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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. So true. Less squishy time more metal time I say! I still kinda like the Bayformers but I also love the G1 / 2 TF's so I'm very split on the whole subject.
  2. All the cut scene vids make it look nice but I want to see actual game play be fore I make a decision to buy or not.
  3. If I recall there was a video or something I read from the first film that one of the designers or it may have been Mr Bay saying they wanted the TF's to be a total sum of their parts with no Anime magic as in the cartoons, believable that they could be that car or truck. Try watching the DVD frame by frame and you can see that stuff doesn't just appear and disappear as it did so often in the cartoons. My main bitch about it is that the characters are all very two dimensional except for Prime and Bumblebee and Megatron and Starscream. At least in the cartoons they all had depth, even if they did just seem to come and go and suddenly just turned up with no explanation. At least Bay has covered that by having the new characters come to Earth as protoforms receiving the signal Prime sent and likely the Decepticon equivalent, homing in on the others that are already here. Endless possibilities for new characters.
  4. I just saw this thread pop back up. I no longer work for the company whose art dept did all the large scale printing. Although I do know some one who may be able to help. We have the PDF further up this thread but really need the cut diagram or a nice vector version. Sadly my original card one got trashed during one of my house moves. I suppose I could start again.
  5. Exactly..... Welcome to the future of war, well at least as soon as Laptops become autonomous and have USB powered guns.
  6. LOL Like everything here its all Apples or Pears. I do love the fact that here we have a common interest but still so diverse in our likes and opinions.
  7. I saw it last week and I liked it. Plenty of nods to the pre reboot films and TOS. Coherent plot, and well placed, visually better than the last one. I can see though that plenty of people will hate it.
  8. LOL some of the Wave kits I have you don't need sharp side cutters, you need an AXE.
  9. I have 3 or 4 of that kit. the one I am going to eventually build I also found that the plastic parts are really well secured to the sprews.
  10. ?? Yamoto goes bust closes down or what ever and everybody for now can no longer get there largescale Macross fixes. It seems that big things always happen on Macross World when I go away.
  11. I look away for a few weeks and this happens
  12. That was the one thing I never liked about my G1 Motormaster. At least they are staying close to the original design,Even if we don't like it.
  13. In the end he will just do what ever his mind decides ask he is Michael Bay obviously awesome in his own opinion. I can just picture him saying to himself "Man I am so AWESOME!!!!!" he is an arsehat!!
  14. Stuff the fact that they will probably be turned into generic 2 dimensional EMO teenagers who can fly and other non cannon things. If the Phoenix sucks it all sucks
  15. Me too. Defensor was one of the more marketed Combiners, and one that I got back in the day. Inferno would be an easy one the original G1 was nearly there just add in a bit more articulation and slight detail here and there and bam!! your done. the blockyness was part of the design IMO. Does any where actually have light blue fire trucks ?
  16. Believe it or not toothpaste is really good rub it on with a piece of cloth and it polishes quite nicely, only really good for fine scratches though.
  17. At least here on MW we all have some similar interests so you can at least get an idea if you will actually like it.
  18. Is it time to bring out the "they raped my childhood" posts yet ?
  19. Thanks for posting these, I cant find mine so I guess these willn help.
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