Tried to snap the gimmick seat into the Battloid not realizing it doesn't click. Bang. Back hatch gave way and I ripped the hinge off the tail bar pivot. Facepalm.
Thought I was gonna have a stroke.
Patched it it together but it will never look right in fighter mode again without a miracle. I need a replacement part badly.
I am open to selling everything. I am downsizing my life. These things live in storage, out f sight, ignored. No point in keeping them. Any reasonable offer will be considered.
I've lost my mind. Really. Why did I buy all these? What do I need them for?
I actually have MORE I just got tired of carrying them upstairs.
I want out! Help! LOL
I am about to move which will mean getting my collection back out of storage. Gonna open my boxes and lay everything out then post ads by type. I think I will have stuff of interest to many.