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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. Colin1972 also has a ravage in a similar scale although I have not seen it yet.
  2. It is complete (check the link) and was displayed at a charity event at a local collector shop. Can't say how heavy but I guess it is a bit
  3. In another forum I frequent there is a thread for a 6ft 8in Optimus Prime figure that I thought some of you may want to see. My linkhwww.therpf.com This thing is truly awesome and to add to it the guy I have found out lives not far from me, usually all the Awesome builds and customs happen miles from me or in a completely different continent. It's a complete build thread here is a taster pic
  4. That would be one where you have to wear a special suit that lets you feel the film too, all that hot jungle and the mud etc add it to smell o vision too while your at it. Oh you know what stuff that just give me a GITS style jack and just boot up the film
  5. A Decepticon would be nice, although I'd bet for Ironhide though. When DotM comes out on DVD I will be probably going to make myself a special minimal humans version of all three films, I'm guessing that edited all three will only be slightly longer than one normal film. Ether way I'll post the assembly file here on MW so anyone who has the same software I do can make the same version.
  6. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Ohh Maybe there is hope for some of the other deleted Macross resins then.
  8. I'm sure I'm not the only person here who thinks you should publish your favourites as they sound awesome, but random
  9. I agree, never understood the smart phone angle even though I worked on the format and convergence of media to it.
  10. I agree that the original source from 1984 wouldn't cut it today, for example wtf is a cassette player, most kids realise that cd is dead so tape to them is practically archaeology. Could you imagine Soundwave kept to his origin ? He'd be an Ipod and the cassettes would be mp3 tracks. Just wouldn't work even if Steve Jobs let them use it. The occasional nod is expected to satisfy us old timers and because of the story sometimes unavoidable. I as with everyone hate the toilet humor. Transformers always had its tounge in cheek moments but Bays humour is to far off track for me. I dont remember half as much in his other films. Maybe its an age thing, and he is in his mid life crisis or something. Rose tinted glasses is what brings most of us here,so I'm happy to keep mine on. Even though in all my 70's-80's anime DVD's, Macross included, I have many episodes I pretend don't exist. That said my friends kid loves the bayformers and has grown to love the G1, the reverse of most of us.
  11. Shia wasn't even around when beastwars came out, so what does he really know. Yes Transformers has made him a bus load of cash and boosted his career. But do we really care what he thinks. Itoo always wanted more robots less fart and hump jokes no parents, but that is the Bay style. In G1 Spike/Sam was always the character getting into trouble, no change there in the bayverse, but I have real issues with how they have dumbed down Sparkplug/Ron in G1 toon and comics he was mostly an intelligent character. I have grown a custom to the new designs and now actually like them.
  12. I remember someone telling me back in 1995 that I was a show off and nobody really needed a mobile phone, when you had call boxes and a phone at home and work. Now fast forward 17 years and that same person still won't get one because he says the same, he also doesn't have the internet as that was a passing fad too. He's still a great guy though, just very old school.
  13. They transform....... when they fall off the shelf and crash to the floor
  14. Yup totally agree. Do a cell anim version, and don't change the designs, that was part of the 70's alt verse charm of it. As long as someone doesn't decide to do a live action one instead.
  15. LoL then the remake of it could be a bunch of still shots with captions underneath and they could call it.................wait for it ......................pictures. mmm mmmm MMM!!! like my idea do you hollywood. And it move to Delaware or Canada.
  16. Can't see my self shelling out the coins to get a 3D tv just yet. I have the feeling that the format of 3D will change, I hope that they'll make it so you don't need glasses to use it. I can imagine having a draw full of glasses just in case the family come for dinner.
  17. They do look good though, but I agree I wouldn't throw any sprews out just in case
  18. Remember that one, although Argos has had a bad rep for staff treatment and attitude in the past. My current employer has a policy in it's employment manual covering on line media such as face book etc. More sinister though they also harvest personal email addresses of employees from them registering for company offers and other non work related junk on the intranet and website . Then the security department use them to hunt for staff presence on forums and facebook etc looking for people saying how shite they are. Sad thing is there are several videos on Youtube where staff are bad mouthing the company and also destruction of company property. AFAIK the involved people are still employed, where as one guy who posted about a night out on facebook is gone because he rang in sick. Shame that I never give out my "real " email address to them, and certainly dont have any of the managers as friends on facebook.
  19. The ticket price is the real issue for most, near me we have 3 multiplex's within 20 mins or so drive, we also have a small Victorian/Edwardian theatre that was converted into a Cinema around the time of silent movies, it has all that vintage charm and is a 5 min walk from my house, recently they spent loads of money on it to get it 3D capable and upgrading the already good sound system. The issue is most everyone still goes on about how it's not very good etc. Most people are basing their opinions on what it was like 20 years ago when Mom and Pop took them to see the Saturday morning pictures locally they call it the flea pit, due to 30 odd years ago it had a little issue for one summer with small six legged vampires, Rentokill fixed them but it's that mentality that keeps people away so it relies on hand outs and the local business owner who owns the building to keep it from closing. The difference is they charge around £4 at most for a ticket mostly less, £6 ish if 3D, the popcorn and sweets/candy are supermarket prices, and how many cinemas do you know who make you a mug of coffee to take in if you ask ? Picture quality is the same as the multiplex due to it being the same projector and screen. There is more leg room due to it being an old school theatre, and in those days ladies had dresses and needed room to get down the aisles etc. No parking fees for me as the car stays at home. Multiplex charges a minimum of £7, £12 if 3D and charges you £3 for M&M's that you can buy in the local store for £1.25 and you have to pay to park. Small Victorian/Edwardian 1 Multiplexes 0 Still occasionally have to bend over and take it from the multiplex man due to not being able to see a show locally but for the most part we get to see everything worth the bother. That's what will kill off 3D not the fact that it is not up to par etc,
  20. Yes I think that most employers call it gross miss conduct. Certainly under U.K employment law you can get fired for it, no warning letters or such. It is also a very good way of getting out of a contract, when you want to go to a more lucrative one, but that's another story.
  21. Can you blame him... Having worked in a Jewish company I can say we didn't even mention Adolf's European tour for fear of just that.
  22. I genuinely loved the first film I saw in Real 3D (Avatar) I think it made the film, since then I have seen several Real 3D films some like Gulliver's Travels didn't over do the 3D it was only there to reinforce parts of the film, where as in Despicable Me, it made it, especially the end credits where the Minions are trying to build a bridge out into the audience, something that looks great in 3D but on normal DVD just wouldn't work one bit. In Avatar while the 3D was excellent, it still looks stunning in 2D, not seen any of the other 3D films I saw in 2D so I cant make an educated comparison. First person gaming I agree is I think where it will really make a difference though, Black Ops 3D or Halo 3D mmmmm!!
  23. I think it has it's place avatar was obviously the bench mark that non of them can match (so far). Some of the films that I have seen in 3D are cartoons and I think that this medium leans better towards the 3D media, other films are IMO just as watch-able in 2D on a big screen. I am still undecided if I need to see Transformers 3 in 3D or not come release day. Either way it will never really fully catch on until you can see it in 3D without glasses. I vision a kinda giant Nintendo 3DS screen with less Mario and cutesy creatures.
  24. there you have it [\threadclosed] lol
  25. Think of all the gag time saved, endless going on about "eww!! what's that on my foot", or " aww that's gonna rust" Instead we can get "go away and pretend to airbrush Motorcycles and stop bothing me, or I'll get Ironhide to stamp on you" Having read through some of the paraphrased novel on some web sites, it does look like they may have taken pointers from the G1/2 cartoon, and also slight nods towards the episodes with Sean Burger in, with and probably means the writers spent more time watching cartoons than reading the comics which is the easy way out. like writing an essay on the novel War and Peace after seeing the mini series on HBO.
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