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Everything posted by Focslain

  1. Hate to break it to you, but it was just eye candy and to drop off Pike to the Discovery so he can command it for season two.
  2. Macross Delta > Star Wars The Last Jedi Delta was put together way better then TLJ, also at least for Delta you can just stop at ep 13 and be fine. TLJ makes you sit through it's garbage to get to the good parts.
  3. Focslain

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Something I'm fine on, I already planned to get the VF-31S in armour and just transfer it to my 31C
  4. With Shoji Kawamori slated to do a panel at Otakon, what are the chances we might get an announcement there? Or might it be better to place money on after he returns from the states?
  5. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Those are the a type of zodiac metal. You earn them playing the events both during the songs and for completing achievements. Their another type of currency. In the store you can get a 5* plate for 30K/40K as well as other things.
  6. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Tap the hanger in the upper left, there will be three options to the right, select the bottom one. This will get you to the gift giving screen. The idol will ask for a type of gift, but any gift will work. If you give them the type they ask for then it will give a bonus 50% XP. You can do this once per day. If you've been playing the last couple of events you should have more then enough gifts at this point and the last two birthday events have given idol specific gifts that will give not only a good amount of XP but always bonus.
  7. Hoping this gets a pre-order on CDJapan, if not guess it's time to bite the bullet on the VFG as well.
  8. Have to wait for the renewal in 2021 for that to happen.
  9. So these arrived yesterday from @kajnrig. I'm done collecting (til August), my wallet needs a break. Already in the case, that shelf is crowded.
  10. It's rare to find reverse harems, Ouran Host Club is a good series. That reminds me I have to finish watching Brother Complex.
  11. They also need him to have the indian style legs. If they had at least those I'm sure someone would make a console for him.
  12. Ouch man, well glad to see your doing ok. Good luck on the repairs and hope your place is still structurally sound.
  13. Four N-V's to make one cannon. Technically if I remember correctly there was only three in the OVA. And thank you @Seto Kaiba for the answer, guess having a toy of the Elysion will be on a smaller scale then the Quarter, but dang that give a bit of scale to all the other Macross' in the franchise.
  14. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Use who you want as mains, but cycle your support to keep everyone close to level. That way when the next event comes around you have a decent selection for bonus card placements. Personally I cycle between Mikumo, Makina and Sheryl as mains.
  15. So after looking over the Macross Quarter toy I got I was wondering. If a toy of the Macross Elyison from Delta was made in the same scale as the Quarter, how bigger/smaller would it be? Bonus question: How would a toy of the Macross cannon from II compare?
  16. Well your not wrong, those are the heavy rail rifle from the current Tau broadside kit. Love to see your work, you doing a riptide up like the mech suit at the end of the film? Also started work on the new big knight kit. Which after I finish this 40K mecha run I have a gundam to build.
  17. So this technically arrived Monday from @Mechapilot77, but only just got pictures last night. This thing is huge, larger then my Pegasus model Might play a bit with it this weekend to transform and see if it will still display well on the mantle. It's too big for the glass case.
  18. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Your doing good, your farther then I am. Only at 120K pts and that is with doing Hard mode level 3. Make sure to cycle your idols on the event song so they can get some XP. Speaking of have your been leveling their intimacy as well? (few pokes a day and a gift) That will net you a XP bonus for them as well as some titles.
  19. Yeah, I want MWC once it hits PC (hopefully steam). Over the top mecha action? Yes please.
  20. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Pretty much, if you follow the official Uta Macross twitter account and the ENG variet you'll get most of the news.
  21. So while looking at the vendors at a nearby sci-fi con I found these three little ladies. Might take the second Sheryl with me to cheer for my knights on the battlefield.
  22. MB's batting average is meh. Haven't seen ep 20 but if most of his critiques are invalided that is a good sign that Franxx is heading up and not down as (per the video) ep 19 was a low point. Personally I found it akin to ep 19 of Delta when Berger gives a brief history lesson of the franchise and before Seto drops in, yes I know some/most of the stuff he was spewing was wrong. If we take his critiques on just ep 19, yeah he has a lot of valid points. The episode itself was really not needed, at all and opened a lot of plot holes.
  23. Primaris aren't too much of an issue for knights. Two main weapons shown on the above models, the avenger gatling cannon (12 shots S6, -2AP, 2dmg) and the Helverin autocannon (2d3 shots S7, -1AP, 3dmg) are very well suited for primaris. Also I've fought bobby G with knights (per codex) and he lasted a turn before he was thrown from the field. Seriously two fails against a 6dmg weapon and his out. On a side note one of our Tales group is doing Imperial Fist primaris, he hates my knights and they are only getting worse for him now that we have a proper codex. Soooo many good relics, praise the Omnissiah. And to keep on topic, it's a bit rough, but here's another WIP of the small knight.
  24. Honestly I have to re-watch the 90's LoGH soon, most likely after the season is done since it will be months before we see the season two movies. Give a good side by side for eps 5+ I will say that after listening to the book, LoGH is the most direct adaption I have seen to date. Like it seems that the script is just the novel with maybe a small tweak. Heck up until ep 7 it was running at a chapter per episode.
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