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Everything posted by Focslain

  1. Their Twitter account announced the delay as well. Honestly I just want a page on Steam so i can wishlist this game. Fine on a delay for polish.
  2. There was also a dub of Macross II and Plus. But agreed on the fact that none of the others (0,7, Frontier and Delta) will ever get dubs done. Which is fine.
  3. Hazbin Hotel got picked up for a full season right after its pilot aired. So it was on hiatus until it was to be released on Prime. Helluva Boss has been having new eps made regularly and is pretty much in it's second season on Youtube. Side note: The cast for Hazbin has been recast, so it's not the same VAs from the pilot. Otherwise same writers and art style, so take that as you will.
  4. IIRC, no. Outside having the base game of course.
  5. He doesn't, Guilliman is revived via Cawl and Ynaari help. Guilliman does becomes an avatar of the Emperor at one point, very briefly, which does save his bacon at that point. If that is the time he is referring to.
  6. She's looking real good there @Thom.
  7. If we see any other primarchs other then the current active 6, it will be in thier HH versions. Which isn't a bad thing. I doubt that any other loyalist or chaos primarchs will return to the 40k scene unless GW needs a serious hail mary for thier 40k brand, ie an actual End Times event. The symmetry is too good right now between the loyalist and chaos.
  8. @Thom That is a fine looking patrol group you got there.
  9. They are going to do some Horus Heresy later - WarCom Article The reason for the heavy Primaris in the 40k line is that is where GW is heading. They are actually slowly replacing the Firstborn, the NOVA reveal of the assault intercessors with jumppacks and scouts kind of confirmed the theory from 8th edition. With the baby carrier being $400 that is going to place the Imperial Knight at around $600 plus and betting larger then the Tau'nuar model I just got for the same price.
  10. Legendary Hero is Dead was entertaining, best part has to be the opening. Other then that best temper your expectations as the series goes cringe with the MC more times then not. It has it's moments and it's a pure fantasy anime which is rare these days. Also depending on viewing it had some interesting ideas on identity with the amount of body swapping it does in the second half.
  11. Weis Schwarz is a anime tcg, the JPN version has tons of franchises including Marcoss (Frontier specifically). It has a US version as well with a decent catalog of series. If you can translate the card you can use it in any deck as the system isn't franchise specific.
  12. Can't wait for this, hopefully the Steam page populates soonish. As for the lack of DYRL? in the EN version, that is wholely on Harmony Gold's end. IF they allow that content to be added to the EN version it would be nice. But I highly doubt it. The fact that the DYRL? content is a DLC is a smart move on the developers' end. Save a lot a trouble for having the region specific content.
  13. *comes out of lurking* Honestly I'd like to see something a little low stakes, like Macross the Ride. Plus we can see all the old VFs, That or another colony fleet out there looking for a planet and meeting another protoculture race. Like the early days of Ragnan, only somewhere else.
  14. I second a request to have the VF-X games released here. Also just about any of the games since then. Think the music rights are going to be the main hurtle now as they are different from the game proper.
  15. Maybe, that would explain the reload of each shot in tank mode. There is another mech that has a alternate artillery mode, but it's stationary. This thing can move, slower, but still move.
  16. Also while you can just buy the mech for about $8, you can get it with free currency after playing for a week or two, 3 matches a day to cap out on the missions. That is maybe an hour of playtime.
  17. So I got this mecha and been using it in my matches over the weekend. This thing is a quick af. I haven't gotten much use out of the tank mode, but the maneuverability of this thing, especially in an urban environment is massive. Only thing I've seen with this amount of freedom of movement is the Hurricane and that is a transforming flyer. Only compliant is the low ammo count on the main weapon, I spend just as much time reloading as firing.
  18. Well I know which mecha I'm buying next in the game. Will save gold coins until it's release..
  19. For most DeMaggio is Bender. So it would be hard to have the Bender of the original series in the Revival and not be voiced by him. There is some interesting things they can do with a recast, but that is not what the studio is banking on. It's all about nostalgia and staying in the past.
  20. Had to re-think and I retract my earlier statement. Doing the first film for Cypher's point of view would change enough of the themes to make it a different movie.
  21. Nope, not really. It's why I point those interested in the series to the movie. It does in two hours what the series tries to do in thirteen. Also the character death is done better in the movie.
  22. And yet you just wrote out the plot of the first movie with a change to the energy bit. Sure you just don't want a reboot, cause it sure sounds like it. Besides they go over the energy bit in this movie, basically they are using emotions to up the power, much like how the net works currently. You get more out of a knee-jerk emotional response then thru a logical thought out one.
  23. That kind of defeats the moral of the story, at least the one the movie was telling. You needed those two for 4 to work, otherwise you have just a pure reboot film. Granted if that is what you want then ok, but that wasn't the point of 4.
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