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Everything posted by Focslain

  1. This was a fun ride, the meta commentary had me rolling more then once. Action was lower then the John Wick films, but it's hard to beat those in the first place. Course how the movie ended and the message in general I'm hoping the studio took the hint and this will be the last Matrix movie that tries to continue the narrative, a prequal could make for a interesting action flick, but Neo's story is done and buried.
  2. Yeah the sound was off at our showing as well. It was still nice seeing it on the big screen regardless. As for attendance, I did a check of the 4 theaters in my area that was showing it (seems they added one). Of it the one I was at had 8 including myself and my friend. There was one that only had 2 seats bought (guess they had a private showing), one had a good 30 seats sold (also the largest of the theaters) and the newcomer had 0 sold as of 2 hours prior to showtime. Honestly for something like this I'm not surprised at the numbers, just glad it did something and hope they release more over here.
  3. Yeah, this series was way too good. Be interesting to see how S2 starts considering how the first season ended. An amazing opening too, hope they can hold that energy for the next one.
  4. Nothing official yet, but I'm betting this has something to do with the announcement that is planned during the M+ showing. Also just did a straight search on Atom tickets for Macross and the M+ OVA popped up. https://www.atomtickets.com/movies/macross-plus-makurosu-purasutv-series/290792 Edit: it has a trailer attached and it includes scenes from the OVA, this includes the opening fight sequence of Isamu vs the Zentradi in the asteroid belt. Interesting.....
  5. Saw this over the weekend and wholly agree. The ending was a little out of left field, but still good.
  6. Same on this end to Erie, but point is to enjoy the show.
  7. Me and a buddy of mine are hitting the Robinson by Pitt. Not sure if anyone else is nearby as Pitt got three showings.
  8. I saw the first season, waiting for the second to finish before I binge it. Which tends to be my watch cycle these days out side the 6-7 my local group watches. Agreed 86 is good sci-fi mecha action. I want to try out Sakuga soon as well, it looks like fun.
  9. And don't forget the lyrics to Idol Talk when Yang hacks Sharon during the concert on Eden.
  10. Since this was a Fathom release I got lucky with 3 theaters near me. Got tickets for me and a buddy so we're in. Will be interesting to see how many others are going to be in the theater. Still hoping this does well so they release the other movies and (gods willing) add Frontier and Delta to Netflix US.
  11. This is more from the current culture of having to know every detail and not having mysteries to solve at the end of the day. Also no conclusion for the greater mysteries will ever appease a fan-base unless it is exactly what they envisioned. Been seeing this in the 40K recently when one of the BL authors finally struck down a theory on the Lost Legions. Fan-base got pissed.
  12. Wish I had thought of that when I did mine.
  13. Survey done. Here's to hoping they bring more over period.
  14. You need to VPN it for YT, though I'm not too sure if the broadcast is still going as they were hit by a 6.1 mag earthquake. Nozomi tweeted that the studio and crew are fine. Still.....
  15. I mean what do you expect from the writer of Konosuba? The main cast is all there with some jobs swapped around.
  16. Oh it gets better, just wait till the third quarter act:
  17. Think this is in terms of he doesn't work, he just has money given to him. Granted it's from a business he owns, but he doesn't have to work in the traditional sense anymore.
  18. Yeah, since it was about the Robotech side and Macross was only mentioned in the first and fifth video to give context. Think in the first one he stated that he wasn't going to explain Macross cause that would need a separate video in it's own right.
  19. Not those videos specifically. Toy Galaxy gets funding like any other YT channel. So Patreon, Twitch (in the last year), corporate sponsors and YouTube revenue. That is to do all their videos. I guess it depends on how Patreon is viewed since it's like a subscription/crowdfund hybrid. For Toy Galaxy to get a C&D would just be them being asked to remove the videos, which if HG or BW want to request then YouTube has the tools for that.
  20. GW didn't kill TTS, Albafusa rolled over like a fainting goat. He was running on fumes and the discord around the IP gave him an easy out. Fact no YT channel has been hit with a C&D from GW since the 'update' outside one that was hit by mistake and they apologized for it.
  21. Seems JoyToy is doing a Incusor squad. Article from WarCom. They hit pre-order next week. Seems that GW is spreading their IP around to things other then video games. Also anyone here get in on the Warhammer+ service? I did but wanted to get other opinions that have.
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