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Everything posted by Focslain

  1. Is the Cannon class that four armed behemoth in Macross II?
  2. Is the disappearance of said person the next step cause my room-mate is a good candidate. She adores TLJ, mostly for reasons I don't like it, but I like my friends to have varying tastes.
  3. So guessing you haven't heard of the Dredd series that the BBC is getting ready to do? Believe it's called MegaCity One, and yes they asked and Karl showed interest as long as it was close to source.
  4. Correct, if your going to play japanese and english games on the vita/PSTV it's best to have a card for each region.
  5. The Interdictor first appeared in the SW:RPG in the Imperial supplement in 1989, then in Heir to the Empire in 1991. That space battle is the only reason RoJ is above ESB in my personal list. Plus in a SW:RPG campaign I got to fight in it and test my ship building mettle. Good thing I was on the rebel side.
  6. Focslain

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Well, looks like I'm not getting the model kit as this is exactly what I wanted, reaction missiles and all.
  7. *points at Bright* though if you swap 'black' for 'orc' your back to square one. That's how the gravity well generators worked. It's the same principal as the Kessel run. The Maw (a cluster of 5 black holes near Kessel) create a hyperspace sink hole. Since Han juiced the Falcon to better then military grade speeds (in the tech manual the Falcon is listed as having a x.5 hyperdrive while most military craft, an ISD for example is rated with a x1 drive and civilian craft and the stock YT-1300 series having x1.75 and greater. So yeah, smaller is better here) he can effectively skip over the sink hole and therefor cut the time and distance. Tanel Ka lost an arm in a duel with Jacen when her hand-crafted lightsaber failed mid fight. Her second attempt was better.
  8. So that places it around.. *does mathing* 1/91 scale. Well since I'll have the 1/72 kit prior I can check to see how it looks, worst case I'll look at a 1/100 weapon pack.
  9. Nailed it. From what I saw last I don't think @Xigfrid has reaction missiles. that or I was just missing them.
  10. Going to get two of these, one to build as is the other to mod, not sure how yet though. On that note does anyone know what scale the valk is? I want to see about supping it up.
  11. Lovely work, I have to dig up my set from eons ago. If they survived where I believe they are buried.
  12. I need to hear the new opening, every YT video that has it is region blocked to me for a reason (Victor Entertainment it seems). Might get to that ep tonight with my local anime group. Been trying to be nice and not watch ahead of them.
  13. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    So do these need to be of a certain quality or will a standard ink jet work?
  14. So I'm looking at getting my hands on the Mirage kit in the next month or so, does anyone know where I can get a set of missiles for her super version? Either in another kit or possibly Shapeways?
  15. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    It's part of the S-Live option, when your on the window to select your idol/dress/valk in the top right there is an on/off option, this is for the rails. See below: As for the sound, that is a simple edit of removing the original sound and overlaying the section from a cd rip of said song. Edit: Also it seems that Uta added an AR element for the Sky Tower event. @nanoplasm if you've seen these and give some better translation then google can for those, that be amazing.
  16. Well the Rebel fighter take a few hits, most on screen deaths were from half a dozen shots connecting. While the TIEs popped if a rebel fighter so much as tagged it with a glancing shot. If you have the ability/chance I suggest checking out TIE Fighter vs X-Wing on Steam. The Imperial side is hard as nails since your in a TIE fighter for the beginner levels. You have to earn them shields.
  17. Considering Freyja was already rumored as a spy in the series it makes sense here due to time crunch.
  18. So anyone know what's with the angry mob at 0:14? Also this movie seems to have an Uta Macross tie in? As the cubes at the beginning look just like the memory (plate) gachas.
  19. Think my biggest issue with the new trilogy is that it's feeling like a bad attempt to soft re-boot the SW series. I'm hoping that IX recovers the franchise cause SW is nearing DCEU levels of lost potential.
  20. Personally I liked Hyuga, but I gravitate towards the mad scientist types.
  21. So saw this over the weekend, final thoughts it was meh. Not as good as the OT but better then TPM. The bomber sequence angered me more then I thought it would. I mean why were those things even designed, the B-Wing was designed to do what they were and do it 100x better and it's a 30 year old design.
  22. I didn't even know the Monster had a third form. A quick google image search got me the look. At least the Destroid form will be easier to make from a broadside.
  23. This is where the Star Trek movie series is starting to pull ahead in my book. At least ST has the multi-verse net (same goes for the comicbook CUs currently). At least I can take the new version as just a different take of 'what if'. Here we have technically one canon universe and the farther it diverts the more divided the fan base will get.
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