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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. I am to blame as much as anyone, I never (yet) have finished my 1/55 ultimate pose figure, but fixing up two houses and getting married, redundancy, new job, redundancy,new job again, fix up house, seems to have taken all my time up. I still love the 1/55's. Yes the 1/48's and newer 1/60's are awesome but will never surpass the 1/55's for durability. To date only the 1/55 can be truly a toy and a display thing, nothing else has got close. My 1/55's will get finished. I have the ultimate pose a GBP, a VT1, a Super O and several "normal" fast packed Vf1's with various heads to do, one day it will happen.
  2. To be honest I had not noticed it I was more wondering if it was a bootleg head as it didn't look quite "right" to me. May be i was "seeing" the neck differences.
  3. MMM!!! I have one of those but with the non Macross decal set Always wanted to build it up and give a Macross themed paint just not as Shin's ride as its done, May be one day.
  4. Nicely done very clean
  5. Is it wrong that I am actually liking the current and near future 3rd party TF's more than whats available for Macross <ducks hail of broken bottles and bruised fruit> ? Still cant afford either but really liking what I see.
  6. All this proves to me is I really need to play it more to up my score. If only i had more spare time
  7. Well I guess that it is official 2013 is the year everyone realised Hollywood SUCKS!!
  8. LOL, and how much time did you spend living in Blighty? You know our invaded by everyone in Europe at least once messed up accents should never be trusted After-all why are we always the bad guys in films. Actually has Patrick Stewart ever been cast as a bad guy apart from alt-verse and Borg-card Trek ?
  9. Looks good to me the trigger bit could be missed out to avoid all the nasty import issues with fake/real guns and painting the barrels bright Orange. Am I seeing a Primer Grey Soundwave there too ??
  10. Yes but your paint coverage area is at least six times that of your average 1/48 kit
  11. I was kinda hoping for a live action version of Titian A.E
  12. Some users put magnets into the fast packs and removed the latching tabs that always get brittle, and look naff, but I am sure that some body did I recall reading about it. As far as the paint is concerned you always get some paint issues with resprays. I tried enameling magnets years ago as the place I worked at had an enameling painter in the paint section, but even then it eventually chips etc.
  13. I didnt buy those Nikes on a trip to Japan ages ago too, a while later someone was selling them on evilbay and they were way more than they were in Shibya plus they didnt have my size. IIRC Vans or Airwalk do somthing similar
  14. So very sad, an Icon to SciFi in general and at the head of some of the most influential stuff from the 60's onwards. Always like reading up on the builds and nostalgic reviews of Anderson things in Scifi and Fantasy Modeler when it comes out, although not always my cup of tea they are always informative. RIP Gerry, you will be missed.
  15. WTF !!! Man I should send them my spares. I paid $25 max for each of them.
  16. Nicely done, the base is an excellent idea, practical and forced perspective all in one
  17. Could it be that on the contrary to that its just down to a lack of scope with the story the writers have penned, they have so little content they have to steal from the cartoons just to get some padding.
  18. Im with you on that, eaither this or its Earrff from the future and everybody left it ages ago nature bought it back and we dont have piles of rubish and a little robot call Wally.
  19. All we need now is energon and a lot of luck. Seriously all they need to add is Quintesons, Junkions and its all 1986 v2
  20. Interesting build. I 've always liked the Blazer.
  21. At least we know that the JJprise is water proof. Super hammer thing that they bad guy (who ever he turns out to be) is swinging arround is very Brute from Halo / Space Marines / Final Fantasy.
  22. I'm glad that I am not the only person who thinks like that. Time was when I could spend at least an hour a night on this site now I just spend that a week. Its not that the content is any less interesting it is just that you have to really look for it. I also used to get loads of reminders to let me know when old threads were posted too. Now some reminders still come (like this one) and some do not even if I re-post to it and chose to have the forum mail me, others like the StarTrek one mail me every-time there is a post so I get 5 a day. checked the settings and everything is correct so go figure. This is not a rant by the way. I love this site and it is the only source for Macross news AFAIK , and unless actual 50 foot green aliens turn up or NATO produce transforming aircraft it always will be. I still have all my 1/55's and all the add on bits in storage ready for that day I get time to do something. I even bought boot legs as a source of parts and something to give as of yet un born/hatched children to play with. 1/55 rock and will always have a special place in my heart.
  23. IIFC One DVD set I have was almost as much subs and alt dubs and extras as it was film/episodes when I ripped it to my media server, I love my DVD ripping software with it's options to include or exclude sound tracks and extras, it always knocks at least a couple of gigs off the size of the export. Plus the films or what ever start imediately with none of that fluff and crap and trailers at the begining. Isnt it kinda still illegal in most of the world to rip DVD's and Blu-rays ? Not that most people care or get punished for it.
  24. IIRC there were three or four that got regular outings one IRC was also from the film. Kudos for them in saving money though. cant be bothered to skim through the DVDs to work out which ones.
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