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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. With previous efforts to not expect it to be visually stunning (shaky cam excluded) would be dumb as that is the minimum bench mark they needed to achieve. 13 year old boys are alot more complex than they give them credit for any one who has one will vouch for that, so simply giving them paper thin plot and some average eye candy to get all hormonal about is sadly lacking. Shoulda made the building plot line 5 mins max, a bit more back ground as to what has been going on in the two years since ROTF. More idea as to how a broken Decepticon leader who's alt mode is a truck gets from Central Africa to Down-town Detroit in What seems like ten mins, an excuse for that could be he simply used his Cybertronian alt jet tank thing, but nobody has ever hinted that previously used alt modes are reusable. If they are WTF doesnt everyone just use em as tanks with bad ass guns and jets, hover cars and stuff would be far cooler and the Humans already know they are here, so disguise is fairly redundant in most cases. Get rid of the seemingly pointless human sub-story that goes nowhere and could be told in 20 mins max. I don't care if Sam is getting a new job, do you really think that some one who has seen and done as much as him wouldnt be working for the military and or Sector 7, he'd be both an asset and a security risk to be anywhere other than under watch in the sort of environment that those organisations would provide. Remove his parents from it all together since his father is nothing of the G1 equivalent he is irrelevant to the story. More Decepticons killing squishys as should be the case as they don't like humans and see them as irrelevant, so their total disregard for humans should be shown much much more. That said I am gonna get it on the Blu-ray 3D version I just hope the extras are worth it. I can skip all the pointless cack just as I do in the first two films. Roll on the 4 film I say.
  2. big F

    Kit's Power

    Wtf they steal pics and bootleg the casts.
  3. I guess its thread closed time then small wonder is the winner. I am glad I only recall ever seeing it once or twice.
  4. Why that was one of the best things watch the episode and then watch the how they did it.
  5. I'm gonna hang on for the 3D Bluray version as I now have a 3D enabled tv
  6. Mr Bay probably needs more $$ for explosives and stuff to blow up for his next film. How long till we get a billion dollar production cost of a single film LOTR doesn't count by the way.
  7. Cant believe that it will all be over tomorrow, the series seems so short Although it has been gearing up to a monumental finish, bigger than last years finish I think.
  8. Like dropping an A bomb from orbit on the whole thing. Or better still a Genesis bomb with Proper protomatter.
  9. I just see them and think how much better they would look after I detail them and add all the extra paint you see on the back of the packs. I know that the "hero" versions they use for the photo shoot for the boxes are usually metal instead of plastic and therefore better quality but I just think they look so much better. Hasbro also do this on the Alternators, although I guess that they just use the Binaltech instead.
  10. I'd buy into that
  11. Some great works in progress
  12. Saw a documentary a few nights ago and read an article in a magazine, they both said that they reckon they are only 10 years from being able to have actual conversations with Dolphins. They already understand some words and postures etc. So in that case the show was kinda on the right track. they also had an episode where the kid genius Lucas was lamenting about his CD collection and how he was a kid when they stopped making them, nearly on track with that too.
  13. Always a pleasure to see your work
  14. AWESOME !!
  15. I have a non Macross F14 that one day I will get around to building, in a Macross style. This thread will be interesting Great work so far.
  16. The Beeb were never really that good at children's stuff anyhow
  17. Awwww!!!! arrive to the party late and all the good ones are already taken. There was a Dr Who spin off with K9 in it, not the Sarah Jane Mysteries which is/was Dr who for little kids and not that good. Basically what I remember was K9 going around doing stuff a bit like the Littlest Hobo only made of metal, with no decent scripts.
  18. OMG!! As a keeper of Rabbits, the furniture and plant eating and non Human killing kind , I can say that had that film been made these days then the American Human society and RSPCA would have a field day. Oh and and this has got to be one of the worst films ever. I have seen better college kid films. DeForest Kelley.......... WHY!! surely thing were not that bad.
  19. Very impressive like the B5 star fury model, these guys have managed to produce something far more impressive than Shadow Chronicles.
  20. +1
  21. Thats only relevant if you have firmware 3.55 or lower. If you have use then you can t use the playstation store, which kinda defeats the point of having a PS3. I know that release date PS3's are fully compatible, and regioning of games stops playing of non region correct games and dvd's but I am also aware that there quite a few games that despite being region what ever on the box and disc are in fact region 0 which is universal. I now have a Release day 60gig and so far I have had no problems playing PS2 titles but have not tried any Macross ones due to them all being in storage still, So I guess my question should now be...... Has anyone tried to play them on a non Japanese release day 60 gig PS3.
  22. I agree that Bladerunner is inspired but the Superdooper editors extra-long widescreen your mums gonna love it version has it's zzzzz bits but it is great for all the footage and music score, often emulated but never surpassed
  23. What about WWII Destroid inspired tanks ? Im thinking T-34, Tiger or Centurion etc Still land crawlers with that added Macross flavour.
  24. MMM! I was thinking Macross this afternoon while watching 4 P51's flying over my house in formation. Not sure where they were going but it's probably scoping out the lie of the land for the Goodwood Revival a big vintage car festival we have coming up next month just up the road from me. Im thinking SF3D crossed with Macross and WWII would be uber cool.
  25. I think same universe same time frame different story, no need to explain character ties as new ones will breed their own depth. That way if it sucks we can all just pretend it never happened.
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