started set (4 bikes and a tank) and a Tau Stormsurge. I'd be done at least one of these if I was distracted by wanting to build and paint a tyranid warrior kill team.... let's not start on what I still have not planned but bought.
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