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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. This is epic, My take on the alt-verse, was/is a Victorian era, what if it was 1899 not 1999, think Captain Nemo steam punk, not many people liked it here though would this translate into a 3D printable ? I'm thinking kit builds
  2. I just wish I had a bigger display cabinet.
  3. Im a big fan of the altverse idea. I love the fact that you are trying this. The head needs to have the mecha look whilst having a WWII era feel, not sure yet exactly how. I was thinking you'd almost need a leather flying cap look crossed with a VF1.
  4. big F

    1/55's revisited

    I have a 1S that has this too. I assumed it was a late run or maybe a Taka rebrand or something. Kanata67 is the one to answer this but he is busy with RL stuff so is not on here so often these days
  5. Chances are they will be comic relief, Bay only seems to know or care about the cartoon, where the Dinobots were comic relief. Shame of it is the Dinobots were always far cooler in the various comics, and more recently the War for Cybertron game.
  6. Should we just start a thread up called "What's next to my workbench" where we can post pictures of our tools and workshop gear.
  7. The place I used to work at had a policy on home work. You could use and do what you needed to provided it was after or before work at weekends or during break times and didn't mess with production. Most of the staff were always doing homers. I've lost count of the things I welded polished modified or plain old just made while I was there.
  8. This is an outstanding thread. Having a background in engineering and toolmaking I can only dream of having my own tool shop. With just some of the tools I once had access to. You do certainly get what you pay for. I have found that the cheap metal drill bits you get at the thrift stores are absolutely pointless for drilling metal, but are great for plastics and acrylic. In the U.K we have a a place called Machine Mart. They do everything you could ever use in hobby work. Good prices, and the quality on the whole is o.k The second hand market is also a great place to get tools. A friend recently bought a machine shop lathe for less money than It cost to hire a van to take it home.
  9. I just wish someone would make a kit that I can build and also fit on a shelf afterwards.
  10. Those that saw the BBc presentation on Saturday did anyone notice that the previous Doctors on the show ( Peter Davidson and Colin Baker) both appeared in Who as someone else before getting cast as the Doctor, just like Peter Capaldi, deliberate or just chance ?? I saw this connection before they actually shoved him on stag I'm guessing that part of it was just luck.
  11. Well Im more happy that I have seen some game play. Nothing beats a few headshots and wacking enemies with the butt of your gun. Scenery looks nice too.
  12. I was hoping that they'd fix that on the DVD due to the back lash about it, they never did though Cant even fix it my self as its not actually subtitles, its embedded into the film.
  13. Curve ball time, what if its Nemesis Prime. Would Bay even know or care what that was. Alternative is if it is not Motormaster the what if it is Ultra Magnus. Although this is a Bay film so its just as likely to be Ironhide back from the dead.
  14. There were two books written for this. The second dealt with the the events after the Roswell incident and went on to just before the invasion in the first film. It was a clever story but does not have anywhere near enough bangs an helicopter chases to make a film with. I guess we will have to put up with a V like sequel oh the main fleet hid behind the Moon, now we are here to kick your hooman butts!!
  15. I Love Bees. I am going to get my own Hive once the house renovations are done. Then I will have my own 3-B printer
  16. Applause all round
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