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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. I guess this will be one of the items in my next order from HLJ
  2. This is something that the E.U is pushing, to that end 100w bulbs are no longer commercially available in shops for domestic use, once stock is gone its gone. The newer generation Neon/LED/CFL/Halogen lamps are in most cases superior to their incandescent equivalents both in Lumen's output and energy usage. Solar energy is the key though, my mothers neighbours have it installed on the two houses in her road that they own, one is empty at the mo and produces the same amount of electricity that the one they live in uses add the two together, and minus used power, the net sell back to the power company means its practically free to them, disregarding the cost of the solar install of cause. On the subject of Quakes there was a scientist on one of the news programs on the BBC (UK) the other night who has mapped the stress points under Japan and showed the points where the most stress was being experienced currently, the before and after pictures were shown. The most stressed areas were directly south of the Sendai area and around Tokyo, he almost went as far to say that more tectonic activity was certain for the Tokyo area.
  3. Has it really been five years. OMG!! Good to see your back in the saddle.
  4. Ok so I took another look the DVD and the posted vid 10 posts up are one in the same, Looks like something first year media students would put out.
  5. Was there another movie called Battle Los Angeles, yesterday at my local generic food supermarket I saw next to the Sky line DVD a Battle: Los Angeles DVD. The cover showed a large "V" like ship over a city sky line, the strap on the back said something about 70 years ago we shot a ship down now they have come to invade. I can't help thinking this unknown is suddenly out on DVD to cash in on the potential cash cow in the cinema.
  6. Apparently they are now scanning all food stuffs from Japan that enter into the U.K, just in case they are radioactive.
  7. That Fox news debacle does not suprise me, having worked in the News Corp Group, the get it out now!!! and don't check it properly method is a company policy. Saw a program once where the news guy had a map of the world and all the countries names were mixed up, he asked people to point out where places like Iraq and Russia and Australia were, the amount of people who got it wrong was worrying. Then they showed some more people the same map with all the names in the right place but some removed and asked them to put the names were they should be. ~ suffice to say not everyone got it right. Isn't Australia that big place just below Spain ?? Shame you cant see the Charlie Brooker clip (Channel 4 blocked it), He lampoons the media so well. Some of the Celebs he has on there I'm sure don't know its a spoof program.
  8. big F

    safe to order?

    Wont stop me buying, nothing to fear. I think the media sack puppets don't help the average person make an educated decision with all their doom stories and sensationalized news.
  9. I figure that we must both of the same era then Well when I get time from my 1:1 scale model (my house), then I will bee trying to get into it. I need an outlet for my various P.C's that is actually going to tax the innards of the P.C's because web and email letters and streaming media don't even get close to maxing them, although editing Hires 200 meg + scans in Photoshop can. For now though I'll just watch excellent threads like this one.
  10. Thanks for the pointers IIRC I do have a printed book on the subject that was given to me by a client, it's in storage though along with almost all my Macross collection.
  11. Ten years could be as little as 5 computer power is increasing so quickly and all the new and more powerful software. I am totally blown away, I wish I'd taken 3d modeling at college instead of my engineering stuff, which lead me into I.T. It takes me an hour to make a basic box structure or something in Sketch up or Milkshape. I have Maya and a DVD full of tutorials but never got round to it This thread should get pinned
  12. Good job just getting that Binaltech WheelJack to transform nicely , and then also doing it stop motion stylee is something to be pleased with. Why more people haven't done more stop motion with TF's and Macross is beyond me.
  13. You gotta admit those water canon trucks do look like they belong on Macross.
  14. The side of it all that none of the news readers are interested in, think of all the animals both wild and peoples pets, involved in this, poor things
  15. It's still the cleanest way to produce electricity by a country mile. The media are like the little dog on the gas station forecourt that constantly tugs at some old rag and wont let go. They get a story and sink their teeth in. Also they feed off of each other so it ends up at times like Chinese whispers.
  16. Well look at it this way it's one less thing for kids to snap off.
  17. Well they all use wheat barley or rice, so..... AFAIC it's all beer and beer = mmmm!!
  18. So I guess that the critics review I saw/read proves me right. Film review experts "YOU SUCK!!"" That said I'm gonna go see it.
  19. I'd be more worried about a long delivery time.
  20. Ahhh!! those stickers were on eBay a while ago, IIRC being sold by a guy who sells loads of etched stuff and upgrade decals sets. P.S add me to the kit maybe one day list
  21. Watching the HLJ video and Scots account of i really brings it home to you. In the few quakes I've experienced while in Japan the longest went for about 20-30 seconds, and was only 5.6. Three minutes is just unbelievable, watching the video brings it home, the power of these things. According to a guy I work with Japan technically moved 10 feet on the planets surface, all the energy involved in that is.. well unimaginable. All the energy and related stuff that mankind has used since we first learnt to make fire and bang rocks together as a species wouldn't even add up to a couple of seconds of the Sendai quake.
  22. Micro$oft are arsehats they also for no reason what so ever "filter" some other forums that I use that also have nothing to do with any products they own, they also "filter" one site I use that does mention modifications of a certain White coloured electric door stop I own. So they now block those websites and sending email from my Android powered Cell phone Time to bin my hotmail account I think, thanks for the last 12 years M$, but Gmail wins.
  23. Maybe it is one big LCD screen on the inside and the porthole is just all the vital information and targeting stuff etc. Sadly all of mine are still tucked up in their boxes apart from some sanding done to one of them
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