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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. Excellent use of the Mic parts, and kudos for re-animating the old mashed up kits. I never built my one of these but I do have the re-pop of it. Also I have the 1/200 Monster kit which I built in 1984 and my brother modified in the late 80's I plan to restore it to original as I have a re-pop of it so I can recreate decals. I was thinking of a Low-Vis type paint up for it. Rule 1 in model making never throw any kits out no matter how hidieous the build was and never never throw out the left over parts on the sprews. Rule 2 anything made of plastic can be use in modeling as parts replacement..
  2. Since right back in the actual 1980's when my friends and I first custom painted TF's to be more to our liking, I have had an interest in any customised figures and scratch builds. Been watching these guys for a while and they do make some AWESOME stuff. Great things will come from this range I'm sure
  3. So you graduated from the same school of garage management as me then. I blame the very recent house move on mine.
  4. I will reserve judgement untill reviews from members here are in and then decide if I buy it.
  5. Then the next next big thing will be flick books, the ultimate in energy savings and torrent proof.
  6. Some 3D films I cant see the point, others I can see that the 3D makes it. I have far more 3D films on Blu-Ray than I have actually seen in a cinema. Cant help feeling sorry for those who have vision problems that prevent them from "seeing" it properly, added to the fact that some cinemas are no not bothering to show the 2D version of releases.
  7. you have gotta agree lens flare is far better than that shakey cam thing the is supposed to be the in thing.
  8. That was kinda how it was in my old job only I was writing the manuals and there still was no job security.
  9. Wow I see several postworkers with hernia's from delivering those bad boys.
  10. As mad as that seems I guess it was after all a product of WWII, hell due to the whole pace of it half the R.A.F pilots didn't get full training so the fact that the training was hand me down doesn't surprise me. Now days you don't even get to touch the real ones let alone use them with out months of training and simulators. The boiler scene really put the point across for me. In this push button to start world, does anyone in the Navy really need to know how to start a Steam boiler? These days its all turbines and Nukes and bad ass mammoth Diesel engines, its a lost art.
  11. My prayers have been answered
  12. I saw it the other night, whilst it may not be the best film of the year, at least it was entertaining. Lots of footage of U.S Naval stuff, aircraft guns and ships etc, at least untill it all gets blown up. Great effects, as in TF3 minus all that off focus shakey cam crap, you can see the aliens ships were designed by the same people who designed the TF ships in TF3. Love the Aliens suits very Halo and ME3. The usual bending of the laws of physics with the "transmision" to the aliens etc but not so bad, I have paid more to see less. Worth it just for the effects, a real buy ticket, pop corn and Pepsi sit down put brain in neutral and watch film, get up go home.
  13. Is it in paperback form yet or just a pdf
  14. Cool video footage, may have to seek it out for my self.
  15. big F

    1/48 enemy pod

    Awesome !!
  16. I think Keith is on the money with his last post.
  17. LOL we had Macross 7 Ducks before Keith throws something.
  18. Wonder if this will work out ok, with Mr Cheng's work at least the sets will be good
  19. I have been buying mine via post for some years due to a lack of suppliers where I live. It's not that there are none, it's just that the couple who do add about 50% on top of the RRP, thank fully one has gone out of business due to his over pricing of everything, and the other is an arts and crafts superstore, so I feel no loyalty to them but they have a very limited stock. The thing is they just cant compete with the internet and the cheaper stores who do mail order.
  20. If Bandai release it as a 30th aniversary thing then I will get one, then I am not so bothered if Hasegawa do get around to making one or not.
  21. He looks like a school boy dressed as a cable repair guy with a fur collar.
  22. Too true. We will all have to buy it just to maintain our completist collections.
  23. Hurry up then !! A bit like they are waiting for me to buy another over priced Arii 1/72 GBP to chop up and add to a Hasegawa.
  24. Gonna have to try and catch this film, It has been totally slated in the U.K today they were saying it was the biggest loosing film of all time. Experience has shown me the film critics are best mostly ignored, I have lost count the times they have said a film was crap or outstanding and I have completely disagreed with them.
  25. OMG you are even cooler than I already thought, you have to post here when you can about these projects you are on.
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