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Everything posted by Focslain

  1. So that brings up the question (or has and been answered) does the lose of HG licence mean they can't hold the trademarks and just hold our beloved franchise hostage indefinitely?
  2. Gods that's right and they have 3 series and an OVA to work on that have not seen outside Japan unless rabid fans smuggled them out.
  3. Not an official one at the moment, it has been mentioned in a few articles linked with the 2013 SDCC lawsuit that HG has hit Hasbro prior. First example of of a google search: http://news.tfw2005.com/2013/07/24/harmony-gold-sues-hasbro-over-sdcc-2013-jetfire-skystriker-178084 I'm sure there is more.
  4. From the way my room-mate pitched the movie to our group, your not far off there.
  5. So basically we'll get the teaser episode in December and the series proper in the spring season of the following year.
  6. Well HG sued over JetFire twice, once back in the G1 days and again recently over his return in a SDCC exclusive toy. The time in the video seems to be referring to the first time.
  7. The history of series the channel is doing is mostly centered on the toys or series that more directly or were directly influenced by toy sales. In this case it might just be something that can generate content as opposed to the other short segments that they have been doing. Plus as a brand Robotech is all but merchandise at this point since HG is failing hard or just not caring to make new media content.
  8. Watched the Robotech and a few other of their history of series. Not bad, quick and to the point and for the other parts I watched a neat trip down memory lane. Personally waiting on FourBento's take on the HG/Robotech saga.
  9. Well Reinhart was bored til the end of the episode, so makes sense that he was boring. Now if that trend continues in the next episode then we'll have issues. The character designs weren't too bad for an update, Julian is bishy af.
  10. Watched this as soon as I got home. It has promise, but that is true of so many series. So let's hope Production IG can hold this level for the season. Otherwise enjoying the art change, it's a good update so far.
  11. My friends got a bootleg since the nearest theater playing it was 5 hrs away. I had a feeling about this one so I wasn't really paying attention, but it had a grim-dark version of Chunibyo feel to it. Granted it was better then Netflix's take on Deathnote and not a bad film overall, but not a stellar piece like my friends were saying it was. Though they also read the comic and loved it, so there is that.
  12. Good to hear, now just have to wait to get home and watch it myself. Just found the ep on crunchyroll.
  13. So took the weekend to do some painting, buddy posted his WIP warglaive (the new mini-knights for 40K) so i posted my own as I was working out a familiar colour scheme. Later as I was working on it I figure I get a little help. Bugger didn't want to stay still. On a side note the DX is surprisingly pose-able. Still need to work on my camera work. Also not seen but I'll try and remember to get a pic is my coldstar with it VF-25S scheme.
  14. Well if you don't mind not having the limited edition version sure. Side question: Can you order anything from Sentiworks? Considering I had to drop $650 for the entirety of the Marcross Delta (course that is not including the eventual release of the movie version yet) and that was 26 eps to get 162 eps and three movies for granted a bit more I can justify it for now.
  15. My wallet had a stroke when I got the email for this. While it was out I mugged it for the funds. Yeah... not sorry.
  16. Keijo! is by far my favorite sport anime, period.
  17. So Funimation announced yesterday they are dubbing this. So good chance that Crunchyroll will have the sub though haven't noticed an announcement of their Spring line-up, or I might have just missed it. the more I see of this the more I can't wait. For once it seems like a good proper done reboot, 2199 being another.
  18. Actually once the armoured version drops I'm getting that and swapping it to her. The valk that comes with it might join me a work after that.
  19. So she arrived monday, but didn't have time to pull her out of the container until last night. My first DX, the VF-31C and dang this one is pretty. Thanks to @spacemanoeuvres for taking such care in this.
  20. I'm hoping they manage at least half as good as the original and I'll be happy. Question still remains as to who is going to stream it over here. I heard this series is hard on the feels in the later half, I'm interested in seeing how they do it considering just from the minor amount I heard I'll be empathizing hard with the MC for this one.
  21. Figured since I saw this one I throw my few cents in. Honestly it was enjoyable, a nice popcorn flick and probably one of the better anime adaptions to hit cinemas. The villian swap was a neat touch. Figured the Jeugar on Jeugar fights in the trailer was about rogue elements, just not sure where from. Also the ending gave a set up for more but least hope they follow through unlike other series *cough*knights of sidonia*cough*.
  22. This is too real. Between my new want of valks and Games Workshops recent releases/teases my wallet is going to running a gantlet til October at least. It's just about to get into the second bout of a double header. My first DX from the east and tomorrow dual Forgebanes.
  23. Well that depends, I fully hope the 'older' generation of admiral/captains look like soldiers since they should.
  24. Did we get word on who is doing the (please saying someone is) simult-cast sub of this?
  25. I have the 1701A and it's just fine, luckily it seems. Since I see there is an E I've been debating on getting it, but my mantle is getting crowded.
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