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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. I'm surprised they didn't ask if you wanted fries with it
  2. GBP 1/S/A/J in 1/72 Please Although I doubt this will work as this is for the U.S site and if you look and see there is no mention of Macross. This is the same for the U.K site and also, when I asked the U.K rep where I used to work he said no chance even if you have the order codes.
  3. I can answer most of what you ask. 1. there is a translation of roughly what it means, the link was posted here a few posts back. I read up on it and it filled in a few gaps in the Kanji etc that I didn't know. 2. You can buy a delimiter in the Nyan Nyan shop I think its only available after you get to a certain level but once there you can go to 99999 which makes a fairly potent mech which ever it is that is tunned up. Another one to get is the era unlock then you can use any mecha in any time line. 3. I make my own colours up, some are just subtle variations some are just my taste. My wing person tends to get the same colours each time just so its easier to see in the fight.
  4. The best of both worlds
  5. Ordered mine yesterday and received notification that Newca has already sent it. Top class service. Many thanks.
  6. Funds allowing I will be in I've missed too many of the Capt's recent work.
  7. I missed out on the Capt's one so this will be a welcome substitute.
  8. That kit was all over the place a few years ago, I put off buying one as I thought Hasegawa are bound to produce an official one, once they did the Vf0 GBP I thought it was certain. But still I wait.... Now nobody has them, Hasegawa have not stepped up and unless the 1/72 GBP kit from ARII/Imai gets re-released I wont even be able to hack one up to make it fit my Hasegawa as they are way to expensive and I', not chopping up my mib one.
  9. What scale is it ?
  10. WOW!!!! Pinned post please
  11. big F

    Hasegawa VF-0D

    Like it, nicely done. I don't have this kit yet, may have to get one to add to the pile.
  12. So thats how it ended I never got to see the last few.
  13. ....and I'm spent..... Seriously you are gonna sell these by the truck load.
  14. Owhh!! I was so excited to see a cardboard box, and then I noticed it was a box with a bunch of Legioss parts inside, I was all MEH! Im sure this news will be well received all over MW What else can you magic up from your way back when cupboard ?
  15. See if you dream it it will become..... I think with the right story it would be a good idea. The BBC used it in the Final episodes of Red Dwarf, They had the characters come to our reality where they found out they were actors on a t.v program. A lot of creative fun could be had with that type of story. Now what would be great was if Arnie had been replaced by a T101 from the future intent on destroying mankind the slow way, errm come to think of it that would fit in well with the terminator T.V series.
  16. Sometimes I kinda think we are living in a sort of parallel universe, a bit like in the Arnie film (someone remind me what its called) where he is a movie character that comes to life. That and every dream dreamed or book ever written is somewhere real in some alternative reality. In our reality Hollyweird decides to make it real. So we add to that messed up dimension/parallel universe. I'm gonna eat loads of cheese and go to bed and dream up the next block buster.
  17. WOW !! It looks great.
  18. So I'm not the only one then. Subliminal messaging
  19. The grain of wheat bulb could be replaced with an LED and watch batteries they would last for ages and weigh virtually nothing.
  20. Cha ching So is it worth getting the Hasegawa one ? What I mean is will it add even more PE goodness to yours ?
  21. What finish did you use on the Kitten ? Seriously though I guess I'm gonna have to swing by Mechaskunk and buy the parts you have else mines gonna look substandard when I eventually get down and build it.
  22. Shiroth thanks for the link to the guide learnt a couple of things from that mostly about tactics etc. I played it in order until I got stuck on a mission and then would start the next era. Once I got more and more tune up points I maxxed out mecha that I used most in each era. Now I have unlocked the limiter and era lock I mostly use my Roy VF1 with fully maxed out stats and now I'm playing all the missions in Ultimate mode. See how long it takes me to get a SS Gold in that mode
  23. So true, sometime though it works with a narative although in the case of Dune that would be as difficult as trying to get it in to celluloid form in the first place.
  24. Going on what Graham and >EXO< have kinda said there are so many great no scratch that excellent books both from Sci Fi and "normal" subjects that would make excellent films. JK Rowling has done all right out of Harry Potter and I'm sure that the Tolkien estate have made a couple of dollars from LOTR more recently. Just to add to the list you have so much from the likes of Fredrick Pohl and Arthur Clarke and Issac Asimo alone they could keep Hollywood going for years, and thats without going into the normal everyday type stories that other authors have produced. Day of the Triffids, along with the Tripods and The Midwich Cuckoos have all been done before mostly very badly. Triffids has been done at least four times the BBC did it in the eighties my friends dad was in it. Nowadays it sucks in the same campy low budget way that original BSG and Original Dr Who does. Don't get me started on the 50's film. recentlky they re-did it for T.V as a two parter type thing updated the story a little but it still missed the mark. Tripods was also done by the BBC in the Eighties great designs of the Tripod vehicles but everything else was 99p store low budget. see Dr Who, Blakes 7 etc. Midwich has been done by Hollywood in Black and white (1960's) and more recently a radio play by the BBC and then a film which had a couple of big names in it. It sucked. The point of this is we have proved a million times over remakes rarely work, In Sci Fi BSG is about the only exception. When they had the writers strike they could have just binned them all and used books as source material.
  25. Man do I feel relived My other half hates it, while she's watching some ditsy soap opera I'm playing MUF. I'm only up to 67 hours. A mere beginner compared to you guy's. She keeps threatening to hide the UMD. Heh!! little does she know that its iso'd on my memstick
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