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Everything posted by Focslain

  1. So I'm going to be working on some mechs for a group project. Those in the wargaming community might have heard of a project called 'Tale of Four Gamers'. Those that don't it was a series of articles that followed four miniature gamers as they built and painted their armies as well as the games they played as thier force grew. My local group is doing such a project, though there are six of us and for this I was requested to do Imperial Knights. So here's the primed starter of one of the mini-knights and the pieced together of one of two full knights I'll be doing for this. Also a near completed Riptide, this is the last of the Tau mechs I'll be doing in my custom Cadre's scheme and any future suits are going to be using Macross/Gundam schemes.
  2. the Odd One Out segment was a straight over the top shoenen homage. So yeah it was meant to be silly and action filled. Also it's placement in the Legend anthology was a nice break form the usual serious and near gut-wrenching sorrow some of those sequences tended to be. It's like The Dual being an homage to old samuri films.
  3. So was dragged to Infinity War yesterday. Overall... Meh. There were a few interestiong points But overall it was a bore, I think I hit terminal action flick saturation as I'm not looking foward to seeing any flicks this year other then Deadpool 2 and Aquaman and that is for the comedy alone. Hell I was more engaged watching Super Troopers 2 earlier this month. My biggest complaint on this and what brought me the most groans though: I will state that if the marvel movies are your primary means of stories and action then Infinity War will be great. As someone who has seen better, and knows that the studio can do better, it was lack luster.
  4. This will be the most expensive movie I've bought to date, but it will be worth double if the sales are good and later we see them doing official subs of past movies. Would love to get the Frontier movies.
  5. I so wanted one of these (well two actually) but I ran out of money.
  6. Looks like his helping in the design of the weapons pack for the 1/20, at least in the muddled google translate of the tweet.
  7. That Narrative Gundam looks sweet... I believe I'm tapped for the year though.
  8. That's pretty accurate for the series as a whole. Enjoy the ride.
  9. From the twitter feed it seems like it started a second run in theaters. So not too soon.
  10. It's on my to get list, that one I'm going to paint in the greens of the Monster, also need to make 20 shield drones for it, but that is another project. Looks neat and since the fusion blades are the Farsight relic the red is thematic... I'll save the image, be nice if there was a picture of just the mech outside of the booster armour.
  11. So I'm planning a new modeling project and like a few suggestions. I want to build a T'au Coldstar suit with the following options: High-output burst cannon (vulcan) Missile pod twin fusion blades (beam sabers that can be used at range) The suit is highly maneuverable and after my last one I'd like to keep my suit colours after mecha from gundam/macross. Based on the load-out above, what gundam would best match it so I can use it's colour scheme.
  12. I find this highly ironic considering the subject. It be funny if it wasn't so sad.
  13. I'd love to see these in Uta Macross as well. Sure we'll get them in time, but I'd like sooner rather then later.
  14. Well on the missile subject. It might have to do with the quantity as well as the explosive payload. Even if the missile is intercepted if it explodes close enough it can still do damage. At least in atmosphere, not sure how that would play out in space.
  15. So just an update on the my/friends' watchlist for this season: Group: Rage of Bahmut: Virgin Soul Gun Gale Online Death March of a Parallel World My Hero Academia 3 Darling in Franxx Also started a watch of Violet Evergarden with my room mate as a test of how well our feels can hold. She's already starting to crack two eps in, but I have prior rl experience in this kind of thing. Personal: LoGH: Die Neu These Heavy Object (rewatch) Panty and Stocking (rewatch)
  16. As in has it been completed? No, it's still ongoing as of this point. The current anime isn't anywhere near the current events of the manga.
  17. Blu rays should drop soon after the dubs are complete. So 2199 in a month or two and 2022 a month or so after it's done it's run. Special combined set in time for the holidays?
  18. I kind of like this 'propaganda' explination for fitting the movies and TV series together in the larger canon. Would it be fair to say that in the case of Delta that the Movie version is more true to the events and the series is just a bad soap series based on said events?
  19. I think it depends on if it's a blatent ripe off like the old battletech unseens or just an inspiration. Inspirations seem to be cool as I haven't heard or seen of anything to the extent that HG has been pulling in the past.
  20. Ep 2 was pretty much this and the end of the Battle of Astartes. Also Funimation announced their simul-dub and LoGH is slated to start on 4/23. While the sub is doing good so far I can only hope they picked a good voice cast. I'll look it up later if posted.
  21. IKR? Holy Hera those bombers ticked me off so much I nearly walked out of the theater. Seriously, what happened to the B-Wing? It was designed for the purpose of taking out capital ships.
  22. Something else I was working on. Still need to clean it up and work a bit more details. (T'au Coldstar commander, armed with High-output burst cannon, missile pod x2 and shield generator) Later I'm going to replace his HOBC with a special variant plasma rifle.
  23. Ok, so basically if the licence doesn't get renewed the whole thing break free, as far as we know.
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