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Everything posted by Focslain

  1. Throw an MA rating on it and it's the parent's fault for not knowing what their kids are watching, there are far worse hits against religion in that series.
  2. Violet is a special creature, so no surprise there. As for the super-robot series.... if it's the Trigger one that would be SSSS. Gridman, it's a good call back to the giant monster and ultraman series of old. After the halfway mark it's starts to dip into philosophy Trigger style. If not then the only one I remember is Captain Earth?
  3. The first episode is actually the general quality of the series animation, not a boost. @technoblue is correct in that it takes it's time in the character building and story. The OVA isn't too bad of a better dip then the front of the series, so it might help and doesn't spoil the series main arc.
  4. Which is just fine. Personally I like the vehicle designs and the monster designs are interesting too. It's just the robot modes were too close a rip of other things. Anyway so I binged on Land of Lustrous this weekend. That was an interesting ride. The animation was better then Polygon's work and the story starts up mid Steven Universe and then shifts heavy existential about half-way through. Hope they do more. Might do Girl's Last Tour next weekend if I'm feeling lazy again.
  5. last year there was mention that two of the directors of the series wanted to do another one, it was to be 24 eps, but other than that nothing else. Yoko might just be between projects or on a break.
  6. Well depends. They could do a prequel for the group, this would allow them to replace Mikumo and Freyja since their singers are slowly moving on. JUNNA is doing well as a solo and last I heard Minori joined Love Live. Or if a sequel then a galactic tour? Maybe have them met the Marduk and sponsor the emulator program?
  7. I really want them to re-release the Frontier movies with english subs, I'd pay the $80 for those. Also hoping they do that with the new movie and later series.
  8. To bring this back on track. With the announcement of the new Delta movie I'm guessing it's a good bet the series is on hold until after the movie is done production? Let's hope it brings in decent funds so we can get a nice new series.
  9. Just google Walkure Live to see. Spoiler: No she's not, thankfully. As awesome as they are to look at they are a pain in the back to have.
  10. Yeah, that scene hit a little closer to home than it should of (especially the movie version). Nao (Reina) is the only odd ball from what I've seen since she matches close to Kiyono (Kaname) in past experience, just a few years later. On a side note I think Nozumi slowly turned into Makina after the show given her new hobby as a bike otaku and her regular gig of hosting the Macross model livestream along side KENN (Bogue).
  11. It might be an expectation thing. Pandora at least from my angle, was a bit hyped up. Issue was that upon viewing the series is pretty generic and has too many tropes. Maybe once the we get the second half of the series we'll at least get a resolution. My biggest disappointment in Pandora was it seemed that Kaworai phoned in his mech designs. I had to pause the show when the sniper's mech fully transformed because to looked too much like Halo's Mjolnir armour on rollar blades and I was laughing too hard. In the end, if you had fun and were entertained then all's good.
  12. Your going to eat those words in a few episodes. I'm giving a single watch through (done what is on US Netflix now) just so I can see what happens when/if the reactor gets repaired and if Mob Boss Zed gets knock off. Otherwise I'd like a few hours of my life back please.
  13. @Saruta There isn't much more other then she was an unknown that had a voice that hits like a truck. But like Mikumo she didn't do a general audition and was just brought in. Walkure is her first gig (same for Minori and Nozumi). As for history you can add a lack of it for JUNNA, at least via Twitter, her account was opened up just prior to the Walkure announcement. From what I can see all her social media started up around that time. At least without going into stalker territory. Also if your looking for more of her work I suggest grabbing her newest album 17 Sai ga Utsukushii Nante, Dare ga Itta. it has a good selection of her post Walkure work minus her first album Vai! Ya! Vai!, which was pretty good to start.
  14. Her most recent work appears to be for a drama series called Onna jōshu Naotora in 2017. Last anime she worked on was Terror in Resonance in 2014. Also seems like she has done several other projects over the years... lords her list is impressive. While her work in Macross Plus is good, I found her work in Cowboy Bebop and later GitS: SAC to be much better.
  15. If you do a 1/72 scale twin cannon pod I'd like to be added to that list.
  16. MewTwo did, a lot actually. Other then that I believe some of the legendary ones spoke in a telepathic sense.
  17. Yeah it was bad, but to quote a friend: "It had the best love story, between Henge and her rocket launcher."
  18. Hopefully with the money they make from this and the continuing tours they'll hire better staff for the next series. Honestly I'm not against another Delta movie, heck a third if they show a little improvement in the writing and we get a few more new songs. After this second one though let's get to work on the actual series please.
  19. Focslain

    Macross 30

    wikipedia has their last release being a port of Neo Altas 1469 (originally for the vita in 2016) to the Switch in 2018. So seems they are still breathing?
  20. Here's the recent delivery from HLJ, few items to add to the pile I'll be working on next month to take a break from the mass of 40K I've been doing.
  21. Few short questions: Are there any colonization fleets heading to the galactic north and if so which ones? Also are any of those still in transit post 2065? Bonus: What type are those? (ie the older city ship via Mac7 or the large colony ships via Frontier) Thanks in advance.
  22. Focslain

    Bandai DX VF-31

    This is the only other 31 I want. Luckily I've already started saving up for it.
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