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big F

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Everything posted by big F

  1. IIRC there are two game engines that most FPS's are based on, the old favourite and much modified and bolted onto Unreal engine, used originally by Unreal, still a great game with a modern graphics card. The next heavy hitter is the Cryengine a lot of recent games take this one into bat, even the latest Mechwarrior game uses it. There are others that I am sure members here can post about though. So with this in mind it is no wonder they all work and look similar.
  2. I only expect HD when the film or whatever has been actually filmed in HD. Stuff that was never shot in HD is a bonus if you can get it in HD. Far too often I hear the younger generation complain about things not being "perfect" I had a conversation with a coworker who is younger than me. He loves SciFi but wouldn't entertain the original StarTrek films as they were too old fashioned for him...... But he loves 1970's SciFi. Go figure ?
  3. Most FPS's are too Halo like, if you like Halo that's mostly OK although sometimes I wish for a little more variety. Halo is to FPS what Hover is to vacuum cleaners.
  4. The next step is to totally re record it from scratch using cgi instead.
  5. I too am tempted to step up for beta. The last one I did was Halo 2
  6. Some posts here were obviously wearing red shirts as they didnt come back when I reloaded the page.
  7. Very true, my old boss has several super cars including a Ferrari or two, the money he spends on servicing was more than most of us spent on buying our cars in the first place. For him though it was all about prestige, something that you'll only really get for the wider market if you spend serious coins. A plastic Jap rocket is great but doesn't usually appeal to the same market. What ever though as this tread is heading off the mainline....
  8. An in depth review there. Some interesting points, I agree with you on your points of character depth and, I do think that Khan should have been more like his TOS self. Agreed not a fault with Benerdicts acting, he is a great actor. Im not saying he should have had an 80's Bon Jovi look but more connections to the original, after all in the time line his original actions would have been the same pre the reboot. So there should have been more to that. The point of the Ferarri vs the Supra in the fast and furious film was, if you spend 300k on a car it does not automatically make it great. Spending around 100k on a Japanese nugget can get you the same or better performance. A bit like my friend in his rusty old VW camper getting snooty looks at the lights from BMW and Porsche owners. He has a boared out flat 6 crammed in it and mostly smokes them. He is a regular at the quatermile strip. It may not look like much but has it where it counts. The same can be said for films hundreds of millions worth of budget do not automatically guarantee a block buster, some of the best films have been made on a shoe string. I do agree though everyone is far too quick to blame everything else for ther own inadequate script writing these days. "oh it was the actors" "technology was not up to the task" "the computer game tie in ruined it" etc.
  9. big F

    1/55's revisited

    Oh for little blue Policebox I do have a few of those though.
  10. I'd never heard of it till the trailer I saw in the cinema. Looks like it will be an interesting thing to see.
  11. Are we looking at a 570 scale at around about 2 foot ?
  12. That and the target audience probably don't have 2-3k to spend on the living room entertainments.
  13. It looks like the love child of an Xbox controller and an iPad mini. But will it actually work ?
  14. At the end of the day and enthusiasts PC is only as good as that individuals wallet is deep. I build my machines to do specific tasks so if it only needs a single core and bear minimum OS (read XP) that's what it gets. on the other hand my more powerful system is way more powerful than any of the games i play on it would ever need, but it is good at video editing and image manipulation. I work in IT so you'd think I would have the latest stuff, but yet my stable still has a PII with an overclocked Slocket a couple of Athalons and Quad Core P4 775 with SLI, among newer machines,each has its place. I am just building a Quad Xeon for use as a desktop, just because I can, and have the parts in my stash box at work. The fact that they are not what most may call enthusiast PC's I don't care. As Mr March said I barely feature on the Radar of most of the L33T enthusiasts out there, but how many of them would break out the soldering iron to fix the board they use when it pops a Capacitor ? How many people water-cool the PC they use in the Garage to look up parts and play music while doing spanner time on their car........ I did just because I could I am lucky as I get so many cast offs via work it keeps me happy in my PC modding enthusiast world. I do hope that Steam do allow for the true enthusiast builder to build whatever they want and full support for the various graphics cards Mobo combos etc out there to cater for everyone. both no holes bared to the just enough to get it to work user. We could well end up with the seeds for the successor of Media PC / XBMC and games consoles mess most of us now have under the TV.
  15. If the new Steam OS is based on Linux (not looked at it yet) then it has to be open source. With that in mind I'll bet if Valve don't try and make something of it others will.
  16. An image has just popped into my head. A lady like a younger version of the mum in stop or my mom will shoot, dressed in a USPS uniform with a giant brown manilla envelope struggling up the drive.
  17. I am still in the process of getting this thing transferred into a vector format. So will have to work out its scale as printed in the A4 version. Once done I could work out the print size and then find out the cost etc. If you are State side, my friend has industry contacts there so he might be able to sort out a printer more local. Other wise the envelope I think the envelope might be quite big
  18. Right seeing this thread po up again and recently looking into Pepakura versions of the ARMD, this is by far the better option. As I have not got the illustrator version of this build, I'm going to get the PDFs into work and see if I can convert them into something we can work with. We have some software that may help. I also have a friend who says we can get them printed onto styrene, in what ever size we want. He runs a signage company who print on vinyl and PVC and styrene. So if I can get it worked out I could get a price for an order.
  19. I just watched the M38 video and it reminded me so much of what Post Spacewar 1 Earth would look like, at least we know that a live action Macross could convincingly pull that off.
  20. No He just has really big Coins that make everything he does look small. Except for the Daedalus, where he just has really tiny coins to make it look 6ft long.
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