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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. What you say there has merit TehPW, you may be on the right path.
  2. One word "nostalgia" that's what drives the need for a 30th anniversary version Yamies are excellent in looks and designs, but you'll never beat the Taka for durability, If your 20+ year old Taka falls from the shelf the worst thing that will happen to it is you'll have to pick up its gun and re-pose it before you put it back. Yamato's dont fair so well. Takas are perfect for giving to your children to play with dam near indestructible, I'd never let a child near my Yamies, hell I don't even let adults touch them. Chances are though if they did release one they'd want about £100 for it and that is too near the 1/48 prices for most of the fans to want a bit of nostalgia.
  3. I would settle for the whole thing done in modern cgi style, like used in the final fantasy film. It would have to be a shot for shot scene for scene copy though, no newstyle mecha that way Hummed Gawld could market it as Robotech, once they had chopped it up to match their original.
  4. Thanks Keith, that'll teach me to skim through a topic I've not read for a while. Can't help thinking it would only do the franchise good if they exposed it to PSN. After all not every Japanese PSN user has heard of Macross. The casual oh what game is that players could lead up to full on fans.
  5. The bayformers do nothing for Cosplayers the world over. At least with G1 Optimus all a guy needs to do is go down to Walmart buy some Red, Sliver and Blue rattlecans and get a staff member to get him some boxes from the dumpster. Go home paint and the boxes and don a blue baseball cap.... Done That said I do like the Bayverse deigins. Ditto !! Although I am a little older than you. That is why Soundwave should have been an ipod and not a really expensive Mercedes. I'd Like to see an entirely Cybertron film of before they all left, no human actors needed except for voices, no need for expensive shoots in deserts or cities etc, no need for blue or green screen sets and photocopied robot heads on sticks for actors to act towards. just CGI expensive yes but they are fairly well Guaranteed at least $1BN from it plus toy and merchandise tie ins. My monies in the hat saying they just go down the Oh those weren't the real Decepticons, they were just clones that didn't know they were clones, here come the real ones. Eaither that or they will dispose of the body parts into space and Unicron just picks them up A la 1986 movie, only this time he eats earth, and Michael Bay. Just for the record VW group need to get off their very high horse, War was what essentially created them, if it hadn't been for the Allies rebuilding the factory after the RAF bombed it into the stone-age, there would be no VW and nobody would know anything other than they were the dream of a past German Chancellor who wanted cars for the people. Also VW supply trucks to several NATO forces both VW and Mann, so the No War thing is rather moot IMO. For the record I am an AngloGerman VW fan boy so I can say this.
  6. This one could end up like poking a stick in a Wasps nest. But if it were up to Holly Werid they would as they are not scarred of Wasps or sticks. Lucky for us unless someone from the West eg. America buys Humngney Gawld and gets control of Big West it is unlikely to happen.
  7. Why can't HobbyCraft be like that
  8. Yeah it would be nice but I guess the closest I'll ever get to an Elint, GBP and Ostrich will be my recasts secured here on MW some years ago. We can all dream though.
  9. Does anyone know if you can get the demo from PSN or similar, as I don't have the Blu-rays, I'd like to try it out without having to go out and import the Blu-Rays for Frontier, as funds are tight at the moment.
  10. You Sir must have A1 vision and hands as stable as Granite. Your work is very impressive.
  11. When they start giving out medals at MW you should be in the front of the queue. If only your finished items could find their way to a 3D printer ;) I think that they would make Yamato and Hasegawa look bad.
  12. Looks like it may be. There are comments on the face book page about the DB errors.
  13. Your animation is a whole lot less wonky than if I had drawn it, looks good to me. How did you do it ?
  14. Yup !! it was that films equivalent of the "Luke I am your Father" moment. Even though an excellent plot and time travel wasn't even the main plot anchor.
  15. big F

    1/48 enemy pod

    Are you sure that is a 1/48 size valk it looks so tiny, like a 1/72
  16. There only a few things that time travel worked well in..... Dr Who, Back to the Future, The Time Travellers Wife, Flight of the Navigator, Bill and Ted to name a few that come to mind. Basically there is a pattern, any show or film that has time travel in it has to have time travel from the outset. It wasn't used to lamely retcon some new idea in to help script writers force some new idea that wont fit in to the existing story because they have no imagination to write without it. Time travel did indeed frell up Star Trek, that and generally having the "remodulate the deflector shield" to fix it approach to every issue, and then reusing scripts and thinking the viewer hasn't noticed. The only time time travel did any good in Trek was when JJ Abrahams re-booted the whole thing with his film, thus binning every thing that had gone before.
  17. LOL I think most of us did that. With ROTJ I just switch it off just after the Deathstar goes bang, I dont need to see dancing teddies and happy ghost force spirts.
  18. You realise that had George Lucas not made parts 1 2 3. Then we would be lamenting about a twenty plus year old film series........ Oh does that sound familiar ?
  19. It basically shows your dammed if you do and dammed if you don't. I think George should take a leaf out of Michael Bay's book (re Transformers) and just do the films the way he wants and to hell with all the fan-boy snivelling, because the story and universe has so much it can give and we all know that if he makes it he WILL make his money back on it period.
  20. Lucas inc may have to stump up 5 B$ to make it but think of the toy and other spin off licences they will get payment for. There's the kids and the collectors to feed nowadays, might not be 5 billion but it will make a dent in it. Oh and for the record I liked the new HHGTG yes it had a couple of questionable bits but fort the most part it was a modernisation of the original. It was certainly not a turd, far worse movies of recent times have been called better.
  21. big F

    1/48 enemy pod

    LoL if you build it they will ask for it I personally cant wait to see the 1/48 Monster.......(ducks to avoid incoming tools and empty resin pots) Great work though.
  22. big F

    1/55's revisited

    I cant really comment on prices last time I saw one for sale outside of eBay and Japan it was £90 in London.
  23. big F

    1/55's revisited

    Always good to see some 1/55 action
  24. Yes it does look all right like that, but you know that a full PS3 version would get us all buying it. Others in that past have exppresed worries in this area, why not use the forums build in word replacer (normally used for swear word replacement) to just sub out "Harmony Gold" for Hummny-Mold or Whoremoney n'Gold. simple no amount of search engine or bot search shenanigans would find any threads devoted to HG the Macross franchise haters.
  25. EXACTLY!! Just give us a full HD PS3 version.... job done!!
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